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Old Style Helmets

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Just wondering where some NHL players get those ancient looking CCM helmets like the one Kovalev wears. Is this a custom job or do they stockpile the old style helmets?

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Just wondering where some NHL players get those ancient looking CCM helmets like the one Kovalev wears. Is this a custom job or do they stockpile the old style helmets?

When Modano signed with the Wings there was a blurb in the Free Press about how hard it was to find Modanos hemet in Red now that CCM stopped making them. They managed to find one, but Lidstrom is now wearing the Vector helmet, so its pretty clear its out of production.

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When Modano signed with the Wings there was a blurb in the Free Press about how hard it was to find Modanos hemet in Red now that CCM stopped making them. They managed to find one, but Lidstrom is now wearing the Vector helmet, so its pretty clear its out of production.

Great example. Modano on the cover of Hockey News is what got me thinking about this. Modano must have tons of green helmets but what to do when he needs a red one. Makes one wonder about all the "new and improved' gear we all buy when these guys are sticking with the old school stuff. Marketing must not work on the pros like it does on us suckers.

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Great example. Modano on the cover of Hockey News is what got me thinking about this. Modano must have tons of green helmets but what to do when he needs a red one. Makes one wonder about all the "new and improved' gear we all buy when these guys are sticking with the old school stuff. Marketing must not work on the pros like it does on us suckers.

I don't understand why you wouldn't want to protect yourself better with current technology when its widely available. I guess don't fix it if it ain't broke but I hope this doesn't encourage people to buy used vintage ccm lids and used them in games. Considering people are skating and shooting faster every year with lighter and better equipment, why wouldn't you wear something up to date that will provide adequate protection.

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I don't understand why you wouldn't want to protect yourself better with current technology when its widely available. I guess don't fix it if it ain't broke but I hope this doesn't encourage people to buy used vintage ccm lids and used them in games. Considering people are skating and shooting faster every year with lighter and better equipment, why wouldn't you wear something up to date that will provide adequate protection.

Sometimes it's better to just stick to what you know and what you're comfortable with.

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I don't understand why you wouldn't want to protect yourself better with current technology when its widely available. I guess don't fix it if it ain't broke but I hope this doesn't encourage people to buy used vintage ccm lids and used them in games. Considering people are skating and shooting faster every year with lighter and better equipment, why wouldn't you wear something up to date that will provide adequate protection.

They were just talking about this on TSN. Dreger and Mike Johnson were talking about and demonstrating the kevlar socks...and how, although it would not have help Phaneuf, Burke is going to encourage his players (especially D-men) to wear them.

Johnson said sometimes it's just as simple as being creatires of habit and comfort. He never wore a visor or mouthguard when he played...and said he probably wouldn't wear the socks now...not because he didn't believe it was better protection, but because he was comfortable in his routine, and gear...and had a certain feeling of invincibility. Fluke injuries like that are not ones that players (generally) worry about.

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Great example. Modano on the cover of Hockey News is what got me thinking about this. Modano must have tons of green helmets but what to do when he needs a red one. Makes one wonder about all the "new and improved' gear we all buy when these guys are sticking with the old school stuff. Marketing must not work on the pros like it does on us suckers.

You mean black and white? There are unopened cases sitting down here.

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I wonder how many coats of paint Mark Messier had on those old WinnWell helmetss that he wore?

When Dan Cloutier was in Vancouver, he used some of the helmets that were left after Messier departed. And his helmets(Cloutier's) were painted by an autobody shop (not sure how often).

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When Dan Cloutier was in Vancouver, he used some of the helmets that were left after Messier departed. And his helmets(Cloutier's) were painted by an autobody shop (not sure how often).

Didn't Hasek have that same problem too? He used the same helmet that Osgood uses now.. but then eventually he got a custom mold (made to look like the Coopers) in his last few years of playing in the NHL.

When Demitra signed with the Canucks a few years ago, the Canucks had the same problem. They were able to get some from a few LHS in Vancouver.

If I remember correctly.. Kariya is one of the last ones that still uses this helmet.. I know Perron used it for quite a while as well. Do you guys think they get repadded with better foam? Or?

Up until 2004.. I used that same exact helmet. Well.. an updated version (The HT652?). The one before they came out with the Vector line..not the one seen on Duncan Keith (as well as Jason Arnott).. which I think is the 852 Tacks currently.. who I'm honestly surprised hasn't gone ALL Bauer yet.. everyone else on the Hawks who used a mix of brands such as Easton/Warrior/Bauer/CCM.. recently went all Bauer or all CCM this past season (Hossa, Skille, Brouwer, etc.) Does he not have a sponsorship yet?


Had more padding and what not. I just grew up using that type of helmet.. so i was used to it.

The same can be said about the Cooper/Nike Bauer/Bauer 4000-4500.. why are players still using that? Like 70% of the NHL still uses it to this day (which I'll be moving to.. as the CCM HT652 I have is cracked).. I guess it's just a classic helmet.. so as someone said, if it's not broke, don't fix it.

And as we all know.. as hockey players we have preferences.. so :shrugs: why let anyone tell you what to wear or what to use?

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You mean black and white? There are unopened cases sitting down here.

Yes, I meant black-but the white ones would work in Detroit as well. Are the cases there specifically for Modano?

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I love those old CCM's. I have a black and a white but gave the black to my brother after his inline gear got stolen. I still have the white but the side screws are stripped and I can't adjust it anymore. I usually wear them to stick time.

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I don't understand why you wouldn't want to protect yourself better with current technology when its widely available. I guess don't fix it if it ain't broke but I hope this doesn't encourage people to buy used vintage ccm lids and used them in games. Considering people are skating and shooting faster every year with lighter and better equipment, why wouldn't you wear something up to date that will provide adequate protection.

There's no proof that the new helmets provide any additional protection over the old ones. In fact there is proof that the VN protects better than EPP in certain types of hits and EPP protects better than VN in others.

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There's no proof that the new helmets provide any additional protection over the old ones. In fact there is proof that the VN protects better than EPP in certain types of hits and EPP protects better than VN in others.

I was actually trying to find information on hockey helmets and testing info. HECC doesn't appear to publish testing results for different models of helmets (just which models meet the HECC requirements), but I would assume some independent testing is done by Universities, etc.

I found it interesting to see that the U of M (Minnesota) is currently (as of Oct 2010) using Bauer Model 4500 helmets which appeared to have White VN liners for all their players. If anyone knows of where some of this testing data can be found it would be interesting to see. Especially with young ones playing hockey.

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These kinds of situations are when I'm all right with being a hoarder. When I saw Nike 0004s going on clearance as low as $20 I swooped in. I'm superstitious and picky to begin with but I just don't like the majority of new helmets I've tried on.

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I have one of the older HT2's from the 80's and i love it, the padding is extremly differnt than the modern day 652's. The padding is more like a memory foam than the harder black foam. I can post pics if you would like compairing the two. Also have 3 Vintage jofas kicking around that also love to use

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It's amazing that there is such discussion around the tech in these helmets. Again, how much does marketing have to play? I used to do triathlons and was convinced that I needed a new bike helmet every year because of the marketing that the newer helmets were better protection for my noggin. Spent plenty of dough. With hockey helmets I wonder about the same thing. VN or EPP? I know it' s important to protect your head but are these companies out there trying to use this to make us buy a new helmet every year? Where does safety end and marketing begin.

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There was massive study on helmets that someone posted. I read through as much of it as I could understand, and they did say the VN helmets seemed to be more protective. I just picked up an M11 but I remember looking at every helmet and none of the EPP foams had any give at all. Makes me wonder why they are so popular. I never fit into any VN helmets though so I haven't used one since I was a little kid.

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There was massive study on helmets that someone posted. I read through as much of it as I could understand, and they did say the VN helmets seemed to be more protective. I just picked up an M11 but I remember looking at every helmet and none of the EPP foams had any give at all. Makes me wonder why they are so popular. I never fit into any VN helmets though so I haven't used one since I was a little kid.

The most in depth study I've seen basically said EPP was better for direct impacts, like the ones in the HECC and CSA tests, and VN was better for indirect impacts. As for popularity, it's all in the marketing.

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What is the designation for a direct/indirect impact?


Direct impact is pretty obvious, indirect impacts were at an angle other than 90 degrees. VN was better as dissipating the rotational force (if I remember correctly) than EPP, while EPP was better at dissipating an impact directly perpendicular.

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Direct impact is pretty obvious, indirect impacts were at an angle other than 90 degrees. VN was better as dissipating the rotational force (if I remember correctly) than EPP, while EPP was better at dissipating an impact directly perpendicular.

I know that with cycling helmets you are supposed to replace the helmet after a crash where the helmet takes direct impact. I wonder if the same principle applies to hockey helmets using EPP. If nothing I would bet that there are lots of players out there in EPP helmets who have taken numerous direct hits on their helmets. Although we are talking about different sports and hitting the pavement at 30 km/hr would be more impact that being upended on the ice, the number of repeated impacts might have some effect. Then there is the issue of the expiration of some foams that lose their protective value over time. Some of the guys I play with have been using the same VN helmet for twenty years. I'm just saying that with all these guidelines and people looking to protect their heads there are still likely a lot of players out their with less protection than they think. It IS your head after all. Of course, some folks play with no visor or cage as well....

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I really don't think a lot of the younger generation are going to be influenced by the old CCM helmets. Most of the guys in the NHL are wearing newer helmets, and a lot of the younger generation hockey players are wearing the top of the line, new helmets anyway.

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