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Star Wars ROTS

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You prople may kill me for saying this but I've never seen a full episode of Star Wars.  I might end up buying the whole collection when Episode 3 goes on sale.

Never even watched a second of Star Wars, I always thought it was gay and for geeks.

What wisdom you have shown, oh Enlightened One...

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You prople may kill me for saying this but I've never seen a full episode of Star Wars.  I might end up buying the whole collection when Episode 3 goes on sale.

Never even watched a second of Star Wars, I always thought it was gay and for geeks.

What wisdom you have shown, oh Enlightened One...

yea... too bad both of you actively post on a site about hockey equipment :rolleyes:

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If you think the Movie trailer is good, check out the trailer for the Game (btw, when did Video Games start getting full trailers?)


I just shat myself. I am in awe about that game and the movie. Now I will have to count down the days just like Halo 2(But luckily Halo 2 is out tomorrow).

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All right, old topic but I had to sit thru the only episode of "The OC" that I will ever watch to see this thing. Promptly d/led it and it is easily the best trailer I can remember seeing. Definitely worthy of sitting with nerds dressed up as Yoda the night it opens.

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All right, old topic but I had to sit thru the only episode of "The OC" that I will ever watch to see this thing. Promptly d/led it and it is easily the best trailer I can remember seeing. Definitely worthy of sitting with nerds dressed up as Yoda the night it opens.

How much you guys think Easton paid to have them use Easton sticks during their roller hockey game? Side note: defintely a bummer to have to see that rubbish in order to catch the trailer.

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I heard that George Lucas doesn't want to do any more Starwars movies, or something like that.

Maybe he's afraid he will ruin the series. :rolleyes:

If your into spoilers, there are some sights that have tons of pictures with descriptions under them.

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Afraid he'll ruin the series? I don't think he could do any worse than he has with the last two movies. This movie SHOULD be amazing with all the action it has lined up, but Lucas will find a way to mess it up.

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Lucas will be on 60 Minutes and I'm sure any future ideas for it will be mentioned, but from what I've read he's mainly talking about how he wouldn't take kids to this last one since it'll be the darkest of the bunch.

There's a TV show in the works but what it'd actually be about hasn't been officially announced I don't think. As for future movies, I only remember him saying he wanted 10 years to do other things, but then it takes 10 years for each trilogy so he'd be 70something and didn't think it was feasible.

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Lucas will be on 60 Minutes and I'm sure any future ideas for it will be mentioned, but from what I've read he's mainly talking about how he wouldn't take kids to this last one since it'll be the darkest of the bunch.

There's a TV show in the works but what it'd actually be about hasn't been officially announced I don't think. As for future movies, I only remember him saying he wanted 10 years to do other things, but then it takes 10 years for each trilogy so he'd be 70something and didn't think it was feasible.

And he won't let someone else do it. Empire was the best in terms of script and direction and he had less to do with it than any of the others. Coincidence? I think not.

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This is true and I thought that'd always be my favourite but I'm starting to think this will top it. It'll depend on the actual script like you said, but look at the roster of fights that'll go on in this one.

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This is true and I thought that'd always be my favourite but I'm starting to think this will top it. It'll depend on the actual script like you said, but look at the roster of fights that'll go on in this one.

This one has a lot of potential but so did the last one. I remain skeptical. As I like to say "an optimist can never be pleasantly surprised."

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Using Obi Wan from Ep 4 to do the opening narration for Ep 3 is Brilliant!!!! I like the evil looking Anakin too.

(begin geek talk now...)

I've heard/read, that there is a great Lightsaber fight with Duku. I have a feeling that Sidous will have Anakin/Vader kill Duku as a test and somewhere in that confrontation he will end up in the lava. Apparantly there is more than one Anakin/Obi Wan fight, but the final battle with looks really good. There is some shooting footage on the extras dick of the Ep 4-6 DVD boxset.

I wonder if this movie will explain how it is that Yoda ends up on Dagoba. I think it may be an exile by the Jedi Counsel because they blame him because he is the one that granted training for Anakin.

(...geek talk ends)

Thats a very good and thought out theory

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I saw the trailer yesterday. It was kind of a coincidence too, because we were watching Star Wars Episode IV in English class. Also, I haven't ever seen a Star Wars Film until this past week in school. After watching that movie and the trailer for ROTS, I think they're pretty interesting, so I think I'll probably fork up the money for the box-set once it comes out.

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Downloaded the trailer. Looks pretty hot.

I figure Obi-Wan knocks Anakin into the lava, then pulls him out and saves him. Then he becomes Vader and all hell breaks loose...

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I have never seen one complete Star Wars movie. To see all of them I would have to rent all of them at once with about 3 boxes of popcorn and spend a weekend looking at them.

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I'm pretty sure all these little robots save him from the lava and build the suit, then he sits up and he puts on the mask.

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I'm still trying to find the "Official" new trailer for Ep3...this is a fan-produced one that is pretty damn good. Anyone have a link to the real one?


[EDIT] I found the new trailer....SW Ep3:ROTS Trailer (28 Meg)

It runs about 3:00, but the OC thing is still on the front.


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