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STX to produce hockey equipment in 2014

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Curious who will produce the stuff, and where...

China, just like everyone else. prob same assembly line. You won;t see a NA produced hockey equipment again. Orient is it.

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China, just like everyone else. prob same assembly line. You won;t see a NA produced hockey equipment again. Orient is it.

easton and warrior still make a chunk of their sticks in mexico.

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Stx is operated by a company called William. T. Burnett & Co. There website says they offer a diverse and unique range of technical foam and nonwoven products for the automotive, bedding, filtration, furniture, industrial, thermoplastic, composite, and specialty markets.

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Isn't the market already over-saturated? It will be interesting to see the initial product(s).

Not at all. In the last ten years or so the following companies have all shut down or been bought out:












and Koho and Jofa were combined into RBK, while Inno was taken over by (and expanded into) Warrior.
There is a lot of product missing from the second level and specialty manufacturers.

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Not at all. In the last ten years or so the following companies have all shut down or been bought out:












and Koho and Jofa were combined into RBK, while Inno was taken over by (and expanded into) Warrior.
There is a lot of product missing from the second level and specialty manufacturers.

how is it that Hiller has koho gear? Can't get my head around it.

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There is a new koho company that just does just goalie stuff, it's supposed to be pretty good but I crave the old early 2000s logo goalie gear a-la Roy. Not sure how much of a connection the new koho has to the old one but it'd there. Really wish koho was revived, loved their gear and their compass/crosshair logo is still sweet.

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There is a new koho company that just does just goalie stuff, it's supposed to be pretty good but I crave the old early 2000s logo goalie gear a-la Roy. Not sure how much of a connection the new koho has to the old one but it'd there. Really wish koho was revived, loved their gear and their compass/crosshair logo is still sweet.

That is not correct.

Koho is now treated as a house brand for HockeyMonkey, so Reebok makes them SMU pads under the Koho name. Given that they are based in SoCal and Hiller plays for the Ducks, he wears them...

As far as STX goes, the rumor that they were going into hockey goes back 8 years.

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I know they were looking for Product people, but they were very vague in all the info, but last I heard they are moving forward in some capacity

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Not at all. In the last ten years or so the following companies have all shut down or been bought out:












and Koho and Jofa were combined into RBK, while Inno was taken over by (and expanded into) Warrior.
There is a lot of product missing from the second level and specialty manufacturers.

Good point. Well I always enjoyed their lax gear so hopefully they can take that success into hockey.

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STX was having a photo shoot today at my local rink with someone from the woman's olympic team.

I saw the prototype stick sitting out. Looked pretty nice. Didn't get a chance to hold it.

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Its always very exciting when a new company enters the fray. It is good for consumers and says much about the overall health of then industry. I really had thought that the consolidations we have seen, and the folding in of Reebok into CCM, were an indication that the metrics just were not there for another compant. Miken is an an example - good product that couldn't gain a foothold. Perhaps I am wrong and instead the consolidations have created an opportunity for STX. I hope they have good product and that they succeed.

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Miken had some good products no doubt, and had hard time gaining traction into this market, but things can workout for STX.

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I had the impression that Miken didn't try very hard for very long.

im no market expert, but it seemed like they produced for a storm, but marketed like a flurry.

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Its always very exciting when a new company enters the fray. It is good for consumers and says much about the overall health of then industry. I hope they have good product and that they succeed.

I'm using the Assault shoulder pads in my men's league and really like them. They are extremely lightweight and mobile. I've taken a couple of hits in them and they did their job. Really looking forward to what they bring to the table when it's specific to hockey, not re-purposed lacrosse.

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