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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What flex are you using?

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5'7" 125 lbs

I use 85 flex sticks (accident) but I'm always on the lookout for cheap 75 flex sticks.

And my stick comes up to under my nose IN skates.

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6'-0" 165 lbs

77 flex

60" length

I've played with 85 flex, and shorter/longer lengths, but I feel like the lighter flex and the 60" is perfect for me.

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6' 210lbs

100 flex eastons mostly extended 2" to my eyebrows on my feet and my nose on skates.

Players tend to underestimate how important flex actually is.

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Jesus, seeing all these posted makes me think I need to rethink my flex but it's worked for me since god was a boy.

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I always thought I was an 85 flex until I came to MSH. Started reading and learning... turns out 75 is for me.

I recall you saying you cut your sticks, so technically you use a flex somewhere between 80-85 (75 flex stick that is cut).

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This is true. Right now I'm playing with a Warrior shaft and I believe that, even after cutting, it remains a 75flex rating. And I really like it.

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60 flex bauer (cut down 4-5") so around 72 flex range according to the markings

55 flex warrior dt1 (cut down 7-8"), feels like 70 flex

Would like to try a stealth rs/rs2 or rbz in a 60 flex as these sticks feel stiffer at full length vs my cut down sticks.

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5'11" 172lbs (hopefully bulking)

Dolomite, Dynasty, 11K all 75 cut between chin and Adam's apple.

Since the reebok is stiffer than rated, and I still get a decent shot off, would it be safe to assume similar results with an 85 in other brands?

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6'0 180,

I use 100 flex at standard length or an 87 cut down 2+ inches (which is easily 95-100 anyway).

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