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The 2010-2011 Suspension Thread

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Given Mario's comments, I'm sure we can count on the team adding on a few games to the suspension handed out by the NHL, right?

Will never happen. The NHL is a business first and Cooke in the lineup gives them a better chance to win then out of the lineup. Some say Mario may demand Shero trades Cooke in the off season (although I dont think that will happen, either) for less than market value, to make a point, and as much as Cooke is hated there will be plenty of teams trying to get him should he be put on the market.

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If he keeps up this BS there won't be. If he is suspended the rest of the year into next year, as he should be, he won't be.

Just saw this on Twitter, summed up perfectly. "How in the world does Matt Cooke look Sidney Crosby in the eye?"

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He should get 10+ games. Probably will only see about 5. He should be traded. Probably won't be.

They seriously gave this moron an 'A'? What the hell.

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I'm in no way a Penguin fan but I can't lie, from what i've seen Dan Bylsma is stand up guy. No excuses no bitching. I'm just curious if we'll hear what Cooke has to say although I don't believe we will. I still don't understand though why he would give him the 'A.' I don't think we will see it on him anymore this year though.....that is if he comes back this season.

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Given Mario's comments, I'm sure we can count on the team adding on a few games to the suspension handed out by the NHL, right?

I doubt this will happen. I'm sure they have had talks with him about his behaviour on the ice, at least I hope they did but it doesn't seem like it's working if they did. As for the "A" on his shirt, I don't know if it was awarded to him by Bylsma or by a team vote? Either way he should lose the letter pronto.

That reminds me of the HBO 24/7 show where I can't remember who on the Pittsburgh squad is playing with Cooke's kid and gets slashed or crosschecked by the kid and says something about it being obvious that he his Cooke's kid just by the way he plays. Just can't remember the exact words. That to me speaks volumes but yet they won't call him out on it. If one of his antics gets them eliminated in the playoffs, maybe then they will call him out.

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I think Cooke should be suspended the rest of the season plus first round of playoffs.

That was a despicable hit. This would be the perfect opportunity for the league to get the players' attention by giving Cooke a suspension that goes into the playoffs. Won't happen, though.

It's too bad. There are a handful of players, like Cooke, who clearly have the talent to contribute to their teams in a meaningful way, but they just can't seem to control themselves. Cooke doesn't need to make these hits to have a very good career in the NHL. Why does he do it? Ott comes to mind, too. Then there is Downey, who seems to be maturing and hopefully is leaving his worst habits behind.

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I doubt this will happen. I'm sure they have had talks with him about his behaviour on the ice, at least I hope they did but it doesn't seem like it's working if they did. As for the "A" on his shirt, I don't know if it was awarded to him by Bylsma or by a team vote? Either way he should lose the letter pronto.

My comment was meant as a joke, we all know that the team isn't going to do anything. The "A" was awarded to recognize his leadership according to Bylsma.

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I doubt this will happen. I'm sure they have had talks with him about his behaviour on the ice, at least I hope they did but it doesn't seem like it's working if they did. As for the "A" on his shirt, I don't know if it was awarded to him by Bylsma or by a team vote? Either way he should lose the letter pronto.

That reminds me of the HBO 24/7 show where I can't remember who on the Pittsburgh squad is playing with Cooke's kid and gets slashed or crosschecked by the kid and says something about it being obvious that he his Cooke's kid just by the way he plays. Just can't remember the exact words. That to me speaks volumes but yet they won't call him out on it. If one of his antics gets them eliminated in the playoffs, maybe then they will call him out.

It was talbot at the christmas party skate.

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By now, I'd say the amount of time between the meeting and the announcement is rather telling and I think we'll see Cooke gone for at least 10.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he's done for the season. The meeting was what, 3 hours ago?

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Cook suspended by #NHL rest of regular season and 1st round of Stanley Cup play-offs.

Well deserved. I wonder if Mario or any teammates are going to defend him saying it was too much.

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I am shocked that the suspension was so long. Someone other than Campbell had to be involved, as with every other long suspension in the past. Glad to see the NHL got it right.

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Well deserved. I wonder if Mario or any teammates are going to defend him saying it was too much.

All of his teammates have already taken the cop-out of "I didn't see it" when asked about the hit after the game. They really can't complain in light of Mario's recent statements.

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All of his teammates have already taken the cop-out of "I didn't see it" when asked about the hit after the game. They really can't complain in light of Mario's recent statements.

I'm not sure that I've seen one article where any of the players said that they didn't see it, as you have quoted above. Could you please direct me to where you found that?

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I'm not sure that I've seen one article where any of the players said that they didn't see it, as you have quoted above. Could you please direct me to where you found that?

No one rushed to his defense yesterday. Instead, the Penguins, almost to a man, said they did not see what happened.

Read more: Pens expect Cooke suspension after 5-2 loss - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/sports/penguins/s_728318.html?source=rss&feed=8#ixzz1HGxAhhs0

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