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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL.com today has a nice video of Edge runner being popped out by a shot

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I don't think the efficiency of changing a runner out can be questioned. Without a doubt puling a trigger is easier.

But are they as durable as traditional? Do they break more often? Do they fall out more often?

If a blade wiggles in the holder does that promote the ejection?

Short enough response?

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  On 3/27/2015 at 4:36 PM, mnpucker said:

I don't think the efficiency of changing a runner out can be questioned. Without a doubt puling a trigger is easier.

But are they as durable as traditional? Do they break more often? Do they fall out more often?

If a blade wiggles in the holder does that promote the ejection?

Short enough response?

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Everybody has different experiences but I can say that mine have been nothing but positive. Edge holders coming back for damage is at 1% if I had to say. I dont believe they break more often than any other holders. The original video shown was a NHL slapshot that directly hit the holder/blade...most holders would have structural damage at this point.

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Not sure how this devolved into an Edge vs LS2 debate, as I don't think OTG was saying Edge is inferior in concept. I believe he was just pointing out that Edge has design flaws (loose runners, possible trigger failure) that need to be addressed. He acknowledges that Bauer has already made improvements regarding the loose runner issue and just wants them to keep refining the product until it is as close to perfect as possible.

I don't think anyone here would dispute that all things being equal, the Edge trigger is preferable to an internal screw.

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  On 3/27/2015 at 4:36 PM, mnpucker said:

I don't think the efficiency of changing a runner out can be questioned. Without a doubt puling a trigger is easier.

But are they as durable as traditional? Do they break more often? Do they fall out more often?

If a blade wiggles in the holder does that promote the ejection?

Short enough response?

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I was having fun with the fact that you got 99% of your way through the initial response and decided to substitute "x's" for the word "times".

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  On 3/27/2015 at 3:34 PM, Tyler Roy said:

When you make it to a point where you have an EQM you can have just about anything go wrong with a piece of equipment and have it fixed rather quickly. Despite the majority of the NHL using the Edge holder, I think it benefits the average/"normal" player more. Not everybody has worked in a shop for years and can change/sharpen a new set of steel in under 5 min. I'm sure most hockey moms/dads could change steel on an edge holder if you show them. Its obviously caught on with so many players/teams using the edge over other holders. If we are playing hypotheticals and say you have a broken blade with an ls2 holder and I have the same broken blade but with an edge holder, who would be back and ready first? We both have steel prep'd for the player so sharpening doesnt need to happen. I grab the players blade, pull the trigger to remove blade(s) then insert new blades. Good to go. You have to grab the steel, remove players skate(s), take out footbed(s), unscrew old steel, screw in new steel, give back to player to retie. Without the convenience of a tv timeout you might miss a shift.

*noted that I am not bashing you for having a different opinion than me, like you normally deal with in this situation. Having an adult convo about our different opinions :biggrin::biggrin:

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Oh your right if I had it on the bench and all. It was in the back so player had to come down the hallway anyway. Now there have been a couple times I had issues getting the trigger blade out when a sharpen was needed. But thats the plan for next year is have all in a kit for the bench. Regardless of holder runner combo used.

  On 3/27/2015 at 5:56 PM, boo10 said:

Not sure how this devolved into an Edge vs LS2 debate, as I don't think OTG was saying Edge is inferior in concept. I believe he was just pointing out that Edge has design flaws (loose runners, possible trigger failure) that need to be addressed. He acknowledges that Bauer has already made improvements regarding the loose runner issue and just wants them to keep refining the product until it is as close to perfect as possible.

I don't think anyone here would dispute that all things being equal, the Edge trigger is preferable to an internal screw.

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Funny how not many others got this???

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Ok Just took a video with my phone of the clip. i rewound it a bit to try and get a better look at the contact. Best shot (no pun intended) is at the 45 second mark. But yeah nothing proves a traditional holder stands up to this but more than likely a traditional holder would crack and break. This thing just pops out.


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  On 3/27/2015 at 7:47 PM, mnpucker said:

Ok Just took a video with my phone of the clip. i rewound it a bit to try and get a better look at the contact.


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Had a tough time seeing what actually happened. But once again its tough to say what would happen if that same exact shot in the same exact place would do to a ls2, or any holder for that matter. I understand things arent supposed to fail but under stress things happen.

You guys have dealt with more issues with the Edge than I have, I'd love to hear more about them. Don't worry OTG, I wont toss out any death threats like you get on PHEW or other threads haha. Just interested to hear reasoning behind the preference.

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  On 3/27/2015 at 5:56 PM, boo10 said:

Not sure how this devolved into an Edge vs LS2 debate, as I don't think OTG was saying Edge is inferior in concept. I believe he was just pointing out that Edge has design flaws (loose runners, possible trigger failure) that need to be addressed. He acknowledges that Bauer has already made improvements regarding the loose runner issue and just wants them to keep refining the product until it is as close to perfect as possible.

I don't think anyone here would dispute that all things being equal, the Edge trigger is preferable to an internal screw.

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there have been comments/comment on this thread that the holder doesn't pose advantages to casual players, and even ones that think it doesn't pose an advantage at all to anyone. I think this is where some of the ls2 vs edge talk had come into play.

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  On 3/27/2015 at 3:34 PM, Tyler Roy said:

When you make it to a point where you have an EQM you can have just about anything go wrong with a piece of equipment and have it fixed rather quickly. Despite the majority of the NHL using the Edge holder, I think it benefits the average/"normal" player more. Not everybody has worked in a shop for years and can change/sharpen a new set of steel in under 5 min. I'm sure most hockey moms/dads could change steel on an edge holder if you show them. Its obviously caught on with so many players/teams using the edge over other holders. If we are playing hypotheticals and say you have a broken blade with an ls2 holder and I have the same broken blade but with an edge holder, who would be back and ready first? We both have steel prep'd for the player so sharpening doesnt need to happen. I grab the players blade, pull the trigger to remove blade(s) then insert new blades. Good to go. You have to grab the steel, remove players skate(s), take out footbed(s), unscrew old steel, screw in new steel, give back to player to retie. Without the convenience of a tv timeout you might miss a shift.

*noted that I am not bashing you for having a different opinion than me, like you normally deal with in this situation. Having an adult convo about our different opinions :biggrin::biggrin:

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Do many people have a fresh steel waiting in their bag? honest question bc if i dont buy a new steel to replace an older one then i usually dont have an extra pair ready to go.

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  On 3/28/2015 at 5:11 AM, Souldriver said:

Do many people have a fresh steel waiting in their bag? honest question bc if i dont buy a new steel to replace an older one then i usually dont have an extra pair ready to go.

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I would say in AAA hockey girls and guys there are a lot more that have it. In the OWHA for team ontario for example they request all players have it for provincial and national programs.

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  On 3/28/2015 at 5:11 AM, Souldriver said:

Do many people have a fresh steel waiting in their bag? honest question bc if i dont buy a new steel to replace an older one then i usually dont have an extra pair ready to go.

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Its becoming more and more popular. The extra steel is something most stores will try to sell. I think its a good idea to have, think the expression goes "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it".

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  On 3/25/2015 at 2:51 PM, JR Boucicaut said:

Joe can explain it better, but basically, it clamps the steel at the two points where it hooks into the holder and you are able to then clamp it on the jig and sharpen.

It simulates boot weight, plus at no point during the sharpening process do you have to touch the steel. You can clamp your squaring device onto the steel after sharpening, as well as hone the skate.

Before it, the sharpener would have to handle the steel with their hands at all times.

Mine is a pre-production one so it's unpainted.



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Curious, can you take a pic of the hidden side of the aluminium block which clamp the runner?

It has just 2.8~3mm different level at hidden side, right?

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So just sharpened 25 pairs of X1's for a demo. LS4 is pretty nice steel. Disappointed though that the size 230 and smaller are the same height as the old LS2. 238 and up are like the LS3 height. Overall though pretty nice sharpening feel! Oh and lots of extra toe to blend if profiling.

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Just watched Joe Colborne drop a runner from a very light bump on the boards. The Edge holder clearly loses runners more easily than LS2. Like the concept, but it needs refining.

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  On 4/20/2015 at 2:26 AM, boo10 said:

Just watched Joe Colborne drop a runner from a very light bump on the boards. The Edge holder clearly loses runners more easily than LS2. Like the concept, but it needs refining.

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I was watching the game when this happened and I was praying no one would bring it up. This topic has been beaten to death. Runners fall out, lets move on.

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Well I am holding off on the LS4 for now. Going to continue with 3's and see how things go in the summer. No sharpening issues or breakage then I will stock up. Until then extra profile time.

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  On 4/25/2015 at 12:19 PM, oldtrainerguy28 said:

Well I am holding off on the LS4 for now. Going to continue with 3's and see how things go in the summer. No sharpening issues or breakage then I will stock up. Until then extra profile time.

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I'm holing up on LS4 as well, I've already seen 2 broken runners, something is definitely questionable. While they appear to be tempered hard for a nice edge, I think they may be too brittle. I was pleased with the LS2/3 Edge runners durability, in more than 2 years and thousands of customers, not one of those runners had broken.

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  On 4/28/2015 at 7:39 PM, jimmy said:

I'm holing up on LS4 as well, I've already seen 2 broken runners, something is definitely questionable. While they appear to be tempered hard for a nice edge, I think they may be too brittle. I was pleased with the LS2/3 Edge runners durability, in more than 2 years and thousands of customers, not one of those runners had broken.

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How do you feel about how well they hold the edge? The Fusion steel is terrible. Coming from BlackEdge and I have to sharpen twice as often, and could use it 3x if I wanted to. Is the LS4 a better edge? Or how about even just LS3 for that matter?

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Anyone have the video of Mark Stone on the bench in game 6 on the final powerplay trying to change his entire skate and missing a shift instead of being able to swap the blade out with a trigger pull?

Just wondering...

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