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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2012-2013 Gear Sightings

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The holder is the same height (roughly) as others. The bottom of the skate is silver, thus your confusion.

That is the final design of the skate.

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interesting that both buff and gonch are wearing makos. given that they both were in mlx... wouldn't that lend credence to them being similar skates? i feel like jr or chadd said (a few pages back maybe) that those looking for an mlx-ish skate would be dissapointed and that the 'based on' mlx thing was being overstated. thoughts?

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I'm sure someone will cry about this but is it really so hard to put capital letters in the right places, or, has "text speak" just completely destroyed grammar forever?

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What I heard weeks back vs what I have heard just this week is different. I'll know in a couple of weeks, and when the time is right, we'll discuss.

The latest details feature-wise are good for those who liked that skate. The fit, however, no confirmations there.

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I have a friend using that curve on his pro stock eastons. It's a hook but he loves it. Someone told me Scott bjugstad helped make this curve like he did with the the p14.


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Sean Couturier, a noted CCM user last year in an ApX for Phantoms training camp

Kind of awkward seeing Couturier has a retail pattern with CCM, no?

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