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Don Cherry blasts Ovechkin on HNIC

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I'd agree (partially) with Don if Alex did that only when HE scores...but he does that when ANYONE on the Caps (or Russia) scores. How many times have we heard AO say it:

"I love score goals..."

He loves when he scores...he loves when a teammates scores...he loves assists. He LOVES hockey.

Yes, maybe a little flashier than the purists (like Donald S.) may like...but it's what will sell the game, and get non fans interested in seeing what all the fuss is about.

If you're counting on goal celebrations to sell the game then it is already too late. What sells the game should be what happens between the whisles.

CHad Johnson and Terrell Owens sell FAR more jerseys than marvin harrison. That should tell you something about what sells.

That being said, Oveckin is just celebrating a goal. He is jumping up and down, throwing big dangerous hugs at his teammates. He is literally just elated the puck went in the net. He is not shooting the duck (selanne), swimming (hejduk) riding the horse (tiger williams) sliding halfway down the ice on his shin pads (theo fleury) or riverdancing (roenick) hes just celebrating a goal. He is not using props or plans and therefore its pure emotion, which is what hockey is all about. You expect Steve Yzerman to swipe the puck from the greatest puck handler we have ever seen, fire off a slap shot that would have broken through armor, stick it an inch below the cross bar, in the playoffs, in a game 7 in Overtime, and then just nod and give a brief fist pump? And Yzerman was one of the most reserved players Ive ever seen. Ovechkin is not reserved, he is an outgoing personality, and his love of hockey shines thorugh when the red light goes on. He is not trying to make sportscenter or get another endorsement, hes just letting his surge of adrenaline go.

for those who didn't get the reference, or just want to see it again:

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Cherry is an idiot and obviously comes down on europeans, but this is something he has gone after even his favourites for in the past. He has frowned upon Domi showboating after fights, he tore into Crosby for doing the Mike Legg goal in a blowout when he was in the Q, etc., etc. This is something he has pretty much always disliked consistently.

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Ovechkin is a russian, so to cherry he is showboating

If Ovechkin was from windsor, cherry would be lauding his passion

I'm not trying to defend Cherry, I haven't even watched it. I'm just commenting on the topic in general.

Also, I have no vested interest in what country anyone is from, I'm Australian, and most of my favourite players are Russian!

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Let me get this straight, somewhere in this thread I noticed there was a comparison between an arrogant idiot doing some sort of contortion in an end zone with a look on his face like his shit don't stink or signing an autograph, answering a phone etc the arrogant look on their faces imply the rest of the world are a bunch of losers (ok maybe I over stated what was said on here) vs a solid young man that obviously loves every moment of playing a game he loves.

Proof to me that his celebrations are good for the sport came to me yesterday during a team party for a bunch of 8 year olds. Each boy had to stand up and say something about the year and add who their favorite player is. Overwhelmingly the boys picked Ovy. Sid came up as did Gretzky (my kid tell me I was not proud - obviously the smartest kid on the team). They love his passion, he is the kind of guy that coaches can draw motivation from. The way his passion and love of the game is translated by young boys is proof to me that there is nothing wrong with Ovy or his celebration. He is the most dynamic player in the league so get over it Cherry you idiot.

Well, 8-year-olds also prefer Mylie Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. :huh:

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We are running a LIVE radio show with Don & Brian Williams (of TSN) tonight. He has been answering lots of questions about this very topic.


There is an hour left in the show...and I bet he'll get more calls on this topic.

Didn't dawn on me to post this until just now. I was busy watching 24.

I just turned it on. Any interesting comments on it before I started listening?

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We are running a LIVE radio show with Don & Brian Williams (of TSN) tonight. He has been answering lots of questions about this very topic.


There is an hour left in the show...and I bet he'll get more calls on this topic.

Didn't dawn on me to post this until just now. I was busy watching 24.

I just turned it on. Any interesting comments on it before I started listening?

Nah...looks like they've gotten away from the celebration thing. Talking about old guys now...telling Bobby Orr and Wendel Clark stories.

[EDIT]: Don is writing the foreword for Bruce Boudreau's book. Might be an interesting read - all things considered.

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Let me get this straight, somewhere in this thread I noticed there was a comparison between an arrogant idiot doing some sort of contortion in an end zone with a look on his face like his shit don't stink or signing an autograph, answering a phone etc the arrogant look on their faces imply the rest of the world are a bunch of losers (ok maybe I over stated what was said on here) vs a solid young man that obviously loves every moment of playing a game he loves.

If you were referring to my post...I hope you realize that I was just drawing ties to American football players celebrating and the fans loving it....and OV celebrating his goals and me (along with thousands of other fans) loving it too. It is good for the game. Not sure if you were referencing me, but just clearing my air if you were. I too cannot stand Cherry.

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Getting excited and celebrating hard when the score is close is one thing, but Ovy even does it during a big lead or when he's trailing big. He's a clown and you can love him or hate him for it. But nevertheless, he is a clown and sometimes leads us to think that he enjoys the crowds attention more than he loves the game.

These words were written about Ovechkin, but I think they apply perfectly to Cherry. The best comparison to Cherry is Rush Limbaugh. While he purports to be taking part in the political dialog on a serious level, he is really just a bigoted, nationalistic, self-promoter. He can claim to be upholding certain ideals, but at the end of the day, he is doing nothing but increasing his own celebrity. And, at the end of the day, the political discourse is harmed by that. The same can be said of Cherry--he never turns down the opportunity to denegrate Europeans (or even French Canadians) or those who wear visors. His heart must have broken when Crosby showed up with a visor.

Cherry (and Limbaugh) is a tremendously entertaining guy, and I can't help but watch him on occasion, but he is a bigoted ignoramous who doesn't love hockey--he just loves his tiny, blinkered, outdated version of it. I have to say, it makes me happy to think about the depression Cherry must have felt when a European captain won the Cup last year and how he must feel to know that Europeans will win the points and goal scoring titles this year. That weekly venom he spits out every week is coming back at him hard. The greatest irony is that the game's success and growth is what he is ranting against. And the game, in its success, is leaving him far behind. Good riddance little angry ignorant man. The game will be far better off without you.

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I finally watched the full video with Cherry and I gotta say it again the guy is a total moron. Sorry to anyone who likes this guy and I don't give if the guy is being so called "patriotic" or he is old-fashioned. First off the difference between Ovechkin jumping into the boards and the celebrations in soccer are not even comparable. I mean jeez half the time he is just flying around and falling on ass. I haven't seen him rip his jersey off, do any airplane garbage. He hasn't done anything like in NFL football. To call it showboating is just ridiculous. The guy is caught up in the moment and shows some enthusiasm...maybe a bit much sometimes, but that's all it is. The goals that Cherry actually showed in the reel...has anyone checked to see if some of those are game winners??? After the goal against the Canadiens two weeks ago I think anyone would be sitting on the ice waving people on... I dont care who you are.

As for talking about someone cleaning his clock...yeah it might happen. I am sure players get ticked when he burns them, but the way Cherry talked about it is completely unecessary. Not sure if Cherry also noticed that Ovechkin could probably truck through half the defensemen in the league...because he already has. And heck if Cindy Crosby doesn't like it why doesn't he do something about it hahaha.

I would say that a majority of his goals are not celebrated like those on the highlight reel and are nowhere near like the soccer players he compares them to.

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Totally agreed with you on Ovy plowin through the defenseman, the only way the d-man can tag him is if his head is down and the dude is charging him...but the Russian Machine never breaks!

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. Brett Hull's opinion on goal scoring: "Act like you've done it before and intend to do it again and often."

What about these celebrations

Bobby Orr (soccerstar?)

This post is so embarassing it should be edited away by the mods.

Are you serious? Bobby Orr mildly pumping his fist after an international goal and you equate that to Ovechkin's celebrations? Not to mention that's the second biggest Orr celebration I could find footage of, and the other one was when he won the Stanley Cup in OT.

That's a Bobby Orr celebration right there, completely dangles a dman 1 on 1, snipes a goal, and then appears to be embarassed by it, doesn't even acknowledge the goal. Not to mention in Toronto, which was basically his hometown team. If you saw Ovechkin beat a man 1 on 1 that cleanly and score he'd just about be in the first row celebrating it. That's a 7 minute long video, if you watch the whole clip you'll see on most goals Orr doesn't even raise his hands, or if he does it's for about a half a second before he pulls them back down again. At about the 2 minute mark he really gets crazy and taps someone on the shin pads a couple times.

Argue what you will that Cherry is racist, over the top celebrations are good for the game, whatever...but to even suggest Bobby Orr was a showboat of any sort is just 100% inaccurate.

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I'd agree (partially) with Don if Alex did that only when HE scores...but he does that when ANYONE on the Caps (or Russia) scores. How many times have we heard AO say it:

"I love score goals..."

He loves when he scores...he loves when a teammates scores...he loves assists. He LOVES hockey.

Yes, maybe a little flashier than the purists (like Donald S.) may like...but it's what will sell the game, and get non fans interested in seeing what all the fuss is about.

If you're counting on goal celebrations to sell the game then it is already too late. What sells the game should be what happens between the whisles.

There has to be some value in "Why the hell is that guy jumping around like that...? (cue replay)...Holy shit...that was awesome."

Oh, so noone knows a goal has been scored unless one of the players jumps around like he just won the lottery? I would think the goal light, teammates raising sticks, horn (in home building), referee pointing at the net, or dejected look of opposition should be enough.

I'm talking about attracting non fans...Sure...I can tell when a goal is scored...you can tell...But What Ovechkin does brings attention to him, to the Caps and to hockey. If you flip on SportsCentre/er and see the typical "act like you've done it before" routine...and you aren't a hockey fan, you don't care...if you see Ovechkin's celebration...you might want to see what caused the reaction.

I'm not saying EVERYONE should do it....but the best player in the world (possibly) does it...if 5-10 other guys in the League were even HALF this energetic and showed a love for the game that he does...hockey would be a lot better off in all the places they want it to be.

It is what Ovechkin does before the over-celebration that gets him on SportsCenter, not after. By your logic, people don't pay attention to the highlight and then when Ovechkin celebrates they apparently rewind so they can see why. That is just plain ridiculous.

Again, scoring celebrations don't bring new fans, excitement within the game does. In baseball, fans don't go to see Manny shining up a homerun at the plate, they go to see the homerun. In football, the fans don't go to see the sharpie in the sock, they go to see the great catch and touchdown. Honestly, to think over the top celebrations are what is needed to sell a sport is ridiculous. Is pro bowling small time because nobody Lambeau leaps the crowd after a strike? Does billiards not draw huge numbers because the best don't pull a cell-phone after a great trick shot?

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Don is entertaining, but people who think like him.. The game passed them by long, long ago. He was a no-talent hack as a player anyhow and as coach of the Bruins, the Habs got the best of him every time. He dislikes French Canadians too.

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So Chippa not to sound like a dick but what's your point? It sounds worse than I mean it, are you siding with Cherry or are you just expanding? Personally I think that Ovy's celebrations can bring new fans into the game because of how contagious his passion is. I dont know about you but when I watch him score or his teammates score and he shows that passion it gets you kind of all fired up too and draws you in a sense closer to the game..

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So Chippa not to sound like a dick but what's your point? It sounds worse than I mean it, are you siding with Cherry or are you just expanding? Personally I think that Ovy's celebrations can bring new fans into the game because of how contagious his passion is. I dont know about you but when I watch him score or his teammates score and he shows that passion it gets you kind of all fired up too and draws you in a sense closer to the game..

You honestly don't get my point? I think I've made it plenty clear, celebrations don't sell a sport, celebrations don't create new fans.

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So Chippa not to sound like a dick but what's your point? It sounds worse than I mean it, are you siding with Cherry or are you just expanding? Personally I think that Ovy's celebrations can bring new fans into the game because of how contagious his passion is. I dont know about you but when I watch him score or his teammates score and he shows that passion it gets you kind of all fired up too and draws you in a sense closer to the game..

You honestly don't get my point? I think I've made it plenty clear, celebrations don't sell a sport, celebrations don't create new fans.

That's a good point. They don't sell a sport or create new fans. But they can get people interested in a sport they never watch if they happen to see a guy with some enthusiasim on tv. I think this is hard for most of us because we are all hockey fans. But the average guy, that just watches baseball and football, and hardly knows hockey is a sport, except that there are tons of foreign sounding names might actually pay attention for two seconds on the highlight reel if they see a guy score a sick goal and jump aruound. I have plenty of friends who think hockey is a joke of a sport, but they know who Ovechkin is because they see him on the highlights and say damn that guy is exciting. So yeah its his play that gets him there and attracts people, but they sure as heck notice him jumping around.

Look at golf. I love golf and can watch it on tv, but most people can't. Why? Because its slow and boring on tv. Well a lot of people see hockey the same way. So give me a guy that brings some passion to the game and I guarantee there will be non-fans noticing.

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My theory on golf: I have a hard enough time putting a puck in a 6' x 4' goal, no way am I going to try and put the the g\damn golf ball in that little hole.

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So if Tiger started treating every par putt like he just won the Masters then golf would be more interesting?

Um...no because par is not really scoring. Have you seen Tiger when he makes a big putt? I think its pretty close to what Ovy does. And lets see Tiger is the most animated guy in golf. Golf had real issues with fan base before he started playing, then he hits the scene and golf is pretty popular. He took almost a year off and no one watched golf, ratings were in the toilet.

I see your point and I wouldn't expect Tiger to fist pump after every birdie or eagle, but I am just making a point that sometimes flashy guys who have tons of skill bring in fans and people who haven't watched before.

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And lets see Tiger is the most animated guy in golf. Golf had real issues with fan base before he started playing, then he hits the scene and golf is pretty popular. He took almost a year off and no one watched golf, ratings were in the toilet.

Right on par (no pun intended). After the Tiger/Rocco playoffs (before Tiger went to season ending surgery) the ratings went down significantly, though I cannot recall the stats. Take the most entertaining guy out and many people lose interest. Look at the coverage of Tiger's return this season. The Golf Channel was all over it, despite the fact he lost in the second round. They know what brings in the dollars, entertainment and passion; not to mention unequalled skill. Show me a better Tiger in the NHL than Alex and I would bestow the same accolades upon him.

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I just dont think that Cherry should comment on anyone showboating when he wears suits you can see from space.

That being said, they are both very entertaining, and I like to watch both of them.

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