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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New years resolution

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Cuss less, fight off the instinct to double-take at girls, gain some weight, learn how to work on a car like a man.

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- Gain about 15-20 pounds (muscle mass, obviously)

- Stop staring when my buddies and I are out at Hooters

- Stop falling asleep in AP US History (which is actually one of my favorite classes)

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Well, I dont really like resolutions, but mine would have to be to get better grades, becuase mine are pretty bad right now, and eat more healthy foods so i can get taller, it doesnt help much in hockey going into midget next year at 5 foot 2

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Be more confident as a player, eat healthier (like Flyers said) because it doesn't help going into midget at 5'7-5'8, and being a D-man. Also want to gain some weight, maybe go up to 150ish.

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At least you have about 6 inches on me, man being this short sucks. It won't help me AT ALL being 5'2", and 110 pounds, considering I will be going up against kids like 5'10" or even taller, ouuucccchhhhh I cringe at thinking of getting leveled by one of those kids

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mainly lifting, bench 200 (140 now) squat 300 (220) deadlift 400 (going for 300 in an hour) and gain about 20 lbs to 160 (140 now)

and step up my school work I NEED TOO

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Pretty simple, lose about 10 pounds and get a lot stronger. I just want to be ridiculously strong and be able to throw anyone off of me, i'm about 6'3 now.

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I need to start playing a bit "meaner" I've been far too nice on the ice and I need to be more aggressive.

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