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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Happy Thanksgiving

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Happy Thanksgiving guys. I for one am thankful not only for this game but also for having people around me that support and encourage me in my hockey journeys. I wish the best to you and those around us.

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Enjoy the remembrance of one of the first acts of terr'ism in America.

And Happy Thanksgiving. Love turkey. LOVE IT.

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I've been in lovely Elmira NY today, this is one of the days I don't enjoy my job. Anyone who has been to Elmira will understand.

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Sorry to hear it, Chadd.

Certainly not thankful for this case of Mono I'm fighting. Or the broken foot. I have to say, though - aside from this brutal stretch I've got going here, I don't have too much to complain about these days - the Hockey Gods have (for the most part) been pretty good to me lately; on and off the ice.

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it was a great day with family. i'm glad i didn't ruin it by watching the lions. hope everyone had a great day with family and friends.

oh i should have mentioned that i can't stand the lions they are a wastse of time and money.

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Hey, I hear you like the Lions or something and they're having a bad year.

I'm absolutely stuffed. Too stuffed, but I was trying to be polite and try some of every dessert that people brought. I think I'm going to try and pass out so I can go cart women around for sales tomorrow.

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