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tighter fitting gear

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remember a few years back when rbk introduced their new edge jersey in the all star game? remember when everyone thought they were errr.... hideous? super tight jerseys and flashy looking socks???

I must say it was weird seeing players in form fitting jerseys, but now, the old stuff looks out of place. I really do like the tighter fitting jerseys and tighter fitting equipment in terms of pants and hockey socks. It just looks more modern. The days of baggy jeans are over... and so are the days of baggy jerseys. Even gloves seem to be more fitting and tighter.


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remember a few years back when rbk introduced their new edge jersey in the all star game? remember when everyone thought they were errr.... hideous? super tight jerseys and flashy looking socks???

I must say it was weird seeing players in form fitting jerseys, but now, the old stuff looks out of place. I really do like the tighter fitting jerseys and tighter fitting equipment in terms of pants and hockey socks. It just looks more modern. The days of baggy jeans are over... and so are the days of baggy jerseys. Even gloves seem to be more fitting and tighter.


Nah. I much prefer the older style. But maybe that's because I'm old :)

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i don't wear skinny jeans...

the socks are not tighter, just different material. i haven't noticed a trend of tighter fitting pants or gloves either. i think the only fit difference are the jerseys.

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IMO, the new look doesn`t seem so much as tighter to me, but a bit sleeker and cleaner. I don`t really think it`s too tight. Perhaps for gloves it`s agurable that people are looking for more conforming and snugger gloves, but theres still tons of people who love that traditional feel. As for the jeans, I could never use skinny jeans, too fat. :tongue:

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Guys are wearing larger sized jerseys than they were when they changed to the new Nike and RBK designs so they look more like we're used to seeing. As for the jeans thing, that's just current style and it will change again in a couple years, just like it always does.

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I think the CCM/KOHO jerseys are plain looking and obsolete

and yes I do own several jerseys by RBK Edge and CCM/Bauer and feel the only way to move forward is to continue form shaping apparel.

You wouldn't expect NASCAR to go back to boxy cars or F1 to quit their aerodynamic designs?

Truth be told that if you go outside and skate in a big winter coat you are going to go much slower than wearing a plain t-shirt, and I think the new NHL wants to go faster and perform better as well.

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remember a few years back when rbk introduced their new edge jersey in the all star game? remember when everyone thought they were errr.... hideous? super tight jerseys and flashy looking socks???

I must say it was weird seeing players in form fitting jerseys, but now, the old stuff looks out of place. I really do like the tighter fitting jerseys and tighter fitting equipment in terms of pants and hockey socks. It just looks more modern. The days of baggy jeans are over... and so are the days of baggy jerseys. Even gloves seem to be more fitting and tighter.


Majority of players don't even wear the Edge 1.0 anymore.

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1) I'm straight and I don't wear skinny jeans.

2) I like old ccm/koho jerseys. they were much better.

Nice man, really nice.

On topic, I do like the new jerseys and such, they look clean (for the most part)

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Speaking of tight stuff, the new ccm u+ pro shouldies are really tight. I felt like I could barely breath in them.

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I like the look of the Edge stuff a lot more, aside from the rounded jersey bottoms. I didn't like at first when the players were wearing the super tight jerseys but they all went up a size and now it looks great IMO.

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I like the CCM jerseys, they are a little more affordable for me...eBay. I also like the Levi 514, Slim Straights.

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I love The older CCM jerseys. I like the way the new uniforms fit but I can't stand a lot of the flare on them.

I don't like the way the edge socks look up close but they probably feel awesome to wear.

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What I used to hate about the Edge jerseys was not the fit, it was the fact that it ruined so many great looking jerseys (Avalanche, Stars, Sharks...). Now I that I'm used to it I don't care anymore ahah

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I think the fit of the new jerseys is a vast improvement. The rounded tails help avoid a blouse-y, baggy look as well. My only problem is the piping they put on a lot of the jerseys (Blues, Panthers, Avalanche). It's reflective (ugly) and also gets in the way of the captain's letters.

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I think the fit of the new jerseys is a vast improvement. The rounded tails help avoid a blouse-y, baggy look as well. My only problem is the piping they put on a lot of the jerseys (Blues, Panthers, Avalanche). It's reflective (ugly) and also gets in the way of the captain's letters.

Oh yeah I almost forgot about that... so annoying ahah

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even with the one size up on the jerseys, they are still sleeker looking and more modern.. whether it is for performance wise or not, they look better.

i dont wear skinny jeans either, but i def wear jeans that are not wide legs and super baggy anymore.

i think these days, it is a lot of compression this and compression that, mainly because science and R+D has a huge role in sports now

if you look at hockey pants (esp retail models) they are slimmer and there is less gpa between your leg and the actual pant.. ie the supreme and vapor lines from bauer. haven't really looked into the other brands in depth, but bauer has def gone slimmer... probably because it works better with the slimmer jerseys..

the edge socks are thinner and are tighter fitting than the old acrylic wool ones. yes the old socks do stretch but are much thicker and less form fitting than the edge socks (pro that is.. the retail edge socks are a bit baggy and do not conform unless you have big shins)

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Alot of the new jerseys look like practice jerseys, if you look at say the Oilers, the lack of a bottom stripe. I am glad the original 6 teams are basically wearing there old style.

I think the whole reason they came out with the edge is so Reebok can sell more jerseys, the same reason they switched to road Whites and home dark, how do you think Reebok makes any money in Hockey, anyone can where a $200 Jersy, not everyone can skate and but a $600 pair of skates.

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Truth be told that if you go outside and skate in a big winter coat you are going to go much slower than wearing a plain t-shirt, and I think the new NHL wants to go faster and perform better as well.

I wanna puke every time I hear that. You're not on Bettman's payroll are you? ;-)

Can't stand the shirttail look, won't wear a jersey without a straight bottom hem.

Ditto. I finally found a manufacturer w/ straight bottoms that fits and gave my shirttail referee shirts to the newbie refs.

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The new EDGE stuff sucks for regular+ sized guys! I bought a pro Edge jersey in a 58 (I usually wear a 56) and it fit like a freeking sports bra!!

I like the older stiff. I can move in it. Tight stinks!!

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I wanna puke every time I hear that. You're not on Bettman's payroll are you? ;-)

No however if you look at hockey in the 60s and today and think it's still the same then I think we have problems ;)

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Soccer's got tight uniforms, Football's got tight uniforms, etc etc..hell, even in Tennis some of the woman wear tight short skirts.

Tighter is always better. :biggrin:

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even with the one size up on the jerseys, they are still sleeker looking and more modern.. whether it is for performance wise or not, they look better.

One size up? Way more than that.

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I've got three edge and one is pro and two are retail. The retail ones are super light and breath well and I can get into them okay. I prefer them. I have no idea how I look in them nor do I care. However there is something hard to beat about the old school squared off jerseys from the original six. Only Detroit seems to have one that looks as good on the edge jerseys as on the old style.

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I don't like the shirt tail look at all. It adds nothing to the look of the uniform. How stupid did the back of the Caps jerseys look in the WC with that ridiculous shirt tail? I also agree that the piping stripe often looks idiotic. Finally, I like to watch Dallas play but a jersey with the name and number on the front with no logo at all on the chest looks like cheap house league to me. That jersey should be jettisoned(Razor Reaugh didn't say that, I did).

The irony of so many newer NHL jersey designs is teams going back to their original designs: Oilers, Islanders, Flames. I'm glad the Leafs added the stripe at the bottom, too.

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