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Advantage of Superfeet Yellow?

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Title says it all; is there an advantage of putting Superfeet Yellow in your skates vs what came in them, such as the Vapor X7.0 insert/ footbed?

Thank you for input in advance.

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yellow superfeet help pitch you forward a little bit. I skated in Bauer Vapors for years but recently switched to MLX skates. when I first tried them out I felt like I was flat-footed but when I added the Superfeet it made the pitch more like the Vapors and I haven't looked back.

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So Vapor's have a forward pitch and if you add superfeet yellow you get a more agressive stance or on the balls of your feet? I thought Vapor's had a natural stance.

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Yellow Superfeet are a posting solution for footbed support. They basically force the foot into "alignment" with increased arch support, and can compensate for pronation. They also have a thicker heel that most stock footbeds, hence the forward pitch. Potential downsides occur most often from getting the wrong size. If the arch length is too short or too long, you may feel uncomfortable pressure in your arch If the heel cup is too big/small you may feel discomfort in the heel. If the volume of your foot is already at the limit of the skate it's in, Superfeet potentially cause volume/fit issues because of the increased thickness. This most often occcurs at the top of the foot, causing lace-bite. They're not for everyone, but most people I've sold them too like them. I've had very few complaints/returns.

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It sounds like they work for alot of people but I got nothing but more pain because I basically have no arch. Since take up a bit of volume in the skate I wouldn't try em if everything feels fine

what skates are you in?

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when I first got the Superfeet and put them into my Vapors it was too much for me. during the game I actually was having pain and a little numbness in the calf area. took me awhile to figure out it was the insoles that were causing the problems. no such problems with the MLX skates.

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The only thing you may have to worry about Superfeet is that they're flimsy. Depending on how much you weigh, you could push right through them.

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if you're on for a little bit more of a budget, I'd give a chance to sida's/graf custom made footbeds. that being said, if you're feeling good with your current footbeds, don't change.

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if you're on for a little bit more of a budget, I'd give a chance to sida's/graf custom made footbeds. that being said, if you're feeling good with your current footbeds, don't change.

+1, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

That said, Superfeet and the SIDAS footbeds are totally different approaches. Superfeet force the foot into an "ideal" shape. The idea of the SIDAS footbeds is to provide support in the naturally occurring shape of each foot. Conceptually it's like standing on small exercise balls, and in theory they activate smaller muscles in the foot to improve comfort and skate response. As for Superfeet being flimsy, Superfeet are significantly stiffer than any stock footbed I've ever seen. If you need more support than Superfeet provide, you'd have to look into the SIDAS, SIDAS Pro, or see a Podiatrist about orthotics.

If you're having problems, Superfeet are a good place to start. Especially as they have a 60-day guarantee on them. If you still have problems and are able to spend the money, you can look into customs, either the Graf/SIDAS options or from a Physician.

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I wouldn't say that Superfeet are exclusively built to be a problem solver product. It definitely has performance enhancements aspects to it. For a person looking to get greater edge control and stability while at the same time feeling comfortable with existing footbeds, why not give Superfeet a shot? They're not for everyone but for the the most part, one should benefit from using them, though the degree of benefit varies from person to person.

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A podiatrist was the route I took. The Yellows I found were flimsy, and the blacks were better, but take up a good bit of volume.

I also took the podiatrist route, but he recommended Yellow Superfeet for me. I pronate and have a slight alignment issue, and after my doctor seeing my skates he felt the built in Bauer arch plus Yellow feet would fix my problem. He was correct. Every pair of skates I have ever owned, I have bent the holders inwards over time. I have skated on my new skates for many hours and the holders have not bent at all. This shows that Yellow Superfeet can be effective when you have a problem such as pronating or alignment. For "ME" They work and has saved me a great deal of aggravation. Of course they are not going to work for everyone, and for some people will hinder their performance. Some of you may ask why my podiatrist didn't recommend custom orthotics. He felt for "MY" problem they would not be worth the aggravation and a waste of money. Is there an advantage to Yellow Superfeet? Yes! if you need to fix a problem they were designed to fix and/or help.

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For me the Superfeet were mostly about greater edge control, nothing major league but definitely noticeable. I guess the promise of better alignment actually worked out for me. It may not be the same for everyone, but with with the full money back guarantee (even after you've cut them to size), why not give them a shot. nothing to loose and potentially you might improve your skating.

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OMG superfeet in my skates were like night and day. My feet were in pain just walking from the dressing room to the bench. First time I dropped Superfeet in my skates, they felt like slippers.

I like that they have no arch support.. I think that may have been my problem. Seems most insoles try to add arch support. Superfeet add HEEL support, which I think is exactly what I needed. I can't even imagine not using them now.

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OMG superfeet in my skates were like night and day. My feet were in pain just walking from the dressing room to the bench. First time I dropped Superfeet in my skates, they felt like slippers.

I like that they have no arch support.. I think that may have been my problem. Seems most insoles try to add arch support. Superfeet add HEEL support, which I think is exactly what I needed. I can't even imagine not using them now.

Exactly right. Superfeet is NOT an arch support product, but instead, a heel support product.

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I believe I'm in the minority in that my feet supinate instead of pronate (my left foot in particular), but either way I will say that the yellow Superfeet have helped me out as well, I have them in my One100s and they definitely make my foot sit much better in the boot. I also like the slight heel lift they add, especially since I'm in Supremes.

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Everyone's feet are different, but I love yellow Superfeet. Without Superfeet I get a fair bit of pain, which I attribute to my foot being forced to flatten out. With Superfeet my foot just feels really well supported, no pain. I also think my edge control is improved, I hate negative space in skates, like a very snug fit all over, Superfeet take away any negative space along the bottom of my feet just like great fitting skates take away any negative space along the top/sides.

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Exactly right. Superfeet is NOT an arch support product, but instead, a heel support product.

How is it not supporting the arch? The stiffest part of the footbed is under the heel and arch, it supports both.

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I deiced to go out and buy a pair of yellow superfeet around 4 months ago, I put them in my vapor XXX's which i had no problems with the fit or foot pain or anything I just wanted to give them a shot. I put them in I HATED them i wore them for 1 period. It wasn't a comfort issue I just felt very funny skating with them in. It was like i was in a dif pair of skates I really didn't like it at ALL. I now have total-ones and I am gonna give them a try in them and see how they feel.

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How is it not supporting the arch? The stiffest part of the footbed is under the heel and arch, it supports both.

That was not what the product was designed for. I thought it was an arch support as well but the positioning of where the 'arch' supposedly is is actually a bit further back than where most people's arches really are. Superfeet themselves even describe that 'arched' area as an 'elevated heel' : http://www.superfeet...key/Yellow.aspx

Even SF black (without the heel lift) still has the description of that area as an elevated heel rather than an arch.

edit : not 100% sure on the mechanics of it, but there are others here that can tell you more or correct me if I'm wrong

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Although Im sure they help some people, just wanted to point out that they're not for everyone. After hearing a friend rave about them for weeks I tried a pair last night and that was the end of that. They take away a lot of volume in the skate so if you have nice tight fitting skates that may be an issue. That main thing I didnt like was they actually made my foot go numb around the arch. The stock Graf footbeds are much more comfortable to me, but to each their own.

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