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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spray Painting Sticks

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I have always spray painted my sticks black on the bottom. I was thinking about painting my new s17 white at the bottom, and continue it with white tape to the toe. Goalies wouldn't be used to it. Any thoughts?

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i sprayed a stick white at the bottom and did the white tape and honestly was recieving worse passes and couldnt catch them as easy......could just be me but i doubt it

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ah! yes i never thought of that the idea behind painting sticks white is to confuse the tender of the angle your sticks at, but players may find it hard to see your blade to pass to

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I also have a original synergy in my flex and pattern that i just found on eBay, and a new se too. which one should i try the white paint on? or i could do white paint with black tape? That way teammates can see tape to pass, and goalie still has trouble. :P

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This conversation reminds me of Gretzky's original Easton with the chrome/mirror finish, my friend swore it was to blind the goalies as he stickhandled :lol:

I say paint the stick to your liking, I personally used to do the black blade b/c I loved Adam Graves and thought it helped hide the puck better... it didn't help me score any more goals but it sure did look pretty badass. I'm tempted to hit my Synergy SL w/ a couple light coats of truck bedliner spray to try to prolong it's life (and look cool)... I use the stuff for a variety of things b/c of it's light textured finish so I'm curious to see how it will work on a blade (around the tape of course b/c I don't think the tape would stick too well to it).

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I paint my sticks for consistency mostly. I own all different brands and colors, switching between them is kind of odd at times. I like looking down to the blade and seeing the same black profile with white tape, it lets me know exactly where my blade is and I can more easily gauge where the puck is when I do a quick peek. If I started moving toward one brand or a single stick more often I would probably not worry about it, but having a chrome, then a red, then a gray, then a black stick got a little much, so I started making sure my sticks were black.

The spray paint chipping up to reveal the stock graphics doesn't bother me that much so long as there's no large spots of different color.

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Kinda off topic but here we go anyways...

In the "G" world when something is all black it is considered "Murdered Out"

My question is anyone know what is called when its all white? "Angeled Out?" :rolleyes:

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  McDougalfaschnitzer said:
I painted my s15 white as an experiment, although I usually do black for consistency as well as the fact that I don't like flashy/saturated colors on the lower part of the shaft, and it wasn't much different. Here's a pic:


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May I know what kind of paint is the best to use? do you need to sand a bit before paint??

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last year in the play offs, our entire team painted the bottom of our sticks red. not candy apple red, more like a blood red. it looked pretty damn nice.

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Sanding is the key to a better bond

I use the krylon matte black....not shiny and has great feel...like the mission Fuel TIpro sticks

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+1 on the sanding.

I used to spray paint the bottom of my XXX-Lites white. It looked pretty cool. I took my time and put tape over the Xs so it was an all white stick (If you don't know the top of the shaft is all white with it fading to black at the bottom.) with the XXX in green. It would have been better if I had done the custom option and gotten red Xs, but Im a poor college student...

But, I have stopped doing this because; A- when it chips it looks like shit, and B- at the start of the season teammates were giving me bad passes because we had never played together and they couldn't tell if I was lefty or righty. I thought my hand positioning would make it obvious, but, apparently not to some...

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Personally, I think the S17 looks unreal with the dark finish on it. When I had mine I sanded off the S17 logo on the bottom and just left it at that and it looked really sharp. I painted my old SE white and it looked very good aswell. I'm not sure an S17 would look as good with white, but there's only one way to find out.

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I did my new se grip, and it looks amazing but is chipped up after one practice. I should have let it dry more, because under the top coat, there was still a little moisture, but overall very nice.

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For the black I use the chalk board finish paint. It's a nice smooth matte finish, and is a little tougher than regular matte. For the white, I used fusion and it bonded fine. With new sticks I've painted them without sanding and there were no issues, but if the paint gets really worn I'll sand the stick just to make it look less bumpy when the next coat goes on.

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I would normally suggest taking a picture of a stick after it's been painted to cherish the memory of its paint job, but the picture may be too heavy to pick-up if paint's causing fear of added weight.

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anyone have any luck removing the Warrior graphics on their blades or is best to just paint over?

I just tried sanding the graphic off and it's not doing much of anything.

I wonder how much a clear coat after a paint job on a stick would help to prevent chipping///

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