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Wooden Butt End In Pro Stock?

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Feel, balance, superstition. I've noticed most of the prep-ed sticks have been cut and plugs have been inserted. That's not all but probably half of the prep-ed sticks I've seen.

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Balance and vibration dampening. Some guys also like to shave down the butt end to better fit their hand.

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Plus, if they want some sort of odd length and the factory won't make it to length for them, you can't cut a composite plug, so if you needed an extra 1/4 what else would you suggest?

I think USA hockey requires that shaft ends have some sort of plug in it, too, as an empty butt end can cut. Perhaps they've just gotten used to it (plus that way pranksters can't fill it with water when they're not looking).

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you can't cut a composite plug

I think USA hockey requires that shaft ends have some sort of plug in it, too, as an empty butt end can cut. Perhaps they've just gotten used to it (plus that way pranksters can't fill it with water when they're not looking).

Why can't you cut a composite plug? They're not even composite, they're plastic with a carbon weave sticker anyway.

A small knob or a piece of tape would cover the hole. Why wouldn't a player wanting some specific length ask for the nearest inch and cut down?

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i've seen guys in the swiss league, jeff toms comes to mind, keeping in mind, this guy is like 6'5, i watched him tape his sticks, and he brought this bag to the table with him, he'd cut his stick down to like his sternum, and then insert a wood plug, that went exactly to his chin, he said the extensions he ordered off this guy, they are his height, and shaved down to his specs, he told me he like the feeling of wood on his hands, and having a smaller shaft to hold onto. in that bag he had like 10 of those extensions, he'd take each one, hold it in his hands, if he liked it it stayed on the table, if not it went back in the bag, he'd narrow it down to one, then modify it to his likings.. shave a touch more etc..

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I put end plugs in my stsicks that dont even stick out the top if they dont have to. I just dont like the "hollow" feeling and it balances better for me

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It would be great if we could get rid of wood all together, it is weak and not every wood end plug is the same, so when people say that it is weight, I don't believe it. Honestly I have to cut all of my sticks down and I have never benefitted from this new "wrist flex" that stick companies are incorporating in thier sticks, so to me composite would be better and more consistent.

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I've also seen them cut at angles. Like this: img2033cq8.jpg

I assume that's for pinkie off, while more surface area on the palm.

Hmmmm. Looks kind of familiar.......

Actually, sometimes when you see the pro sticks cut at angles, it's because some of the poor bastards don't have miter boxes at their equipment tables!!!

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I've also seen them cut at angles. Like this: img2033cq8.jpg

I assume that's for pinkie off, while more surface area on the palm.

Hmmmm. Looks kind of familiar.......

Actually, sometimes when you see the pro sticks cut at angles, it's because some of the poor bastards don't have miter boxes at their equipment tables!!!

the reason your end is angled isnt for going pinkie off though is it?

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No, my Ergo grip had a lip on the end that made it pretty much impossible to play "pinky off", so I had to adjust, which might be one reason I found it so hard to shoot. I actually don't play "pinky off" so much as "pinky resting up against the side of the knob" though.

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No, my Ergo grip had a lip on the end that made it pretty much impossible to play "pinky off", so I had to adjust, which might be one reason I found it so hard to shoot. I actually don't play "pinky off" so much as "pinky resting up against the side of the knob" though.

Hi Jarick, because you gave the Ergo a real honest to goodness try, we would be willing to give you a custom pro stock Ergo to try. The stock Ergo works really well for a lot of people, but others like to have a bit more top hand movement. If you're interested, e-mail us on our website.

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No, my Ergo grip had a lip on the end that made it pretty much impossible to play "pinky off", so I had to adjust, which might be one reason I found it so hard to shoot. I actually don't play "pinky off" so much as "pinky resting up against the side of the knob" though.

yeah i play "pinky on top of the knob" so i cant deal with too big or too small of a knob

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I definitely liked some aspects of it, but the gripping part was weird. I think my dream "Oggie" grip would be a little shorter and shaped just like a shaft, like a wood end but made of the Oggie material.

Thanks much for the offer, but I don't have a shaft to put it in right now...I've got two Dolomite rigs that feel great without any plugs right now.

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Is it true wood ends take some speed off your slap shot.


i find its the opposite. i get more kick on my shots when the butt end is closed, whether its a wood plug or a plastic one

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