Chadd 916 Report post Posted March 17, 2014 Women at that age don't usually want a good person, regardless of what they say. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MThockeydad 469 Report post Posted March 17, 2014 Start chasing cougars. Of course, they'd be cougars to you. They'd look young to me. haha. Don't worry about finding the right one until the women your age develop brains. Be the kind of man that women (good women) want to be with. Not a dick, not a doormat. Then use the stuff you learned from the cougars and rock her world. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chrism14 0 Report post Posted March 17, 2014 Went to jump on my bike this morning to ride to work, but no dice! Someone had stolen it over the weekend. Great way to start off a Monday! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bunnyman666 445 Report post Posted March 17, 2014 I have the worst luck with women. Like THE WORST luck. I can never catch a break. I've never been in a relationship of any kind and I'm beyond frustrated. Why me? What did I do? Am I not a good person? Ugh.Ok, I'm done.As a fellow who got what you wanted when I was young, I wished I could've bypassed the first seven years of my adult life, as I was married, divorced five years later, then had a string of forgettable and frankly scary relationships for two years. When I came to the conclusion that Rosey and her five sisters were better than any girl out there, the second Mrs. bunnyman came along. Not only did I not get carpal tunnel syndrome, but I got a good woman that likes a good rabbit/human. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted March 17, 2014 Women at that age don't usually want a good person, regardless of what they say.God I wish I'd realized this when I was at that age. Would have wasted far less time in the friendzone. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buzz_LightBeer 974 Report post Posted March 17, 2014 Did I get a car wash on the new pick up today? YES. Did I remember my equipment bag and sticks were in the bed when I did it? NOPE. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bunnyman666 445 Report post Posted March 17, 2014 God I wish I'd realized this when I was at that age. Would have wasted far less time in the friendzone.Always remember that "just friends" = "no freaking way we'll EVER date" 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McDugan 89 Report post Posted March 17, 2014 Did I get a car wash on the new pick up today? YES.Did I remember my equipment bag and sticks were in the bed when I did it? NOPE.OH GAWD. Hopefully nothing was damaged. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stnlycup67 38 Report post Posted March 17, 2014 Start chasing cougars. Of course, they'd be cougars to you. They'd look young to me. haha.Don't worry about finding the right one until the women your age develop brains.Be the kind of man that women (good women) want to be with. Not a dick, not a doormat. Then use the stuff you learned from the cougars and rock her world.+1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted March 18, 2014 Always remember that "just friends" = "no freaking way we'll EVER date"Yup, exactly. As a dumb teen, I assumed "just friends" meant "try really hard and be super nice and go out of your way for them as much as you possibly can and maybe they will start to like you". Yea, dead wrong. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bunnyman666 445 Report post Posted March 18, 2014 Yup, exactly. As a dumb teen, I assumed "just friends" meant "try really hard and be super nice and go out of your way for them as much as you possibly can and maybe they will start to like you". Yea, dead wrong.But they secretly love the attention you lavish on them! Yuck.Once I realised that friends stay friends, I stopped wasting time. That being said, Rosey and her five sisters nearly gave me carpal tunnel syndrome. But Ms. Palmer never wanted expensive dinners to keep her satisfied (though we still share a nice Rolex watch). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted March 18, 2014 But they secretly love the attention you lavish on them! Yuck.Oh of course they love it, they have their own personal attendant who does anything and everything for them! I realized FAR too late in life that this was how it worked. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bunnyman666 445 Report post Posted March 18, 2014 Oh of course they love it, they have their own personal attendant who does anything and everything for them! I realized FAR too late in life that this was how it worked.Umm hmm. But I remember a bird who was in the friend zone (her insistence) getting soooo mad with me when I kicked her to the curb when I scored myself a shagmate!!!! She was acted like a child when the lady friend got involved to the point of sabotage!!!! I ended up breaking it off with BOTH of them.I am so glad I have a "4" as the first number in my age, rather than a "1" of "2". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted March 18, 2014 Umm hmm. But I remember a bird who was in the friend zone (her insistence) getting soooo mad with me when I kicked her to the curb when I scored myself a shagmate!!!! She was acted like a child when the lady friend got involved to the point of sabotage!!!! I ended up breaking it off with BOTH of them.I am so glad I have a "4" as the first number in my age, rather than a "1" of "2".Haha well yea, the shagmate means you can't be at her beck and call when she needs something you would have previously done for her in an instant :)Oh, drama! haha (so happy to be married now...) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bunnyman666 445 Report post Posted March 18, 2014 Haha well yea, the shagmate means you can't be at her beck and call when she needs something you would have previously done for her in an instant :)Oh, drama! haha (so happy to be married now...)Me too!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted March 19, 2014 Ordered "custom" Stevens ref pants. I truly don't have any idea what exactly makes them custom, since as far as I can tell for the extra $30 they're just an off-the-shelf size with the legs hemmed. They're like hammer pants, and now I'm stuck with them. I guess I could throw them on eBay and see if I can make ANY of my cash back. Blah. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bunnyman666 445 Report post Posted March 19, 2014 Ordered "custom" Stevens ref pants. I truly don't have any idea what exactly makes them custom, since as far as I can tell for the extra $30 they're just an off-the-shelf size with the legs hemmed. They're like hammer pants, and now I'm stuck with them. I guess I could throw them on eBay and see if I can make ANY of my cash back. Blah.Ack.(just commiserating) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McDugan 89 Report post Posted March 19, 2014 Pregnant women are batshit crazy. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MThockeydad 469 Report post Posted March 19, 2014 I am so glad I have a "4" as the first number in my age, rather than a "1" of "2". I was such a dork as a yout that I hardly even had the opportunity to get friendzoned! (not much has changed. haha) I'm really glad I'm approaching the 4, as is my wifey. Pretty sure I'd kill the 20 year-old her...then again, she today would definitely murder the 20 year-old me. It's good to have matured together. Women in their 30's are awesome. They know how shit works and they're not afraid to tell you...without drama. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hordie Gowe 17 Report post Posted March 19, 2014 I have the worst luck with women. Like THE WORST luck. I can never catch a break. I've never been in a relationship of any kind and I'm beyond frustrated. Why me? What did I do? Am I not a good person? Ugh.Ok, I'm done.Be confident and make your own breaks. Since this is a hockey focused place here is an analogy. Good teams make their own "luck" while the teams at the bottom complain about bad "puck luck" or how they never get the "bounces".You seem young and you'll be fine, nothing a good house party can't set straight. Here is some advice I received years ago in relation to women from a very successful self made happily married man, it is kinda blunt so beware and use at your own risk.1. Variety is the spice of life (until you are committed).2. Use her mother as a comparison for her future looks. 2. No kids out of wedlock.3. Get a prenup. 4. Keep yourself in decent shape.5 Save as much money as you can/ start investing while you are young.6. Wear your seatbelt (not exactly related to relationships but good enough advice to include as he really stressed it)Good Luck 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bunnyman666 445 Report post Posted March 19, 2014 I was such a dork as a yout that I hardly even had the opportunity to get friendzoned! (not much has changed. haha)I'm really glad I'm approaching the 4, as is my wifey. Pretty sure I'd kill the 20 year-old her...then again, she today would definitely murder the 20 year-old me. It's good to have matured together. Women in their 30's are awesome. They know how shit works and they're not afraid to tell you...without drama.A very wonderful woman helped me get out of the friend zone; in fact she was my wing woman. We were strictly platonic (as she was a lesbian), but noticed I was lacking game so much that she helped me out. She was freaking awesome and could get the girls to notice me quicker than a fly descends on feces. G'd bless her, she's no longer with us. I wanted her as my best man this last wedding... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Franko_10 3 Report post Posted March 19, 2014 Alright so I find it quite funny on how my first post on the forums is a vent, but I just need to let it out...So a week ago I apparently broke my wrist. At first thought it was just a sprain but after 3 days of subtle pain i finally went to the doc and the bad news came in. Out for 3 more weeks. I believe the hardest part about it is simply that I'm in a cast during spring break = zero stick and puck or playing for me, which is pretty hard to get at my rinks. Of course they have the ice open when my wrist is broken. Now don't get me wrong i still go on public ice time and skate but it's just not the same without equipment and is just a plain out pain. Not to mention how boring it is to go into continuos circles over, and over, and over again...2nd vent...So I've probably been playing on and off for about 6 years of my life. Yup I'm still a kid. 13 coming up on 14 soon. I go to stick and pucks and open ice as much as I can and we generally play scrimmages. My dad is a veteran hockey player literally played all his life. My issue now is that my mother doesn't want me to play in a league. Not even in house. Of course my Dad wants me to play, he's all for it. Not to sound like a cocky kid, I'm not the one is. I've had multiple competitive coaches asking me what team I play for and constantly I have to say I don't play on a team. Next is would you like to play? And of course I say yes. Next is would you like to come and practice with us once...and I have to say no...just because my mother doesn't want me to play. I believe I have practically convinced her on me playing house or in a summer league this year but. I'm still a skeptic if she'll follow through...Any suggestions? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MThockeydad 469 Report post Posted March 19, 2014 Franko, first of all, you sound like a fairly mature kid. I can't see my 12 coming up on 13 daughter writing a post so well. From a parent's perspective, "If Mom says no, ask dad" sounds like a bad idea...but if you really want to play hockey, you have to get over the hurdle of your mother. Dumb question--are your parents separated or just not talking with each other about this issue? You need to get all your facts in line. If you can have the conversation with both of them at the same time it would be best. If you can't get them in the same room at the same time, focus on Mom. Explain to her that hockey is excellent exercise. I can't think of another winter sport that offers as much conditioning as hockey. Certainly not skiing or playing video games. Hockey is also one of the fastest sports you can play, summer or winter. Instead of developing incredible hand-eye coordination playing video games, wouldn't she rather you develop those skills playing hockey? Basketball, baseball, football, and soccer will feel easy after a couple of seasons on the ice. Teamwork: there are a lot of team sports that stress teamwork, but in hockey, you really must be in the right place in the right time, and trust your teammates to do the same. I won't lie to you. Checking in Bantams and up is one of the scariest things a parent can contemplate. If you were my son, I'd have a serious conversation with you about it. A couple of serious concussions could mess you up for life. If the house league is a no-check league, I wouldn't hesitate to give you my 100% approval. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Franko_10 3 Report post Posted March 19, 2014 Thanks for the complement of my writing, guess my english teacher is pretty good.Answering your first question, no my parents are not separated.To see if my facts straight, yeah I guess they pretty much are. I've focused on telling my mom that if anything I'd just want to play anything it would be house.As my love for hockey has grown, basketball and soccer have been settled down in my mind and my determination even with a broken wrist has grown to even more stick handling and running than ever. I know my mothers number one fear is me getting hurt if I played competitively but like said before here I am with a broken wrist from soccer, yes soccer.My house league is no-check for sure, so I guess I'll follow up on her asking her later in time so I might be able to get into a summer league.Thanks for the advice. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zjack38 46 Report post Posted March 20, 2014 Tell your mom that you want to play hockey, and don't budge from that, be as stubborn as possible until she lets you play. Maybe even go as far as saying you don't want to play soccer anymore if you would rather play hockey than soccer. Lol. Just tell her hockey isn't that dangerous as it looks, especially in house league. No hockey is as dangerous as the NHL, yes you get freak injuries here and there but plenty of people never get hurt. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites