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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Championship prizes

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I was just wondering what various leagues give out for championship prizes, if anything, and what people thought of them? The league I play in usually gives out little trophies individually and a larger one to the team. I just think it's kind of worthless, would rather get like a beer mug or something. The trophies were great when you're a kid, but as an adult I'm hardly going to display my beer league trophies for everyone that comes over to see. Then again, there have been times handing them out that people seemed pleased as piss with them, so maybe I'm just an asshole.

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I've never been a fan of trophies. Usually the best thing we've been offered was Beer and/or ice-time. Usually $200-$250 off next years registration costs or an hour or two of free ice.

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I played for an adult team (employee team at RDV) many years ago. We even had a "coach" (one of the employees' dads) and we won the championship in our division. Went to his house, he each handed us a Heineken Keg Can. Told us to drink it and keep the can. He then took them all, and had trophies unassembled (the figurine, and two marble slabs) punched two holes in the can and that served as the base between the marble slabs. Coolest trophy I ever got.

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So far in beer leagues, I've gotten a small trophy for a league championship, and a beer mug for winning a spring tournament.

My youth teams growing up, I don't think we ever won a championship, I've lost twice in championship games that I remember, I can't remember if they gave us anything for 2nd places.

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At school it was a t-shirt which is highly coveted.

In beer league it's a tab at the bar, about $100 or so (NOT per person, obviously).

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for ice, we get tshirts... like i need another t shirt..... and for roller we get a trophy for the team and practice jerseys with the sports complex's logo on the front... we have won 5 championships with our team there.... and they have run out of colors to give us... WTF. I don't want a $12 jersey... I don't want a trophy... i would much rather see a little bit of money deducted off of next years dues... instead... they have a mini tournament and the winner and second place team end up with a bye in the first round.... less time on the rink!!!

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At Johnny's in chicago they champ teams got beer mugs and a team photo in the bar. Not so bad. (i never got one)

At a league in skokie IL, the first and second place teams got crappy plaques. Those were a friggin waste of player fees.

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The roller league I used to play in gave out t-shirts. I always had the team sign mine. There's only a couple I've worn out of the dozen or so we won. I"ve got 1 trophy from a tourny that sits in a box in my storage room. We won a tourny last weekend and we won our pride back from not having a good season.

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I like the beer, or a discount on the following season's league fees. I mainly ask because the trophies just seem like a major waste of money. At about 280 bucks per team with 17 division champions it's quite a lot of money. Spring prizes are usually medals, which are a little cheaper, but still you're looking at around $7,500 yearly just on trophies and medals. The league owner isn't the brighest most pracitical guy, at times I don't think he quite grasps how these little bells and whistles that no one needs are impacting player's budgets.

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I've gotten t-shirts, bags, and hats. I usually end up giving that junk away.

Re: getting discounts off the next year's registration - I can see that being the source of so many problems. Does that mean everyone on the team is entitled to play the next year ? What if the team doesn't want so-and-so ? What if the captain/manager wants to change teams or revamp the line-up or move up a division or down a division ?

And as for alcohol... any league giving away bar tabs or beer probably never ran that by a lawyer.

Personally, I'd prefer leagues save the money on the junk and cut the registration fees for everyone up front - but if there had to be a prize I'd prefer it to be something like engraving the winning team's name on a plaque displayed somewhere in the rink.

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  NuggyBuggy said:
And as for alcohol... any league giving away bar tabs or beer probably never ran that by a lawyer.
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Our league used to give away a case of beer to the winners and losers but that stopped the year before we won.

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  NuggyBuggy said:
And as for alcohol... any league giving away bar tabs or beer probably never ran that by a lawyer.
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Why would that be a problem? A keg or two at the rink where playoffs are being held all day shouldn't be a problem at all. It covers everyone who makes the playoffs, you get a ticket per drink, one per registered team memeber, in a league where everyone has to be 21 to play in. Hell check the IDs anyways just in case. But they aren't "selling" the beer so the rink didn't become a bar, they limit the consumption and they watch to be sure you don't walk out of the rink with a full cup.

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