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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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Unfortunately str8prostock, when claims are made against the validity of a seller, your own feedback/actions are going to be looked at. Retracted bids are a sign of impulse shopping or other unsavory means. If you honestly thought there was shill bidding you could have just left your lower bid, and walked away. Worst case scenario the guy wins his own stick or some other schmuck purchases it at a higher price. Best case scenario, the seller retracts his shill bids because he doesn't want to pay for the stick himself and you win it at your original bid anyway. No real reason to retract your bids.

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I will tell you exactly what that is; it is a martial arts helmet.

When I worked at the LHS in town back in the day, there was a guy who would wipe me out of Concept IIs twice a year. He explained to me that he ran a martial arts school and they attach them to the headgear so that kids wouldn't get smacked in the face.

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Makes sense JR. What doesn't make sense is why it's actually listed under hockey helmet equipment.

Found it or picked it up at a yard sale, looked up the visor on the internet and figured the whole thing was a hockey helmet. At least that's my guess.

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So much fail in that auction...forged autograph, one sock with different striping...I could go on...

and yet my girlfriend (who knows im a hockey equipment / sports memorabilla junkie) got super mad when I told her to check with me before she bought anything off ebay or anywhere else...this is exactly why and I could see it being an birthday gift or xmas gift!

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The forged autograph is so blatant, the guy ought to be reported to ebay. He may even genuinely think that's legit, but it can't/shouldn't be up.

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