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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaft Combo

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So after having the toe crack on my CL after about 12 games I am thinking about switching to a 2 piece setup. Any recommendations on shafts to look at? The LHS has Dolo's and the One95 Shaft and that was what I had my eye on. Just looking for any opinions on either shaft from someone that has used them.

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I started using a one shaft + blade combo this year cause I was strapped for cash and it is just as great as the one piece. Actually it feels more durable to me and the blade has lasted pretty well so far with the exception of taking many skates gashes. The only gripe I had with it is I got the 87 flex not realizing that when I actually cut it down it was stiffer then when I cut the one piece down.

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So after having the toe crack on my CL after about 12 games I am thinking about switching to a 2 piece setup. Any recommendations on shafts to look at? The LHS has Dolo's and the One95 Shaft and that was what I had my eye on. Just looking for any opinions on either shaft from someone that has used them.

If the CL blade is shot, try converting it. I put a blade in a CL last month. It felt a little blade heavy until I put a wood plug in the shaft, though.

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So after having the toe crack on my CL after about 12 games I am thinking about switching to a 2 piece setup. Any recommendations on shafts to look at? The LHS has Dolo's and the One95 Shaft and that was what I had my eye on. Just looking for any opinions on either shaft from someone that has used them.

I've really liked the Dolo shaft and blades that I've used. The durability has been solid. I've never used the One95 shaft, but the (standard) blade is amazing... great durability and feel.

I've been gradually going back to 2-piece setups and have noticed no drop in performance.

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The Battleaxe stick I'm using is a fused 2-piece and it feels great. If you can cut the blade off your stick and put a tapered blade in there, you'd be all set. I really like the Harrow 300 blades because they're cheap, durable, and have great puck feel. They're kind of heavy though so they need a wood plug in the other end to balance out (or those Easton weighted plugs if they ever make them available retail). Pairing the 300 blade with a high end Easton, Bauer, or Warrior tapered shaft should have really great performance.

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Out of the current shafts, I've had no problems with the One95, Dolo or AK lines. I guess tapered would be the way to go to get as close as you can to the OPS feel, but for me it's a bitch to find decent tapered blades/curves.

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Out of the current shafts, I've had no problems with the One95, Dolo or AK lines. I guess tapered would be the way to go to get as close as you can to the OPS feel, but for me it's a bitch to find decent tapered blades/curves.

Haha... at least you have an option! Tapered standard isn't very popular in Europe and to make things worse it's pretty much unheard-of in our country. Every time I ask for a tapered blade I either get baffled look with no reply or "I'm sorry, we don't have any TEMPERED blades" which always cracks me up cause I feel like I'm asking for some kind of enchanted or mad-scientists'-tweaked additions.

So after having the toe crack on my CL after about 12 games I am thinking about switching to a 2 piece setup. Any recommendations on shafts to look at? The LHS has Dolo's and the One95 Shaft and that was what I had my eye on. Just looking for any opinions on either shaft from someone that has used them.

2-piece tapered setup possibilities (that I know of and I spoke to reps from Bauer,CCM/Reebok, Warrior and Sherwood) are narrowed down to either Sherwood T100 shaft or Dolo shaft with a Dolo DD blade. They might have ordered Sherwood T90 tapered blades...The last time I checked, though, they only had standard. So I wouldn't go for 2-piece unless your avatar has nothing to do with your nationality, hence there's most likely only one "LHS" for entire country that sells them so if you ran out of replacement blades on the road you're screwed.:ph34r:

Albeit both setups are quite good preforming combos. :cool:

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The Battleaxe stick I'm using is a fused 2-piece and it feels great.

I really like their tapered shaft, I just wish they had blades that came in lower lies.

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Thanks for all the advice guys. I considered trying to chop the CL but figured it would be entirely blade heavy unless I attempted to balance it with a plug and that is a shot in the dark. Will just use it until it breaks and cross that bridge when I come to it. I was going to head out yesterday to make a decision but couldn't find the energy to get off the couch. Called over and the problem I found out is that they may carry top of the line shafts (one95,dolo,etc) they carry the cheapo blades. :facepalm: So they will have to order whatever blade I decide to go with. I'm leaning towards the Dolo's at the moment.

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I really like their tapered shaft, I just wish they had blades that came in lower lies.

How different is it compared to your XN10's?

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Thanks for all the advice guys. I considered trying to chop the CL but figured it would be entirely blade heavy unless I attempted to balance it with a plug and that is a shot in the dark. Will just use it until it breaks and cross that bridge when I come to it. I was going to head out yesterday to make a decision but couldn't find the energy to get off the couch. Called over and the problem I found out is that they may carry top of the line shafts (one95,dolo,etc) they carry the cheapo blades. :facepalm: So they will have to order whatever blade I decide to go with. I'm leaning towards the Dolo's at the moment.

Is your cl pro stock or is it retail? If it is the latter you'll have to cut it pretty high since it's a "true taper" so you'll be forced to use an extension anyways(either that or just flip it). If it is pro stock, then you can cut it at the point where the blade is fused to the shaft and as long as you use any higher-end blade you'll be fine. It will take some time, though. If you won't be able to find blades for your Dolomite shaft try http://www.pmk-hokej.pl/nowa/index.php?s=produkt&id=93. Hope it helps. Good luck :wink:

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How different is it compared to your XN10's?

With the long hosel tapered blades from Battleaxe they are remarkably similar in terms of performance.

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Is your cl pro stock or is it retail? If it is the latter you'll have to cut it pretty high since it's a "true taper" so you'll be forced to use an extension anyways(either that or just flip it). If it is pro stock, then you can cut it at the point where the blade is fused to the shaft and as long as you use any higher-end blade you'll be fine. It will take some time, though. If you won't be able to find blades for your Dolomite shaft try http://www.pmk-hokej.pl/nowa/index.php?s=produkt&id=93. Hope it helps. Good luck :wink:

Guess I won't even bother with the CL since it's retail, sounds like a lot of effort that I just don't want to put forth, hah. Thanks for the link. Not in Poland, just Polish. Guess I should change the avatar. Thanks though.

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I switched over to a two piece for the last couple of years and couldnt be happier. I currently am using the new TotalOne shaft with a Warrior Kronik blade. It's a solid combo. A bit blade heavey but I personaly prefer that so I'm more than happy. Prior to this I was using an Easton Elite shaft with a Dolo blade and was happy with that as well. But I'm really likeing the new setup for sure.

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I love the two piece set up. Currently using one95 standard int. with an easton wood blade. It's awesome. However, I'm not too into the wood feel. Blade's going soft already.

I also use a Dolo 85 flex two piece and a RBK 7k 85 flex shaft with an 8k blade. But I'm looking to switch both shafts to intermediates.

As far as feel goes... The one95 with a FRESH wood blade is unbeatable. The Dolo would be next and the 8k is a little too pingy but I love the Datsyk curve.

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Just picked up 2 Combat 52 cals to try out. I've been using two piece sticks for the last 4 years and love them more than any one piece I have had. Favorite so far had to be a pro stock dolo with polar fibre grip and a dolo smyth blade. Loved that and hoping the combats can live up to expectations

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I'm using a TotalOne shaft and an Easton ST blade. It is a bit blade heavy. Anyone else have this experience with either a TotalOne or one95 shaft and a ST blade?

Also, does anyone agree that a shaft/blade combo increases the feel of the puck? I can't stickhandle well with OPS because I can't sense where the puck is on my blade.

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It could be the added weight of the blade, kind of like how the EQ50 has weights in the heel. Warrior is also going to more density in the heel of the blade too.

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It could be the added weight of the blade, kind of like how the EQ50 has weights in the heel. Warrior is also going to more density in the heel of the blade too.

Why does a standalone blade have more weight than an OPS blade?

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A lot of OPS are fused 2-pieces, but the high end ones are fused near the blade itself, so there's less weight in the hosel/tenon area. Just my guess.

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