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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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girlfriend is taking treating me to dinner at hockeytown cafe and bought me tickets to the wings game tomorrow! she said dont have to worry bought money and i can drink as much as i want!! lets just say pretty pumped for this birthday present!!

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The spelling, grammar, and punctuation from the above poster has to be the worst thing I have read in a long time. Is that English? Going to jab a sliver of broken blade in my eye, be right back.

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School's basketball team is in the state semifinals, and I'm one of the leaders of the student section. That's my sweet spot, now if anyone has some out of the ordinary chants for me to use? I already have some Utah State chants, like I Believe and Winning Team. Any others are appreciated

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My Highschool's varsity hockey team is in the state championship tomorrow morning, to make it extra sweet if we win it will be our first ever state championship. . .IN ANYTHING

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My Highschool's varsity hockey team is in the state championship tomorrow morning, to make it extra sweet if we win it will be our first ever state championship. . .IN ANYTHING

You'll have to let us know how it goes. Good Luck.

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My Highschool's varsity hockey team is in the state championship tomorrow morning, to make it extra sweet if we win it will be our first ever state championship. . .IN ANYTHING

What HS?

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I just accepted a job offer on tour with Varekai, the Cirque du Soleil show. Right now, the tour is doing South Korea, Manila, then heads to South America...somewhere.

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I just accepted a job offer on tour with Varekai, the Cirque du Soleil show. Right now, the tour is doing South Korea, Manila, then heads to South America...somewhere.

Wow, what role do you have in Cirque du Soleil? Are you one of the 'entertainers' or are you someone behind the scenes?

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Wow, what role do you have in Cirque du Soleil? Are you one of the 'entertainers' or are you someone behind the scenes?

I got offered a position on the Lighting team, running spotlights and fixing instruments. Should be fun!

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Debated whether to put this here or in the vent thread. The story is I haven't skated since before my 1st daughter was born (9 years ago)... a lot of it is due to a mental hurdle because of putting on so much weight since then. I've lost a bit in the past few months, so got up the courage to give it a go. I've gone to public skate a couple of times since the first of the year, but have yet to go out and help with my kids mite practices... until yesterday. So here I am, shocking all of the kids and parents as I walk to the ice... I go to hop on, take one stride and feel my left skate give out from underneath me... in front of 20 kids and parents. I land HARD on my left side just under the hip bone. Kids are all cracking up, and I'm dying of embarrassment thinking my fat ass just broke a holder. I look down and see I left one of my soakers on. I get up, laugh it off, and proceed to have one of the best days I've had in years. Absolute blast to be out there again. I felt infinitely more comfortable skating with a stick in my hands. I'm still a bit sore today, but it was worth it.

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