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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Jason Allison literally *rips* helmet off in a fight

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rofl i saw that live...wondering if thats a bad helmet or if all of them will do that if you try, coz that'll be like my new fight move ;) lol

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Say what you guys want. I now officially believe in "old man strength".

I can't believe you even doubted it to begin with. "Old Man Strength" is the most powerful force in creation.

Anyway, let's see if Cascade capitalizes on this. hehe. Can't happen with a monoshell

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I guess the screws the EQM used were a bit short. The EQM removes the clips and adds the screw set up. Not a very good job! Must have been a minor league EQM on an internship. Way to go, kid.

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I guess the screws the EQM used were a bit short. The EQM removes the clips and adds the screw set up. Not a very good job! Must have been a minor league EQM on an internship. Way to go, kid.

No screws on that 9500...

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LOL thats just too funny, even funnier is allisons wearing a HT2 bucket so was like the helmet took control of him and said lets see how strong this new helmet is

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i was at the game. it was hilarious. but it doesnt change that Allison is the worst player i have ever seen. I could outplay him shooting the opposite direction and im not even exaggerating at all.

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I've always wondered if you could just rip someones cage of their helmet in a fight

I was thinking more along the lines of just grabbing it and ripping it really hard away from the helmet.

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I've always wondered if you could just rip someones cage of their helmet in a fight

I was thinking more along the lines of just grabbing it and ripping it really hard away from the helmet.

Yeah, that actually happens alot.

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