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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MLX Skates Now Available

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Yeah I saw somebody else post about him wearing them.

To Darkstar: The concerns I was referring to were the ones people brought up earlier in this thread....stuff about the price, the half size/toe plug stuff, and the fact that they are only available direct online. Oh and I read posts by several people that had concerns about making adjustments without a professional. They are starting to address some of the issues though. I think someone emailed them asking about half sizes and they replied saying they will have them. They also posted instructional videos on making tweaks and adjustments on youtube and the MLX blog.

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In response to Chadd: "Mario invested after Gonchar, Malkin, Fedotenko, etc... got in the skates, at least that's what I was told at the time."

If that was the order of it then I'm guessing it was because they won the cup and had the best media exposure.

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In response to Chadd: "Mario invested after Gonchar, Malkin, Fedotenko, etc... got in the skates, at least that's what I was told at the time."

If that was the order of it then I'm guessing it was because they won the cup and had the best media exposure.

Not according to the people I talked to. Gonchar was the first, don't know the initial connection, other guys were interested in trying them when they saw his.

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Found this on their FB page for those in the area. I wouldnt mind one of those tshirts :biggrin:

We believe in MLX.

And we think you will, too, which is why we're inviting you to come and check out our skates—in person.


The Details:

Join us for demonstrations of all things MLX with founder Dave Cruikshank, and meet Mario Lemieux. And if you like what you see, we'll have a limited number of skates available for purchase on site.

The Fine Print:

> We've only got 200 slots available, and you need apply here: mlxskates.com/pittsburgh.html

> The first 50 people selected get an MLX t-shirt signed by Mario.

> Already got your MLX skates? You're guaranteed admittance + ice time with the MLX crew and Mario—just make sure you tell us on your application.

> Still need skates? Use "pittsburgh15" for 15% off your purchase. The first 6 people to use that code get molded and fitted during the event by Dave Cruikshank (Super fine print: must be sizes 7.5-10)

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ok, 200 skaters on one rink? That sounds like fun. Oh, right they will go on the ice in groups of 25, 40, 50? Let's see, if I order early and am lucky my MLX skates are $680 with the 15% discount. If I already ordered, I paid $800. If I like the skates, I can still buy them for $800. What am I missing here?

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ok, 200 skaters on one rink? That sounds like fun. Oh, right they will go on the ice in groups of 25, 40, 50? Let's see, if I order early and am lucky my MLX skates are $680 with the 15% discount. If I already ordered, I paid $800. If I like the skates, I can still buy them for $800. What am I missing here?

I'm willing to guess that they haven't sold 400 pairs yet, so the original 15% discount is probably still in affect. I'm sure however they decide to run the "meet and greet" thing it will work logistically and be a good time for those who get to go. I applied on the site. I would love to meet Mario and the MLX team. I'm also guessing that we'll be hearing tester reviews after this event, since they get on-ice advice and testing time with the team.

I wonder if any of the players that tested them during the season will be there as part of the "MLX team"

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I just read on the letsgopens forum that some guy received his skates. He said if you have wide feet then he would recommend the next size up. He also spoke very highly of MLX and the people he dealt with. He said they were very straightforward.

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I just read on the letsgopens forum that some guy received his skates. He said if you have wide feet then he would recommend the next size up. He also spoke very highly of MLX and the people he dealt with. He said they were very straightforward.

Going a size up to correct for a width problem means the skate doesn't fit. The better solution is to get a skate that fits, regardless of the brand.

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started thinking of this.. but... if the people they gave free skates to were to "test" wouldn't that be given to them before they were made retail products?

everything else mentioned by people are my gripes about this skate.

biggest problem as a retailer is they aren't in stores. even if only the big shops can afford to have an 800 dollar skate that they'll sell quite a bit of, fine, but not being able to see a product or touch it before buying it is a bit ridiculous imo. i'll never understand how people can buy hockey equipment online.

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started thinking of this.. but... if the people they gave free skates to were to "test" wouldn't that be given to them before they were made retail products?

This was covered earlier in the thread. It's not testing, it's marketing. Given a free pair of $800 skates will most likely mean positive reviews.

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I have a pair.. definitely a different feel than any skate I've used.. Feels terrible out of the box until you heat it up in the oven, then it fits like a glove (atleast for my narrow foot, not too sure how it would work for wider feet.) Feels like my technique is a lot better and did a lot less thinking of my skates than I do on my x:60's.

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Received a pair as well and used them today after baking them last evening. Not sure how to describe them in specifics but overall just more balanced and a better fit than my S17's or X60's. Better turning and more control for sure. Also felt quicker on my feet. Hurt a little for the first hour but after that; very nice. Also, very well made.

For me the Bauer line has a toe box that is too "tall". My toes move up and down in the skate and I get bad abrasions on the outsides of my big toes. S17's have a shorter toe box but they have began falling apart after 5 months (rivets came out, stiching came out, tongue is falling apart). Just poorly made in my opinion.

The MLX seems to be a more natural extension of my foot. As the previous poster wrote....just less thinking about skating and more focus on playing the game.

Other than a general baking of them I haven't made any adjustments (blade offset, etc.). We'll see.

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Could the last two posters and any future MLX skate owners give some background into their level of play, how often do they skate, height, weight, etc. I would just like to add information about the end user to the frame of reference for these mini-reviews. Thanks.

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I play adult full contact, and A-level mens league, been on variations of the skate for a year now. Just upgraded to the current pairs, i'll update as i get them out on the ice.

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Could the last two posters and any future MLX skate owners give some background into their level of play, how often do they skate, height, weight, etc. I would just like to add information about the end user to the frame of reference for these mini-reviews. Thanks.

We will be seeding skates in the near future, don't worry.

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Yes, well based on your comment about those seeking to demo test product upon your request............ Never worried, just like me asking a guy buying skates in the shop how often he skates, etc

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Mine got delayed in customs much to my chagrin. I was really looking forward to skating a lot this weekend. They'll be here Monday.

For those that have baked them, how was the process? Pretty much like the video, did you squeeze the area around the base of the toes?

Has anyone found the videos about how to determine the blade adjustments that will best suit your stride?

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This was covered earlier in the thread. It's not testing, it's marketing. Given a free pair of $800 skates will most likely mean positive reviews.

Not necessarily true.

Depends on the reviewer, and how it is being reviewed. However, in this case, yes, probably so.

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Could the last two posters and any future MLX skate owners give some background into their level of play, how often do they skate, height, weight, etc. I would just like to add information about the end user to the frame of reference for these mini-reviews. Thanks.

5' 10", 195 lbs. 40 years old. Play A-league rec hockey 3 times per week.

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My MLX's arrived today. I'll give initial thoughts then update later this week as I have a couple of games. I plan on stick time tomorrow to get the feel of them.

I'm 6'0 190 currently playing B league, I started playing again 2 months ago after a 10 year layoff. Prior to that I played A league and a few other high level leagues.

I spent the first week on my old Bauer 3000's which hurt horribly, I'd guess my feet changed a bit.

I bought some Vapor x30's which I absolutely hate. They are comfortable enough but the forward pitch is too much and the toe box feels like a cave though they are fitted well. With that background lets talk about the MLX.

Out of the box the first thing I noticed was the definite hand made look. There are clear tool marks on the carbon fiber heel and toe. There are also a few very faint red sharpie marks on the bottom that appear to be reference lines. The leather is not polished and appears to be very high quality. There are 3 vent holes on the bottom and 9 through the foot bed. The toe box is much lower volume than the Bauer skates. The tongue is black felt with what feels like plastic stiffener / lace bite protection.

The tendon guard and tongue are held in place by torx screws. It's fairly odd to look at the skate while wearing it and seeing a screw right in the toe. The tendon guard is much more flexible than any skate I've worn. I suspect I'm going to like this a lot.

The blade holder is shaped very much like the LS2 though the plastic seems different and is textured slightly as opposed to the high gloss of the TUUK. The steel appears to be of high quality and there is more of it than on the X:30. Looks like a few more sharpenings can be had before replacing. The blade and holder were my only real points of apprehension for these skates. After skating on my first pair of tuuks in '78 I've never enjoyed another blade.

I weighed them on a food scale at 850 grams for a size 8. Almost identical to the X:30 and feathers compared to the 1100 gram 3000's.

I tried them on out of the box and compare them only to a medieval torture device. Then I baked them following the directions from the video at the MLX web site. An instruction sheet that comes in the box tells you to do this if you haven't been to the web site.

My only response after baking, fitting, leaving them on for half an hour, and finally putting the on again after a 2 hour cool down is wow! These things are hard as a rock where they should be, flexible where I want them to be and oh so comfortable, at least on the carpet.

The liner is utilitarian but seems to be of very high quality.

Visually I prefer an understated skate, these fit the bill. For some reason they remind me a lot of my old Lange Lazer 5's of old. At least visually.

I'll give a skating impression after I get some ice time and a couple games on them.

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