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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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Bauer Vapor 10 Custom White Skates sz 8.5EE Vapor XXX

Limited Edition Vapor 10 (2002) dressed up as Vapor XXX

WTF??? :blink: I'm sure the legal dept. at NBH would love to see this.


I love part of the discription

"Please note that signatures add a considerable amount of weight to the skate which could alter your performance on the ice, so buyer beware :-)"


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those skates do look nice, but i dont like the look of the tongues, it looks like they forgot a layer on them.

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looks like a mix the old synergys, im not really into it

Thats becuase it is. These are a scam chop job!!! Simply tore apart a synergy skate, hence the box in the picture and applied it to a pair of Vap 10's. Nothing lines up right. LOL!!!

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forgive me if i am wrong, but if its gold wouldnt it be worth alot more?

i actually just bought that for the buy it now... its real gold and really heave on my head !!!...... lol i cant believe the price ont hat thing

The store selling that is right around the corner from me... haha. They aren't very nice either, I should go in looking for the 'gold helmet'.... Look at some of the prices on their other items... whoa

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