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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XXXX vs. ONE95

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To those who have used BOTH, which do you prefer? It's time for a new twig and it's come down to those two sticks. I've read the reviews of both of them on the board, but I'm looking for more of a side by side comparison. In a perfect world I'd just buy them both and decide for myself, but as the saying goes, money doesn't grow on trees :rolleyes:

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I have a XXXX 87 flex P92, and a One95 87 flex P10. After using both back and forth for the last two months solid, I definitely gravitate more towards the One95 due to the puck feel on the blade and the flex I get out of the stick on wrist and slap shots. The one95 just feels more a lot more alive in my hands when handling the puck. That said, I still like the XXXX, the only complaint/gripe I have is I have to lean into my shots a lot harder to feel the flex work to my advantage.

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I'm a huge fan of my One95's...the XXXX I had not so much. I couldn't really place it, but the XXXX just felt "dead" to me. The One95's are terrific though in my opinion. Best feel for the puck of any OPS I've used.

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I have a XXXX 87 flex P92, and a One95 87 flex P10. After using both back and forth for the last two months solid, I definitely gravitate more towards the One95 due to the puck feel on the blade and the flex I get out of the stick on wrist and slap shots. The one95 just feels more a lot more alive in my hands when handling the puck. That said, I still like the XXXX, the only complaint/gripe I have is I have to lean into my shots a lot harder to feel the flex work to my advantage.

I find your comparison to be very interesting. I have used a one90, XXXX, and recently a one95. i've felt that the XXXX has been the way to go when it comes to loading on wrist shots and snapshots, however the i've defenitly had a better feel for the puck and more responsive slapshots with my one90 and one95

EDIT: both of my sticks are 102flex - pm9 and i'm 185 lbs.

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I have a XXXX 87 flex P92, and a One95 87 flex P10. After using both back and forth for the last two months solid, I definitely gravitate more towards the One95 due to the puck feel on the blade and the flex I get out of the stick on wrist and slap shots. The one95 just feels more a lot more alive in my hands when handling the puck. That said, I still like the XXXX, the only complaint/gripe I have is I have to lean into my shots a lot harder to feel the flex work to my advantage.

The p10 may just be a better curve for you, I don't think this is a fair comparison.

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I liked the one95 way more once I moved up a flex. It felt way to whippy to me in comparison to my XXXX that was the same flex/curve/length.


I felt that the one95 had more whip to it than the one90, but not compared to the XXXX.

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I love my One95 P92 in 77 Flex. I've used the XXXX and One90 in the same blade pattern and flex in the past. I'm more of a passer/playmaker than gunner. I find the One95 has more better puck feel in the blade and loads better for snap and wrist shots that I take. The One95 has proven to be pretty durable too.


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if its more of a "shooters" stick why are there many guys here reporting that the 0ne 95 has great puck feel compared to the xxxx wich is meant to be more of a stickhandlers stick? patrick kane can stick handle in a phone booth and he uses a one 95. this stick offers the best of both worlds.

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Couple questions while we're talking about the One95,

Can it be turned into a shaft if the blade breaks?

Anyone have a chance to compare it to the Dolomite (or the new HD one)?

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Stickhandling ability and puck feel is completely subjective. Just because Patrick Kane does it, does that mean that you have to?

im just basing it on the reviews im getting here. i have used a one 95 myself and i love the feel for it. as for patrick kane its just an example.

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I ordered an XXXX last night, so you guys should talk more about how awesome it is to make me feel better.

lol ive also tried the xxxx recieving passes on that thing is amazing. i was in the rapid shot box at a local pro hockey life in toronto and i kept adjusting the speed of the passes.. i was able to recieve with ease and release quickly. what flex did you order?

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I ordered an XXXX last night, so you guys should talk more about how awesome it is to make me feel better.

lol ive also tried the xxxx recieving passes on that thing is amazing. i was in the rapid shot box at a local pro hockey life in toronto and i kept adjusting the speed of the passes.. i was able to recieve with ease and release quickly. what flex did you order?

87. Thats what I use now on an XII. This will be my first "nice" stick. I was considering getting a stiffer flex but I read in the reviews that someone got the 100 or 102 or whatever but liked the 87 a lot better so I stayed with it. Honestly Im sure it will be way better than what Im used to anyway (it better be for $170), I just hope it doesnt break.

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bit surprised by some of the responses in this thread.....

i've used both and after having played with both sticks for months, i probably won't go back to the One95....i'm a Vapor guy, always have been, and it looks like i probably always will be.....

reason i'm surprised by some of the responses is because a few guys have said they get better puck feel from the One95....for me, one of the biggest reasons i won't go back to the One95 is because i don't think it comes close to touching the XXXX in regards to puck feel.....IMHO, it's one of the top 2 features of the XXXX (along with pass accepting...but i guess you can say they SORTA go hand in hand in a way).....

as for shot, no doubt there's more action for slappers on the One95....BUT....for wristers and loading, it's all Vapor XXXX for me...

i used both sticks in and 87 flex, PM9 curve.....loved the XXXX.....however, my favorite stick of all time is still the Vapor XXX-lite.....and i was able to pick up a couple of those a couple of months ago.....that said, once those go on me, back to the XXXX it is...

either way....as with every stick, the same rule applies...."to each his (or her) own"

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I only got to use my One95 for one game before it broke. :/ Thankfully it was under warranty so I've got a new one to give a better test run with. The one game I used it I found the stick handling and wrist shots amazing. I had a lot of trouble with snap/slap shots though. For whatever reason they kept going WAY to high, like over the glass high. Maybe it was just being off balance on those shots, but it was a little odd. Overall I really liked the feel of it in the short time I had with it.

Anyway, I've got the One95 taped and ready to go for this weekend's games, and I have a pair of the pro stock XXXX's coming in on Tuesday. I've also got a new SE16 ready to go as well. I should get a pretty good idea of the performance of the top end sticks (sans the S17, too many durability issues scared me away from buying one of those).

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Definitely the ONE95, I unfortunately broke both of mine but for the time it lasted I loved it. I used a XXXX for a short time and I liked the ONE95 I lot more for reasons already said in the thread

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Thanks for the help guys. I'm pulling the trigger tomorrow on a stick...just not exactly sure which one yet. I'm currently using NBH One70's and I don;t like them much at all due to the complete lack of feel. I've been using 87 flexes and P88 curves. I know I'm definitely upping it to a 102 flex, but I'm also very much considering going with a P92 curve this time around...

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Decided on the ONE95. Ordered a 102 Flex - P88...should be here Monday and I have a game that night! I'll give my review when I use it for a few games. :D

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patrick kane can stick handle in a phone booth and he uses a one 95. this stick offers the best of both worlds.

Patrick Kane uses a NBH stick with a One95 paint job, he might actually be using a Vapor XXX. It could also be a One95, you never know though. NBH pro sticks can go with either paint job, it is the choice of the player.

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