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Massacre at Ft. Hood

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43 soldiers shot, 12 of which have been killed by their brothers. Prayers to all involved.

I wouldn't say to all involved. If the two arrested prove to be guilty then they should let the wounded guys use them for target practice, close range and working in from the hands and feet.

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My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone at Ft Hood! As if multiple deployments wasn’t hard enough now you have this type of sickness to deal with…

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43 soldiers shot, 12 of which have been killed by their brothers. Prayers to all involved.

I wouldn't say to all involved.

Goes without saying. That pussy can burn in hell.

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i hope the gunman lives, and then, charge him as a terrorist and send his ass to fucking Guantanamo where they waterboard the shit out him for the rest of his life.

just disgusting that someone can do that shit to people who havent done a single thing wrong.

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i hope the gunman lives, and then, charge him as a terrorist and send his ass to fucking Guantanamo where they waterboard the shit out him for the rest of his life.

just disgusting that someone can do that shit to people who havent done a single thing wrong.

Was'nt guantanamo bay to be closed within the year as per order of obama?

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Terrible incident, but the guy's alive so they'll get to the bottom I hope.

Was'nt guantanamo bay to be closed within the year as per order of obama?

Yes, and last I heard Michigan was a destination for the inmates.

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Terrible incident, but the guy's alive so they'll get to the bottom I hope.
Was'nt guantanamo bay to be closed within the year as per order of obama?

Yes, and last I heard Michigan was a destination for the inmates.

Standish Was one of the sites considered, but was removed from the list not too long ago.

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This incident opens a whole can of worms in terms of religion, military screening/testing. Incredible tragedy.

Just out of curiosity; will the gunman be charged with military offences or civilian?

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Since the shooter is active duty military and committed crimes on a military installation he will be charged and tried under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Personally I hope they seek and obtain the penalty of death in his sentence! IMHO after what he did that piece of shit doesn’t deserve the right to live..

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I see.

If he is sentenced to death, does the US Military court have to execute the convinct the same as the state or can they sentence outdated methods such as firing squad or garrotting etc?

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If he is in fact charged with article Article 118 —Murder under UCMJ he can in fact receive the Maximum punishment of.

(1) Article 118(1) or (4) --

Mandatory death.

Minimum -- imprisonment for life with eligibility for parole


(2) Article 118(2) or (3)—such punishment other than death as a court-martial may direct.

How that death penility is carried out I dont know but it would be carried out via the military..

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Military Death Penalty Information

AP: 'Death penalty rare, executions rarer in military.'

If he is in fact charged with article Article 118 —Murder under UCMJ he can in fact receive the Maximum punishment of.

(1) Article 118(1) or (4) --

Mandatory death.

Minimum -- imprisonment for life with eligibility for parole


(2) Article 118(2) or (3)—such punishment other than death as a court-martial may direct.

How that death penility is carried out I dont know but it would be carried out via the military..

Life without eligibility for parole is an option now.

Death penalty is carried out by lethal injection and MUST be ordered and signed to be carried out by the President in order to happen...

I think at this point those are the 2 options that will be looked at. Death Penalty/Life without parole. I favor the first one.

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Agreed but the reason I think the death penalty will be perused and will in fact stick in this case were it wasnt in other cases is..

The crime he perpetrated was committed during a time of war

The crime was perpetrated against multiple fellow American servicemen

IMHO I would find it very hard to believe that a panel of fellow soldiers would have a difficult time coming to the 100% agreement needed to execute this slime ball... Lets just hope Obama doesnt fuck it up if they do!

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agree 100%. Just don't want to see this drawn out too long. But with the defense attorney arguing this could be an unfair trial, i would personally rather see justice served swiftly.

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Actually, no condition of war exists right now. Nor has a condition of war existed since the end of the second world war. For a condition of war to exist congress would have to have declared war on someone, and that hasn't happened since 1941. Of course there is little doubt he will be sentenced to death. However, with a guy whose ears are far bigger than his balls as president I could entirely see this ending with a life sentence. The only counter balance to that would be with recent electorial set backs I wouldn't imagine Obama would want to give Republican canidates futher ammo in the 2010 elections.

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