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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Are those Batman's skates..? :laugh: ... I like them for that simple reason...


I picked these up today for 16 bucks ...


Edited by IDoezIt

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What were the prices like for the new gear? Team Canada had one a little while ago. Unfortunately, I heard about it too late and wasn't able to attend.

Sticks were $75 new, $25 used. Pants were $40 new, $20 used. Shoulders were $25 new. Socks were $1. Helmets, elbows, shins were all ~$25. That's all I can remember off the top of my head.

The lies on those sticks are pretty extreme lol

They are just retail P92 and Sakic curves

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Sticks were $75 new, $25 used. Pants were $40 new, $20 used. Shoulders were $25 new. Socks were $1. Helmets, elbows, shins were all ~$25. That's all I can remember off the top of my head.

WOW! Those are pretty good!!

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Where was the USA sale?

Where all the pants huge Pro sizing or where there retail like sizes?\

Nice pick ups BTW!

Edited by SirJW

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Ann Arbor, MI.

I got some XL pants and even though I should technically be close to the size range of an XL, they seem a bit loose on me. However, this could be because I like my pants really snug. My last couple pairs of pants have been 34" even thought I'm in between 36" and 38"

Edited by steelnation248

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USA NTDP sale= 1 pair of XL +1 Pants and 3 Bauer one95 prostock p92, 112 flex, 4 inch extention, corner tactile with griptic. Plus USA graphics for CLASS!!! USA USA USA

Edited by Jagrmullet

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Finally landed another pair of MIAs, not to mention a pair of narrows, which fit a lot better for me than wides. What's interesting is the liner appears to have an earlier version of the silvershield, white instead of yellow but it definitely seems like it has silver in the weave.

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Interesting thumb logo on those.

At some point in the time the logo was changed. Majority of the ones I've seen had the A with the circle.

Like so:


I don't know the time frame on these. Seems like forever since these were produced. Maybe someone more in the know can help you with the early MIAs.

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Interesting thumb logo on those.

At some point in the time the logo was changed. Majority of the ones I've seen had the A with the circle.

Like so:


I don't know the time frame on these. Seems like forever since these were produced. Maybe someone more in the know can help you with the early MIAs.

I noticed that too, I'd never seen it either.

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Some interesting things i got recently.


P106 / ccm Sakic clone


beautiful rockers


Surprisingly this Midget shell is the best quality shell i have ever had, and i had 30-40 NHL shells in the last years.


Some of my other shells/invisible girdle


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