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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Warrior Stick Customizer Program

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I guess I should change my title to - Product Manager-Crack.

Pretty much yeah... I broke my 2011 Dolomite and I'm going through some serious withdrawal...

how much well it cost in canada for a custom

Well, $30 upcharge from retail I believe is what was said earlier. So $300 + $30 + shipping.

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I guess I should change my title to - Product Manager-Crack.

First taste is free? If that's the case, you can ship me a widow with the versteeg curve.

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I have a pro stock kovalev blade that looks very similar to the versteeg pattern.

How about the side profile? I have both at my desk, they are not alike.

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Yeah, that Versteeg definitely looks quite Draper/Sakic/P92-esque, though obviously a bit different. Sounds like the Zetterberg pro is a heel wedge with a round toe, but I'm guessing it's not identical to a Kovalev/Drury/P91A, how is it different? Someone mentioned it has a touch of mid curve to it as well, maybe more like a Bauer P106? My dream curve is a P106 with less rocker (to be exact, with more of a Drury type lie and rocker), if the Zetterberg pro is anything like that I'd be in heaven :)

There are zetterberg pros on PSHG site right now, for curve reference

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I can't wait to try the customizer. I've been wanting to try a Warrior stick for awhile now. The glowing reviews on the Widow have me deeply interested. And the Vanek curve looks just like what I use to have made in wood blades years ago (although I now play a Sakic curve now). Will the Widow with a Vanek blade be the stick to convert me from an Easton guy to a Warrior-aholic?

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How about the side profile? I have both at my desk, they are not alike.

Agreed. From the side view they are not alike -- my kovalev is longer and not as wide. Was referring to the view from above and should have been more specific. Also, my kovalev is not a warrior blade.

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i cannot wait to see this customizer, ive been checking everyday now this month and still not up yet... cant wait to see what it has

From what I understand, it is at least another 2 weeks away - if not more.

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Agreed. From the side view they are not alike -- my kovalev is longer and not as wide. Was referring to the view from above and should have been more specific. Also, my kovalev is not a warrior blade.

i saw kovys blades in the penguins storage room. those were reebok. are yours?

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i saw kovys blades in the penguins storage room. those were reebok. are yours?

no, easton, christian and innovative. I was referring to the easton blade in the above post.

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Sorry that I've gone "dark" on you guys, but we are working very hard to get the final details buttoned up for the customizer. It should only be a few more days, within a week for sure. Thanks for the patience, from what we've been seeing so far, it's pretty amazing!

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