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The 2010-2011 Suspension Thread

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And what would your call be if a one-timer gets away from someone and destroys someone's cheekbone? A bit reckless to be shooting that high into a crowd.

If you put any kind of automatic suspension for the result of a normal hockey play that goes bad then you will kill the game. Players will hesitate before any contact along the wall for fear that the guy they hit falls the wrong way or catches an edge and bang, they're out for 10 games for an otherwise legal play.

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I will never say that Chara is a dirty player, he just made a really bad and dumb decision. Not demonizing him in any way...it's something he will regret forever probably. But eventhough he feels bad about it or whatever, the league still needs to stop this kind of bullshit.

As I bruins fan I'd love to say Chara didnt deserve a suspension, but I have to agree. As a player he probably knew it was going to be a dirty hit as it was quite late. But I dont think he meant to completely injure him like he did. None the less I think he should have got a two game suspension, but the canadian press seems to be blowing out of proportion.

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And what would your call be if a one-timer gets away from someone and destroys someone's cheekbone? A bit reckless to be shooting that high into a crowd.

If you put any kind of automatic suspension for the result of a normal hockey play that goes bad then you will kill the game. Players will hesitate before any contact along the wall for fear that the guy they hit falls the wrong way or catches an edge and bang, they're out for 10 games for an otherwise legal play.

I'm not saying 10 games. Perhaps a game or two. I'm not saying every hockey play, but perhaps contact near the benches because of the risks of the partition coming into play.It seems to be the contact that is causing the most problems not errant pucks. Hitting into the boards near the benches is reckless because of the variable of the partition. I'm tired of hearing people say it would kill the game if we try to restrict the violent hits etc. These guys aren't gladiators. I would rather have certain aspects of the game get killed than have a player killed.

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I know I goofed on idea this originally...but the more I think about it...Part of the problem is the differences in the building that the game is played in. Montreal has glass between the benches, which makes those end partitions much more rigid, than in say, Toronto or Buffalo where the area between the benches is not enclosed. That hit in either of those 2 building, is probably not as bad...because there would have been a little more give. Pacs probably still ends up leaving the game 'dazed'....but the broken neck is (possibly) less likely.

(statement from Pacioretty - tsn.ca)

"... I thought the league would do something, a little something. I'm not talking a big number, I don't know, one game, two games, three games...whatever, but something to show that it's not right."


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If Chara was given two games I would have been fine with that. But I do think there wasn't any intent to injure on the play. When I read the quote about Pacioretty saying Chara should have gotten something I could understand where he was coming from. But when I read the rest of the article & he goes on to say this:

"I believe he was trying to guide my head into the turnbuckle. We all know where the turnbuckle is. It wasn't a head shot like a lot of head shots we see but I do feel he targeted my head into the turnbuckle."

I can't imagine Chara was doing that.

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The Government of Canada is commenting on the Pacioretty hit.Our Sports Minister Gary Lunn commented in the press and mentioned the Prime Minister (who happens to be a hockey historian of note) is concerned. In Montreal the police have been flooded with calls looking to file criminal charges against Chara. Makes me wonder sometimes.



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Mike Murphy sure didn't see that picture. I hope he gets fired. ''I could not find any evidence to suggest that, beyond this being a correct call for interference, that Chara targeted the head of his opponent, left his feet or delivered the check in any other manner that could be deemed to be dangerous.''

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Mike Murphy sure didn't see that picture. I hope he gets fired. ''I could not find any evidence to suggest that, beyond this being a correct call for interference, that Chara targeted the head of his opponent, left his feet or delivered the check in any other manner that could be deemed to be dangerous.''

Now Air Canada is threatening to pull it's support of the NHL over the lack of discipline over head shots.

http://www.thestar.com/news/article/951618--nhl-could-lose-air-canada-sponsorship-over-headshots?bn=1 I say we mobilize the troops and just annex Massachusetts :dry:

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Every NHLer knows exactly where they are on the ice and along the boards. Chara might not have expected this result but he wanted to wax Max.

NHLers play the game in another universe from the rest of us. They can do s^*t to each other to hurt them that we haven't even thought of. And they will do it so fast we would never even see it.

As for the NHL and Colin Campbell, change the name to the Federal League. It is the final month of the season. Suspensions have been suspended. Every 3 point game matters. "Have at it boys."

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Mike Murphy sure didn't see that picture. I hope he gets fired. ''I could not find any evidence to suggest that, beyond this being a correct call for interference, that Chara targeted the head of his opponent, left his feet or delivered the check in any other manner that could be deemed to be dangerous.''

First off I want to preface by saying that I thought the hit was brutal and should have been 2 games at least for Chara. That said, I think that picture is a bit misleading. In my viewing of the video (only two or three times mind you), he runs max into the boards, and his arm comes up just as his head is hitting the support. That picture almost implies that he is either punching his head or trying to drive it into the support, which isn't the case.

I'm not trying to take away from the damage he did to Max, or say it was a ho-hum hit. I am saying that pic is just not accurate for what it portrays.

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More Pacioretty fallout:

QUEBEC CITY, Que. - Quebec's Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions has requested a police investigation into Boston Bruins captain Zdeno Chara over the hit that hospitalized Canadiens forward Max Pacioretty.

In a brief news release Thursday morning, Louis Dionne's office confirmed that he is now asking the police to open an investigation into the on-ice incident.

The agency has forwarded its recommendation to the provincial government's Public Security Department.

This does not mean there will be an investigation — much less an attempt to prosecute — but simply signals the first step in any such procedure.

The move comes after the National Hockey League declined to suspend Chara.

Earlier Wednesday, Dionne's office downplayed talk of a criminal investigation but hardened its tone hours later when the league announced no sanctions would be taken.

Meanwhile, Air Canada has waded into the debate on hockey headshots.

The NHL has confirmed it received a letter from the airline.

In the letter, Air Canada threatens to withdraw its sponsorship unless the NHL moves to impose sanctions to reduce potential serious injuries.

The debate over headshots and concussions has been constant this season, with superstar Sidney Crosby topping the injury list.

Pacioretty, a left-winger from New Canaan, Conn., who had established himself this season as a regular top-line player, suffered a severe concussion and a non-displaced fracture to the fourth cervical vertebra in his neck.

With both racing for the puck near the player benches, the six-foot-nine Chara checked Pacioretty into the boards and the young Hab slammed into a stanchion supporting the glass.

The hit drew criticism from Gary Lunn, the minister of state for sports, and others outside the league. Lunn called it unacceptable.

But the league deemed it "a hockey play that resulted in an injury because of the player colliding with the stanchion and then the ice surface."

Chara, who said he had no intent to hurt Pacioretty, was given a major penalty for interference and a game misconduct on the play.

The big Bruin is not known to be a dirty player and has never been suspended in his 13-year career.

Pacioretty told TSN he was "upset and disgusted" that the league had not suspended Chara.

"I'm not mad for myself, I'm mad because if other players see a hit like that and think it's OK, they won't be suspended, then other players will get hurt like I got hurt."

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I'm a habs fan, but I'll try to be as objective as possible. I believe Chara was frustrated by the 4-0 score and was determined to hit Pacioretty even if he had to do it late. With that said, I don't think he intended to drive him into the dasher and he certainly didn't try to severely injure him. Max was ahead of Chara and Chara didn't catch him completely from the side so he was put off balance, but his forward motion was't stopped. If Chara would've been directly beside him then he would've been driven into the boards or perhaps over into the Bruins bench. In the end it was an illegal late hit with a poor result - ideally that would've resulted in a 2-3 game suspension, but I don't think Chara should be charged criminally or suspended for double digit games.

I do think it was classless of Chara to try to shift some blame to Pacioretty and say, "he jumped up" as that's BS. I don't know what else Max could've done in that situation. I really hope that Pacioretty recovers fully with no long term effects.

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More Pacioretty fallout:

Meanwhile, Air Canada has waded into the debate on hockey head shots.

The NHL has confirmed it received a letter from the airline.

In the letter, Air Canada threatens to withdraw its sponsorship unless the NHL moves to impose sanctions to reduce potential serious injuries.

The Molson's not only own the team but their company just signed a massive, in excess of 300 million dollar, contract to be the NHL's official beer. Yet they haven't come out yet publicly condemning the hit... :sad:

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As per RDS, a police investigation has been undertaken and once the investigation is done they will decide whether or not charges will be laid on Chara. I think that this is going a bit far. This will also open the door to a civil suit in the event that Pacioretty's career would be over. Actually, he could probably sue whether or not his career is over.

Now I'm really curious to see what will go down at their next match up on March 24.

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As per RDS, a police investigation has been undertaken and once the investigation is done they will decide whether or not charges will be laid on Chara. I think that this is going a bit far. This will also open the door to a civil suit in the event that Pacioretty's career would be over. Actually, he could probably sue whether or not his career is over.

Now I'm really curious to see what will go down at their next match up on March 24.

Hopefully nothing else comes from it. Then we are getting into real retribution type stuff...and likely more injuries. The Habs don't have a player who can toe to toe step up to Chara and fight him (who does really - ask Ivanans how that worked out). As far as I'm concerned, if someone goes out and breaks Chara's leg....is anything gained? Just beat Boston everytime they play them...and go as deep as they can in the playoffs. What else can they do really?

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And good for the Molson company for not condemning it. They can't mix up their roles as team owners and beer producers. Air Canada is exclusively an advertiser, they can do with their money as they want. It would be bad for the Molson's position as owners to use their platform as an advertiser to play politics with the league.

re: retribution-

Guys get carried out on stretchers pretty regularly (unfortunately). This one was more violent looking than most, but there's seldom ever direct retribution for these hits. When Cooke took out Savard, Thorton fought him the next game, Cooke took his punches and it was over. Speckle concussed the most important player on the Pens, and just had to fight AHL goon Tim Wallace. In that game Cooke did knee Ovechkin, but Cooke would go knee on knee with the other teams star player if they passed each other leaving an elevator.

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Dear Air Canada: Where was the outrage when [insert player who took a vicious headshot but didn't play for a Canadian based team) was taken out on a stretcher?

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Hopefully nothing else comes from it. Then we are getting into real retribution type stuff...and likely more injuries. The Habs don't have a player who can toe to toe step up to Chara and fight him (who does really - ask Ivanans how that worked out). As far as I'm concerned, if someone goes out and breaks Chara's leg....is anything gained? Just beat Boston everytime they play them...and go as deep as they can in the playoffs. What else can they do really?

Honnestly, I don't think anyone would fight Chara. It would be useless as that person, specially on the Montreal team, would get destroyed. And let's be honest, Montreal will not call back Alex Henry or Jimmy Bonneau or whatever his name is to come and fight Chara or do something stupid to someone else on the Bruins squad, for obvious reasons. On top of that, this is not Jacques Martin's style either.

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They may talk about suing but they'll never actually do it. I'm no legal expert but the chances of winning this one are absolutely non-existent. If my memory is good there is an article somewhere saying that by practicing a sport you accept the potential risks that come with it, unless the nature of the incident is not related the the practice of the activity, à la McSorley or Bertuzzi...

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Honnestly, I don't think anyone would fight Chara. It would be useless as that person, specially on the Montreal team, would get destroyed. And let's be honest, Montreal will not call back Alex Henry or Jimmy Bonneau or whatever his name is to come and fight Chara or do something stupid to someone else on the Bruins squad, for obvious reasons. On top of that, this is not Jacques Martin's style either.

To be honest, Chara is a terrible fighter. As for any kind of retribution, I think the whole Bertuzzi mess put that pretty much in the NHL's rear view mirror.

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