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NHL '12

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n3ss, I miss it too.

Saying that, I'd take the CHL over that any day.

Now they need to include D1 and then USHL. Maybe some D3, CHL, IHL, ECHL. Shame they can't do any HS. I will die a happy man if I can play as Boston College.

I mean, since they are opening up this game with CHL, why not do these? There are ECHL and some CHL (maybe IHL) teams affiliated with NHL, so it should be like the MLB franchise, where, you can play as say, the cubs, and play games in tennessee and iowa and wherever that A team is.

When you start your career, you could either choose to be a 16 year old CHL player, or an 18 year old USHL player. Play 2 years CHL then your pro debuts if your good enough (which you will be, but depending on how good you've been, you might have to start in ECHL). Or play 1 year in USHL, play one or two years in D1 (or straight to CHL for a season) (2 year minimum of juniors/college) then go to pros after that.

I'm dreaming too much.

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Wow I really didn't think they'd be able to get the licenses for the whole CHL. That's pretty cool, because now not only will it add to Be a Pro, but you'll be able to scout the whole junior system in Be a GM too. It's probably still never going to be as deep as a game like EHM (obviously) but it's a step closer. I personally like the managing aspect of a game like that, so I'm excited for that part.

I kind of wonder how Be a Pro is going to work though. How many seasons will they make you play in the CHL? Or maybe you'll have a choice between 1-3 years? Regardless I'm looking forward to seeing what else they are going to add. Thank god it doesn't look like they're going into Madden mode with the demise of the 2K series and just giving us a roster update for the new game. Mack I'm with you, hopefully they make some good changes to the gameplay too. There's no fallback now if the EA series sucks, so make it good EA...

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n3ss, I miss it too.

Saying that, I'd take the CHL over that any day.

Now they need to include D1 and then USHL. Maybe some D3, CHL, IHL, ECHL. Shame they can't do any HS. I will die a happy man if I can play as Boston College.

I mean, since they are opening up this game with CHL, why not do these? There are ECHL and some CHL (maybe IHL) teams affiliated with NHL, so it should be like the MLB franchise, where, you can play as say, the cubs, and play games in tennessee and iowa and wherever that A team is.

When you start your career, you could either choose to be a 16 year old CHL player, or an 18 year old USHL player. Play 2 years CHL then your pro debuts if your good enough (which you will be, but depending on how good you've been, you might have to start in ECHL). Or play 1 year in USHL, play one or two years in D1 (or straight to CHL for a season) (2 year minimum of juniors/college) then go to pros after that.

I'm dreaming too much.

Same here, I can honestly say I would pay $100 for a video game with college hockey teams.

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Read somewhere that for the CHL all you do is play the memorial cup tournament and then get drafted.

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that would be very disappointing if that is true.

There should then be the option to either start as 16, 17 or 18 and play a full season, or, be 18 and just play MC.

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Sorry to throw you guys off topic, but I have a quick question about NHL 10. So I have a created player for Be A Pro. Is it possible to create a whole new player and have a second Be A Pro? I created a new player but when I went to start a new Be A Pro career it just loaded my original created player that I used for my first Be A Pro. Thanks.

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Sorry to throw you guys off topic, but I have a quick question about NHL 10. So I have a created player for Be A Pro. Is it possible to create a whole new player and have a second Be A Pro? I created a new player but when I went to start a new Be A Pro career it just loaded my original created player that I used for my first Be A Pro. Thanks.

i think you can go into the menu after it is started and adjust your player. I have two going. One is a goalie and the other is a Dman.

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From OXM with snippets from David Littman

"So instead of improving the game by, say, doubling the number of animations, "It's using physics," he shares. "It's not animation-driven."

What grabbed our attention the most is that the physics are based on the same engine used by Fight Night Round 4.

During face0ffs, for instance, the position you take going in lets you kick the puck, push the opposing centerman, turn your back to him, or slap his stick. In earlier iterations of the franchise, you knew whether you won the faceoff the instant the ref dropped the puck. Now, your jockeying could lead to your not touching the puck at all, giving your wingers a chance to snatch the rubber instead.

The physics also give the development team the opportunity to execute on a feature fans have been asking about for years: broken sticks. What took so long? Littman clarifies that "we didn't want to do it until we could do it right." With real-time interaction replacing scripted sequences, shattered stick can get in the way of the play, obscuring the puck during a pass or hindering you while you're skating. As in a real hockey match, this situation adds an element of panic and strategy, which you can solve by grabbing a new stick from the bench, changing lines, or --our favorite -- passing yours to a stick-less player. Breaking the stick doesn't put you out of the play, either: you can kick the puck up the ice and even glove-pass to teammates.

If a downed defender is flailing madly, the redefined deke system lets you stylishly escape around him, and even OVER him, too."

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thanks for that post... Sounds AWESOME! I like the faceoff idea, but not yet sold on the broken sticks... I think the biggest feature they need to have is a "skip the post whistle garbage" button it was fun for like a day, then it just got really boring!

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thanks for that post... Sounds AWESOME! I like the faceoff idea, but not yet sold on the broken sticks... I think the biggest feature they need to have is a "skip the post whistle garbage" button it was fun for like a day, then it just got really boring!


Such a waste of time IMO, and as soon as you accidentally hit somebody, the time gets extended by like another 15 seconds...

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Sounds good, but so did other things before execution.

I agree about the post-whistle crap. I loved poking at a goalie for a rebound, getting jumped by two guys and somehow being the only one in the box for roughing.

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Only game I'll buy the day it comes out without fail, but usually they get too excited about new features and need to tune them down.

New physics engine should be cool. Would really enjoy better character models. It's crappy to have basically an entire team of the same person with different heights. Would love to see skinny guys, bigger guys, etc.

I also hope they simplify things a bit. I mean I enjoy having all this realism, but I don't want to memorize 10 different button layouts that use everything on the controller. Maybe a little situational awareness would be nice.

And for the love of all things holy, fix the damn BAP so I'm not immediately superman.

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i hope they add more to be a pro. I want to be able to negotiate my contract, or atleast have the ability to to say no. request a trade should be an option too.

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i hope they add more to be a pro. I want to be able to negotiate my contract, or atleast have the ability to to say no. request a trade should be an option too.

This is the biggest thing for me to improve BAP. It's way more fun to be a journeyman, at least in my opinion, than to join a team and play with them over and over again for a few years. If I could go the Hossa route for a while I would probably keep one going a lot longer, moving from team to team. Plus in '09 you only got four offers, and since I haven't had the patience to play through a 3 year contract in '10 I have no clue but I'm guessing it's also 4 offers. They need to integrate more with the agent, so I can set my settings for how many years I'm looking for in the next contract, how much money, etc. theres no way a UFA coming off a Hart Trophy season gets only 4 offers. Every team sends at least a perfunctory offer.

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Pretty pumped about everything being added, but I sure hope they tool around with the created player/team options. I'm sick of seeing the same jersey patterns to create a team from, especially seeing how they're all doubled to make you believe there are more options. More options for customization, a la the 2K series would be a welcome addition. And I too would love to see the post whistle mayhem taken out.

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This is the biggest thing for me to improve BAP. It's way more fun to be a journeyman, at least in my opinion, than to join a team and play with them over and over again for a few years. If I could go the Hossa route for a while I would probably keep one going a lot longer, moving from team to team. Plus in '09 you only got four offers, and since I haven't had the patience to play through a 3 year contract in '10 I have no clue but I'm guessing it's also 4 offers. They need to integrate more with the agent, so I can set my settings for how many years I'm looking for in the next contract, how much money, etc. theres no way a UFA coming off a Hart Trophy season gets only 4 offers. Every team sends at least a perfunctory offer.

Not to mention.. i made it through 3 seasons (on easy) with grossly high numbers and a few championships and got offered like 1.1 million...

They should have an option to shorten the BAP season as well.. 80 games is a bit much. or atleast allow you to sim a few games here and there.

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Not to mention.. i made it through 3 seasons (on easy) with grossly high numbers and a few championships and got offered like 1.1 million...

They should have an option to shorten the BAP season as well.. 80 games is a bit much. or atleast allow you to sim a few games here and there.

82 games does get repetitive, Especially since I'm still playing 09 and I'm just on my 4th season. After the Red Wings kept Hossa, traded Lidstrom and Rafalski, let Franzen go, etc etc I just lost interest for a while.

There's no way to be a grizzled vet, or a 4th line role player either. I'd be happy putting up 25 point seasons but being expected to hit, forecheck, or shut down top lines. As it is you're either scoring and moving up or not and being sent down.

Some better sense of direction to the play other than the 2 notes you get about less turnovers and good shots would be good - Is my team playing zone, man-to-man, and we cycling in the offensive zone? All I get to do are created plays or have an ambiguous arrow tell me to fill the empty spot.

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College Hockey lovers, hold your breath!


Ever wish you could guide the Boston College Eagles to a Beanpot tournament victory or the Wisconsin Badgers to a Frozen Four final? Well most of us can only dream of doing that in real life but through the magic of technology... gamers and NCAA hockey fans will soon have the chance to do exactly that.

My guess is it will either get a standalone NCAA Hockey '12 or will be integrated into NHL '12. Probably the former.

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I don't follow videogames all that much, but I can't believe they'd bother with a NCAA hockey game. It's less popular than college baseball, which doesn't have a game.

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EA canceled their NCAA basketball game this year, there is no way in hell they are going to do a standalone NCAA hockey game. Only way it could happen is putting it up in the XBL/PSN marketplace.

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they cancelled basketball? holy shit.

about time though, as, I had like their first version, and I got one 3 years ago, and, it was the same thing, except different consoles and better graphics. no game play changes at all. that 60 dollar price tag kept it on the shelves too.

I'd expect it being added into NHL rather than a standalone, or as mentioned earlier XBL/PSN marketplace download. The main target is college aged kids, and if something is in best buy, we don't get out there too often to get it. So i can't see it being standalone just because it would miss a huge amount of the target audience by not being easily available. if it was included in nhl the hockey people would pick it up anyways, and XBL/PSN you'd get it by download which probably would get the most amount of sells.

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