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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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zherdev blade

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I'm guessing Russian baby boys are given rattle with toe hooks at the end...so they get used to using them at a young age.



Kovy's and Ovechkin's curves.

Malkin also has a toe hook.

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The Malkin One90s I've seen are just mid-heel bananas. Basically old Kovalchuk mirrors.

As for that Ovechkin, I'd try that sumbitch out.

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Yeah, all the Malkin's I've seen are big mid to mid-heels, depending on your opinion.

Malkin pro is similar to Semin pro.

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Not sure what iteration that Kovalchuk is, but that's the same one I have on an Inno. Then there's the old Synergy he'd pull out for the third period, just a retail Zettermodanoberg.

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I bet semin's curve is pretty nasty the way he fires off his wrist shots. Also, was anyone else watching the FSN feed of the caps -pens game last night? Bob Errey was between the benches and they were trying to zoom in on Ovechkins curve, but because he was at the end of the bench he could see the monitor and kept moving his stick around so they couldn't focus in on it. Was pretty funny, and with that curve, i'm not surprised!

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is that ovechkin retail curve?

No. The Ovechkin retail is very similar to/a clone of the Drury from Easton. The one posted is his curve, a gentle heel with a toe hook and a face more open than a sandwich on one piece of bread.

I'd really love to try it out, too. I tried a toe curve and I couldn't do jack with it, sticking to my heels and the occasional mid. If anyone sees a pro-return of his, shoot me a PM :P

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That curve actually looks useable :)

OT: His wristshot is amazing. Check out his flat footed cannon against the Penquins last night.

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I have a Smyth retail and a Kovalchuk pro stock and it's not as close as you would think, the Kovalchuk is a tad more open with more hook in the toe, but it's somewhat close I guess.

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I was about to comment on that as well... Semin had a pretty sweet completely flat-footed snipe, he's gotta be using a real meat hook or else have forearms like Popeye.

I dont see the connection between powerful shots and curve types

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zherdev's blade coming out of the locker room...zherdev_blade.jpg

so illegal

I'm guessing Russian baby boys are given rattle with toe hooks at the end...so they get used to using them at a young age.



Kovy's and Ovechkin's curves.

Malkin also has a toe hook.

i would do anything to use that curve on the left

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