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Best puck feeling stick

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Im in the market for some new sticks, and instead of taking the top end route, i wanted to get middle of the road just because of my league. now i know all of the mid level sticks, but what i dont know is how the feel is on majority of them. Im really getting into my stick handling, so puck feel is huge i'll be coming from a totalone. any suggestions on experience with mid level stick/puck feel would be great

if for some reason i missed it in a search just point me in the righ direction! thanks

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Not sure what your price range is, but Warrior's AK27 sticks were good to me. I've used both the one-piece and the shaft-blade combo. Really good for the money. If you want to stay with Bauer, check out purehockey.com They've got One95 prostocks on sale for $120. I know those aren't considered mid-level sticks, but if they have your pattern/flex, that'd be a great puck feel stick for that kind of money.

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I didnt really want to go over 130$ per stick seeing as i want to buy two sticks and just be done with it for a year. im not a huge warrior fan, i wanted to maybe stay bauer or easton mainly. I've also looked into the one95's but im curious as to the heights/flex if they're pro stock.

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I didnt really want to go over 130$ per stick seeing as i want to buy two sticks and just be done with it for a year. im not a huge warrior fan, i wanted to maybe stay bauer or easton mainly. I've also looked into the one95's but im curious as to the heights/flex if they're pro stock.

Why is everyone so hell bent on getting pro stock sticks?

If you're looking for puck feel, the One95 is a good option. However, with pro stocks, you won't even know if you're getting a true One95 and if so, how do you know that player didn't prefer and therefore have his sticks made with a different blade? Not to mention even if the stick is a One95 with the normal blade, the pattern, lie, flex, and height may be all wrong for you.

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Why is everyone so hell bent on getting pro stock sticks?

If you're looking for puck feel, the One95 is a good option. However, with pro stocks, you won't even know if you're getting a true One95 and if so, how do you know that player didn't prefer and therefore have his sticks made with a different blade? Not to mention even if the stick is a One95 with the normal blade, the pattern, lie, flex, and height may be all wrong for you.

thats exactly my concern and reason i dont prefer to buy them lol. Anything between 100-130$ is what im looking at. i know how much i need to cut for bauers/eastons. so its more down to the feel of the blades. i know with some sticks at that price range its not all going to be there and thats fine. i just want some opinions on what people have used in that range

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I've heard from a few guys that the Bauer One80 is a good stick. Solid puck feel, decent weight.

+ 1, as well, warrior dolomite, and sherwood t90, if you can get an se16 on clearance for about $ 130 that for me is hands down above all others.

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You can get retail One95s for pretty cheap now. I was using a shaft + wood blade combo and personally found that to be closest. X60 wasn't bad but it was... different. Dolomites can be had pretty cheaply as well but I personally found that to be a tier behind the One95.

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You find SRs, let me know. Haven't seen them around at all.

That's a good point - I should clarify Intermediates seem to plentiful and even then should caveat it by saying the pattern selection is limited (hope you like the Stamkos/Zetterberg/Modano...)

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I would definitely get last years top model on clearance than settle for a mid tier stick from this year. The technology hasn't changed that much yeesh.

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I think the best stick you could get for that money would definitely be a Sherwood T90. Weight, balance and puck feel are all really good for the price point.

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Sherwood T90 gets my vote, for that price range.

Dude the t90 is soo heavy. i hated mine so its sitting in my closet right now

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more than likely going to pick up a one80. just went to the local shop earlier and picked one up felt really nice and i liked the finish with the grip. all the guys recommended it to me coming from a totalone. thanks for all the input

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Personally, I can't wait for the Nexon 12's to roll out. Not sure what the price will be though.

I saw Nexon 12's at Pro Hockey Life last weekend, they were about $180. That's in Calgary.

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Im in the market for some new sticks, and instead of taking the top end route, i wanted to get middle of the road just because of my league. now i know all of the mid level sticks, but what i dont know is how the feel is on majority of them. Im really getting into my stick handling, so puck feel is huge i'll be coming from a totalone. any suggestions on experience with mid level stick/puck feel would be great

if for some reason i missed it in a search just point me in the righ direction! thanks

If you're in Canada, National Sports is selling the One95s for $139.99, and Sport Chek is blowing them out at $129.99. They are retail sticks, not pro stock.

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The T90 was as poorly balanced and heavy feeling as most other mid level sticks. I messed around with all three versions of it and each one of them felt like you taped a puck to the blade.

Dolomites are on clearance all over the place and have excellent puck feel. One80 would be interesting as well but it's not going to have the lightness of a high end stick. S19's are starting to come down in price.

Also if you can swing it, maybe get a tapered shaft and wood blade for right now and in a few months or whenever the APX line comes out get a tapered X60 blade. Should be same feel as Total One but with the much better balance of tapered sticks.

Personally I won't touch mid level sticks anymore. Any time I buy one "at a great price" I'm disappointed. I never break sticks so spending $150-200 once a year is enough. If I started breaking sticks, I'd go 2-piece anyways.

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