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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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How small are they? I have very large calfs from biking and track and my legs always look huge in shin pads, i was looking for a slim low profile set and having a pair of reeboks, its far from it. Are they noticeably smaller then the rbks? I have yet to get to a hockey shop to try on some new shin pads.

From a guy with big calves (catching from the time i was 8 to present...21) to another guy with big calves. They fit surprisingly well. I was hesitant about them because all the reviews said they fit smaller, but with the adjustable calf wrap they have a custom fit and really feel good.

Edited by JoeyJ0506

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Got the 5100 a couple of months ago. Picked up the rest of the gear last week.


hows those hustlers working out for ya?

I'm a big fan of the Hustlers. The shoulders are a little heavier than my last set (Bauers), but they are much more comfortable, mobile, and offer better protection. The elbows are great... especially how the secure around the forearm. Not sure if you can tell, but the entire forearm part is velcro, instead of just a smaller strap. So it secures really well. The only drawback is that the bicep strap doesn't get super tight, but it's not a huge deal.

Both the shoulders and elbows are probably the most comfortable I've ever used.

Edited by peck12

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I'm a big fan of the Hustlers. The shoulders are a little heavier than my last set (Bauers), but they are much more comfortable, mobile, and offer better protection. The elbows are great... especially how the secure around the forearm. Not sure if you can tell, but the entire forearm part is velcro, instead of just a smaller strap. So it secures really well. The only drawback is that the bicep strap doesn't get super tight, but it's not a huge deal.

Both the shoulders and elbows are probably the most comfortable I've ever used.

oh ye coz their trying to change the wheel and making it go over your bicep protector on your shoulders, sounds awesome though

the elbows looks like a 2 1/2 piece lol...kinda a 3 piece but not quite there yet xP

Edited by K9 Unit

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updated gear: bauer x:60, bauer one75, and one95 Spezza Pro Stock.

What is the curve on the one 75?

They make skate curves now!? Haha, I think he meant the other pair of skates are One75s

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oh ye coz their trying to change the wheel and making it go over your bicep protector on your shoulders, sounds awesome though

Never thought of that, good call. I'll have to wear them like that next time, but I'll probably have to drop the bicep protector on the shoulders a little first.

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I like Black Gloves to much..... :P

I've always been partial to the M-1's. The L-7's were really nice except for the fact I hated the cuffs. Fuels felt good, never tried the Bosses.

Which Mission's do you like best?

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How small are they? I have very large calfs from biking and track and my legs always look huge in shin pads, i was looking for a slim low profile set and having a pair of reeboks, its far from it. Are they noticeably smaller then the rbks? I have yet to get to a hockey shop to try on some new shin pads.

From a guy with big calves (catching from the time i was 8 to present...21) to another guy with big calves. They fit surprisingly well. I was hesitant about them because all the reviews said they fit smaller, but with the adjustable calf wrap they have a custom fit and really feel good.

Thanks man, im defiantly going to check them out. Im not a big guy (5'10 , 180) but its odd that i have such big legs, often have trouble. Im wearing missions now they fit good but the protection sucks.

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I like Black Gloves to much..... :P

I've always been partial to the M-1's. The L-7's were really nice except for the fact I hated the cuffs. Fuels felt good, never tried the Bosses.

Which Mission's do you like best?

I like the Boss's fit the best, Id like to get a diffrent palm put on them though....The M-1's are my all time favorite....Although I really like these pro stock fuels but havent had a chance to use them that much....The L-7's will be up for sale soon...The retail L-7's never fit me right, they just seem to run a bit bigger I was hoping the pro stock ones would be a tighter fit but no luck....But the go to glove for me will always be my M-1's....I need to find another pair of M-1 pro's in a 13in....Anyone know of any?

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updated gear: bauer x:60, bauer one75, and one95 Spezza Pro Stock.

What is the curve on the one 75?

They make skate curves now!? Haha, I think he meant the other pair of skates are One75s

i thought he was nameing them in order haha, my bad. it also didnt help that that the stick is red and thats the same color as the one75

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