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Sambo Rambo 18

World Cup

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They should've have qualified for the WC anyways.

If we could "like" posts (tsk tsk JR, MSH 3.0), I would. Photoshop Mack?

Absolutely not. Easily the stupidest feature on message boards and I made sure to turn it off immediately.

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They should've have qualified for the WC anyways.

Absolutely not. Easily the stupidest feature on message boards and I made sure to turn it off immediately.

What's so bad about it?

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Whats so good about it?

I'll just give up before everyone gangs up on me. Also, anyone see that you can like comments on facebook now?

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Absolutely not. Easily the stupidest feature on message boards

I couldn't agree more.

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Not directly world cup related, but on the subject: Tonight's 30 for 30 on ESPN about Pablo and Andres Escobar was pretty amazing. Takes the concept of pressure to perform to a whole new level.

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Wow, those last 15 minutes were amazing!

Hell, the whole game was excited. Kept getting sidetracked at work. There were a couple times where there were no pretzels up for customers because I couldn't NOT pay attention...woops! :lol:

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Wow..... I can't even believe that.... The whole bar exploded when he hit that in. Honestly, the final score should have been like 3 or 4-0. The US couldn't finish. I'd be scared to play the USA if I were another team because they can come back from anything, but at the same time, going down early against Germany or someone like that is not ideal. Live by the sword die by the sword or so they say. The USA need to really work on not putting themselves in a do or die situation.

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GER vs ENG, aside from winning the tourney, GER sending home ENG would have me running around the street swinging my jersey in the air. (now if we lose, my German blood will boil and I will smash the windows on some Rovers)

Congrats to the US (and I don't do that much) well deserved, I like them over Ghana, quater final run and then who knows?

Man do the top S.American teams look good, I could almost put aside my GER love and hope for a Brazil/ARG final(if it matches up that way)

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For a new soccer fan like me, and especially being a hockey guy, watching the USA is a lot more entertaining than watching a Brazil or Portugal. Today's game seemed like a hockey game to me. Lots of chances, good rushes up the field, etc. Watching some of the powerhouse teams is like watching the pre-lockout NHL. I enjoy watching it, and having not seen much soccer, this has impressed me very much, but I feel like there are too many stifled opportunities in a scoreless tie. It's not like a 0-0 game is a goalie's duel like in hockey. It's just a defensive stranglehold.

Any die hard soccer fans have any thoughts on how this World Cup compares to years past? Seems like it's been pretty unpredictable all around which is always good, certainly keeps me interested in the knock out round.

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I'd be scared to play the USA if I were another team

lol, I'm pretty sure Ghana is happy over getting USA over England.

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Any die hard soccer fans have any thoughts on how this World Cup compares to years past? Seems like it's been pretty unpredictable all around which is always good, certainly keeps me interested in the knock out round.

The first rounds are always hard to predict. But so far all "favorites" have been able to make it through, except for France of course..

Brazil and Argentina looks great offensively, England and Italy the total opposite. Look out for Netherlands, Germany, Portugal and Spain.

I don't know if they can meet in the final, but I call Argentina and Spain to make it there if they don't play each other before.

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Now that....that is just all too perfect. France and Italy BOTH not making it past the first round. I love it.

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Now that....that is just all too perfect. France and Italy BOTH not making it past the first round. I love it.

Ciao Italy! :D

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lol, I'm pretty sure Ghana is happy over getting USA over England.

With how England has performed so far, I doubt that very much. If I were in their position, I would rather play England, honestly.

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