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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Your current equipment

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Helmet: Nike Bauer 3500

Visor: Itech HS22 Straight Cut

Shoulder: Tour RH Padded shirt (I'm a men's leaguer lol)

Elbow: Sherwood Classics

Gloves: Fury Pro-Stock Knit (Wolski)

Pants: Easton Synergy Girdle/Bauer 6000 Shell

Shinguards: Vic Air-Tec Classics

Skates: Easton 1500c's/Tuuk LS2 holder/runner

Stick: RBK 6K Pro-Feel shaft

Blade: Fury P17 (like PM9 Modano)

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Helmet: NBH 9500

Cage: 9500

Shoulder pads: NBH vapor xxxx

Elbow pads: NBH vapor xxxx

Shin pads: NBH vapor xxxx

skates: NBH One95's

stick: vapor xxxx shaft + 2 vapor xxxx wood blades

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Here's my latest update.

Helmet: Easton S-17(Easton cage) Bauer 8500 ( 8500 cage)

Undershirt: Itech Long Sleeve Compression Fit with BNQ Certified Neck Guard

Shoulder Pads: RBK 8K ( Great protection at any level)

Elbow Pads: Jofa 9144's

Gloves: RBK 8K's / Easton S-11's

Pants: Tackla Pro 5000's/ Graf 700's ( Like the European fit)

Jock: RBK 9K compression fit shorts with velcro sock holders.

Shin Pads: RBK 8K's (Amazingly Protective)

Skates: Graf 735's, Bauer Vapor XXII's

Edited by duch

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All in my profile but...

Recently I've added:



Ferland gold shins

Jofa 5044 pro stock elbows(FINALLY!)

NBH 9500 helmet

Easton S9 Pro helmet

Easton Z-airs(pro stock Flyers)

And about to add an Oakley Straight small half shield, havent decided which helmet it's going on.

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Skates: CCM Vector 10.0 Special Edition with Nike Bauer LS2 Holders and Steel, Nike Bauer Supreme One90 with Nike Bauer LS2 Holders and Steel

Shins: RBK 9K, Nike Bauer Supreme Pro Lightspeed

Jock: Bike Performance Elite Jock Strap and Proflex Max Cup

Pants: Tackla Pro 5000X, Tackla 9000 Air

Shoulder: RBK 9K, Nike Bauer Supreme Pro Lightspeed

Elbows: RBK 9K, Nike Bauer Supreme Pro Lightspeed

Gloves: Nike Bauer Pro 4-Roll, Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX, Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX Pro

Helmet: Nike Bauer 8500 with Nike Bauer 8500 Cage, Nike Bauer 4500 with Nike Bauer 9500 Cage

Sticks: Sherwood 9950 RG PP6087, Sherwood 9950 RG Spezza, Nike Bauer Supreme One75 P106, Nike Bauer Supreme One90 P106

Edited by boganz45

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  greech said:
  gerbe3:16 said:
  blueliner27 said:

Picked up Pro stock Ryan Shannon Easton Glove from canucks sale

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Got any pics of those? I'd love to see them.

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+1 Shanny's a wicked nice kid, love to see 'em.

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I'll post a pic soon.. sorry about this response getting so late..

(glove's really smelly... I had to work on it for about a month to get rid of smell... :blink: )

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Helmet: Rbk 8k Navy blue (Possibly CCM Vector this year if team wears it)

Shoulders: Easton Ultralite

Elbows: Easton Ultralite

Gloves: Nike Bauer Pro 4 Rolls Navy (Possibly CCM if team wears them)

Sticks: Easton Stealth CNT Grip Heatley 85 flex x2 (Best stick ever made)

Pants: Rbk 8k Navy

Shins: Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX

Skates: Nike Bauer Supreme ONE95

Under shirt: Rbk longsleeve navy

Jock: Shock Doctor tight

Socks: Nike Bauer

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Easton Synergy 555 Senior Elbow Pads

NikeBauer Vapor XXXX Pro Senior Gloves

Easton Senior Synergy ST4 (shoulder)

Easton Synergy C4 Senior Shin Pads

Tackla 951 Senior Hockey Pants

CCM Vector 08 Helmet

Oakley Pro Aviator Visors

RBK 7K Sickick Senior Composite Shaft

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skates: Easton s15 w/ lightspeed2, vapour xxxx's

Gloves: Easton 4 rool pro (ericson)/ tps R8 Lite (nilson)

Shins: Bauer 5000 gel

Pants:Rbk 6k's with added padding.

Chest: itech 955

Elbow: easton synergy 300

Lid: Easton S17 w/ itech pro wave mirrored visor.


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  marc_9 said:

Helmet: NBH 9500

Cage: 9500

Shoulder pads: NBH vapor xxxx

Elbow pads: NBH vapor xxxx

Shin pads: NBH vapor xxxx

skates: NBH One95's

stick: vapor xxxx shaft + 2 vapor xxxx wood blades

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And I thought my gear was onesided.. ;)

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Helmet: NBH 5500 with cage - best helmet i've ever had

Shoulder pads: NBH 4000 - cheap, durable, and do the job

Elbow pads: See shoulder pads

Gloves: NBH SDP - little bulky but they've lasted for 2 years and haven't let me down

Pants: NBH 800 - comfy, a little torn but they're 3 1/2 years old.

Shin pads: NBH 4000 - ordered them too big a year and a half ago, buy they still work

Skates: NBH Supreme 50 - poorly baked and fitted, starting to fall apart.

NBH Supreme ONE55 on order

Stick: NBH Vapor XXV - couple months old, well used, been fraying at the heel for a while now, and still in one piece.

Getting an Easton S5 when the Bauer breaks

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Update ;)

Head: Nike Bauer 9500

Shoulders,legs,elbows: Vapor xxxx

Pants: Vapor xxxx

Sticks: 3 x Vapor xxxx & one 90's

Skates: xxxx & one 90's

Gloves: Vapor xxxx

Photos coming soon!

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Skates-NBH One95

Gloves-Eagle PPF

Helmet-RBK 8k w/ CCM 480 Chrome

Shoulders-Bauer Lightspeed 8000

Elbows-Bauer 6000

Pants-NBH One90

Shin-Bauer 8000

Sticks-3 Mission Fuel Grips, 2 TPS RLXN10 w/S15 blade, 2 TPS Response+

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Helmet: Mission Intake w/ Bauer 8500 cage

Shoulders: Itech 255 or Sherwood 5030

Elbows: Easton Stealth S9

Gloves: CCM Vector Pro

Pants: Bauer Vapor XXV

Shins: Bauer One90

Skates: Bauer Vapor XXV


Warrior Dolomite NG 340 flex Robitaille

Warrior Dolomite PF 300 flex Weight

Picked up a new Dolo tonight as 07's were on sale. Sold off my other shafts and blades.

For future reference, the 75 flex Dolomite had a sticker with 339 flex written on the inside, so that answers that. Another was listed at 340 flex. My 300 flex prostock was listed at 315 and felt in between the 75 and 85 flex retails. Couldn't read the flex on any of the 85's.

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