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The 2010-2011 Suspension Thread

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ive been thinking about it for a while - do you think there should be rules that say if you hit a player that has already had multiple concussions that it should double your suspension or something to that effect? i guess it would be hard for players to keep track of who has had concussions and who hasn't - but it still kind of seems like a loop hole to me.

i guess im just wondering if someone should get punished more severely if they are attempting to end someones career (savard for example) because they know they are so close to hanging up the skates for good.

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I honestly thought this was going to be, and should have been a five and a game for him. However, going back to watch the play, the only reason the hit occurred like that is because Carle laid a hipcheck on him that threw him off balance. Holmstrom's intent was to hit him, cleanly, but the play that Carle made knocked Smith off-balance thus resulting in the hit to the head. That's why I don't see this being a suspension. If Carle doesn't hit him first, Holmstrom lays a great check on him.

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On the Eberle play I don't think there should be a suspension and I don't think it was? But players should know reaching for the puck like that results in a sketchy situation. We've seen it so many times before but I guess it was just spur of the moment.

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I honestly thought this was going to be, and should have been a five and a game for him. However, going back to watch the play, the only reason the hit occurred like that is because Carle laid a hipcheck on him that threw him off balance. Holmstrom's intent was to hit him, cleanly, but the play that Carle made knocked Smith off-balance thus resulting in the hit to the head. That's why I don't see this being a suspension. If Carle doesn't hit him first, Holmstrom lays a great check on him.

Holmstrom was still coming at Smith from his blindside, maybe that's just something were only kinda trying to get rid of?

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I honestly thought this was going to be, and should have been a five and a game for him. However, going back to watch the play, the only reason the hit occurred like that is because Carle laid a hipcheck on him that threw him off balance. Holmstrom's intent was to hit him, cleanly, but the play that Carle made knocked Smith off-balance thus resulting in the hit to the head. That's why I don't see this being a suspension. If Carle doesn't hit him first, Holmstrom lays a great check on him.

In all honesty my problem was less with the point of contact and more with the fact that he came from the blindside on an unsuspecting player who was already engaged with another defender.

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On the Torres hit, Eberle puts himself in a vulnerable position by reaching for that puck when a defender is coming at him. Torres doesn't come from the blindside so Eberle needs to see that hit coming, but at the same time Torres needs to be held responsible for playing the man and not the puck, and targeting the head. Just because he's hunched over doesn't mean you can't get lower and hit him shoulder to shoulder, or in this case Torres should have just beat him to the puck and given him a bump. I think 4 games is ok but the onus needs to be on both players in cases like this. Don't put yourself in that position and don't go for that hit

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Agreed, Eberle shouldn't reach like that, but Torres see the opprotunity to destroy a guy and goes for it. I like the Nuks, and they need Torres for the 1st two games, especially vs Ducks/Hawks, and I love hard hitting hockey, but to disregard the puck and try to knock a head off, is in my mind a suspension. 4 is good, considering no injury, 2 would have been ok, to me.

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I honestly don't mind 4 games. Regardless of the intent or the body position of Eberle. Torres makes contact with the head on a play where a hit like that is probably not necessary.

But, how is it different from Bertuzzi's...who got nothing?

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I honestly don't mind 4 games. Regardless of the intent or the body position of Eberle. Torres makes contact with the head on a play where a hit like that is probably not necessary.

But, how is it different from Bertuzzi's...who got nothing?

In my opinion, Bertuzzi tried to pull up, he started the hit and tried desperately to get out of the way. At least, from what I saw. We'll never know for sure the intent on most of these hits, and that's the hardest part about judging the suspensions.

Edit after viewing again. Bertuzzi's hit wasn't on a player already engaged with another defender as well.

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jarret stoll should probably get a few games for knocking out ian white - no penalty on the play of course

im pretty sure white has a concussion from it - hope he doesn't decide to play anyway

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Referees were both in bad positions to make that call. Doesnt mean they shouldn't have at least called a boarding.

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I think that is worth a game or 2. No excuse for heat of the moment, or he turned into it...or bang bang play on the puck. Ryan did that on purpose. And c'mon, you do a dickhead thing like that and then won't turn and face the guy when he wants to go!

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I was outraged as well. It kind of reminded me of a game I played where my opponent was on the boards and I was pinning him and trying to dig for the puck. He looked back and then stomped on my stick and broke the hossel. I looked a the ref and he was in disbelieve as I was. Then he gave the guy a game misconduct for it. Ryan's actions is just terrible to think about. Makes me more and more angry the more I think about it.

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That pisses me off. I like Ryan a lot, but that was just a bonehead move. I'm betting he sits for two.

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Man, that was totally uncalled for. I also like Bobby Ryan a lot. I personally don't like a lot of the Anaheim players because of their rough and dirty play. He was one of the few that I liked.

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I guess he didn't learn his lesson. Exact same hit as the one on Eberle. Keith Jones said during the intermission "he should get at least double what he had before. He's a useless piece - (took a pause so he didn't say what he really wanted to say) - the Canucks don't need him."

Seabrook has left the game after the second hit. Worth noting, that Seabrook never went up the tunnel after the first hit.

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