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CCM trying out 3D foot scans/ How Pro CCM skates are built

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2 hours ago, goalieman39 said:

They will be offering this with the new super tacks skates. Wicked quick turn around too

Will this be available with custom skates through retail locations?  Or would you have to contact a CCM rep?

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On 12/7/2017 at 11:05 PM, shoot_the_goalie said:

Will this be available with custom skates through retail locations?  Or would you have to contact a CCM rep?

Select locations. It's like the bauer foot scanner in that people have to buy it, but it will be a lot cheaper

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On 12/7/2017 at 8:11 PM, goalieman39 said:

They will be offering this with the new super tacks skates. Wicked quick turn around too

When you say quick turn around, you mean that the scanning booth/machine/whatever can send your foot shape to CCM to have a custom boot made and the turn around on that will be quick?

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37 minutes ago, goalieman39 said:

Select locations. It's like the bauer foot scanner in that people have to buy it, but it will be a lot cheaper

Do you know how much more they will be then the off the shelf super tacks ?         I wish there was a phone app that could take  pics and formulate a 3 d imagine from that 

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1 hour ago, GoalForFun said:

When you say quick turn around, you mean that the scanning booth/machine/whatever can send your foot shape to CCM to have a custom boot made and the turn around on that will be quick?

They were saying a few weeks to go from the scan to having a skate in your hand.


1 hour ago, Playmakersedge said:

Do you know how much more they will be then the off the shelf super tacks ?         I wish there was a phone app that could take  pics and formulate a 3 d imagine from that 

I do not. The software is proprietary

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Scanner was live at PureHockey in Marlboro MA. Must have been very recent as only one or two employees were trained on it. I wasn’t able to try it, curious how it would map to Bauer’s.

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7 hours ago, Playmakersedge said:

Do you know how much more they will be then the off the shelf super tacks ?         I wish there was a phone app that could take  pics and formulate a 3 d imagine from that 

I think there is such an app, scann3d for example. Also, there is an Autodesk software projects such as ReCap-360. For skate fitting you should not really need 360 model, you need profile pic to make sure instep is right, rear pic to see ankle bones position and heel width. Foot-print to see the needed arch support and length, width, toes config. This should be enough to model the last, let along to pick a best fitting line from a handful of mass produces skates variations.

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With cnc machining of one off or prototype parts.  A clay hand carved model is produced. Then the part is plotted with a ball end stylus and the part is gone over all surfaces then the part is made with a 5 axis milling machine.   .    

Beyond the idea I don't know the nuts and bolts of the computer, robotic machining.   More elaborate than a skate fitment  , it was that process that got me thinking.  I guess the scannig for skates now is done with infrared 

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3 hours ago, stick9 said:

Scanner was live at PureHockey in Marlboro MA. Must have been very recent as only one or two employees were trained on it. I wasn’t able to try it, curious how it would map to Bauer’s.

As soon as I can afford them I'm getting VH . I really like these RBZ tho . I have to play with the profiling.  I went from a tuuk to the CCM holder and the sensation is that there is more blade lengh aft the heel of the boot compared to a tuuk . I am going to get some more time on them before I change anything.  The boot is tons stiffstiffer then my Bauer skate that were constructed the old way  

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18 hours ago, stick9 said:

Scanner was live at PureHockey in Marlboro MA. Must have been very recent as only one or two employees were trained on it. I wasn’t able to try it, curious how it would map to Bauer’s.

Very different.  It will do what Bauer's does in that it will tell you what off the shelf skate to buy, however it will also create a model that they can, and will make a custom skate from.  Very similar to VH

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Will the new 3D Scanner  be available to selected stores worldwide ?  And what is the timeline of the new SuoerStacks skates by the way ?

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On 4/28/2018 at 1:29 AM, shooter27 said:

Is there a listing of what locations have the CCM scanner?

Most credible shops will have them, but not everyone will. I'd wager to say, if you've seen the store stock top-end CCM skates in stores in the past, that you'll see them with the scanner now. Only exception could be the stores that have 2-3 locations in a city, the biggest one will probably have it while the smaller stores may not.

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On 5/1/2018 at 11:11 AM, raganblink said:

Most credible shops will have them, but not everyone will. I'd wager to say, if you've seen the store stock top-end CCM skates in stores in the past, that you'll see them with the scanner now. Only exception could be the stores that have 2-3 locations in a city, the biggest one will probably have it while the smaller stores may not.

The scanner will cost 4000 - 6500 for the shop to get from CCM

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On 1/13/2018 at 5:51 PM, gdl188 said:

Would one be able to do a customized, scanned version of any skate(FT1, 70K, etc.) or is it only for the Super Tacks 2.0? 

Full custom for FT1, AS1, and 70k, Pro custom which is just the mold only is for only AS1

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I got scanned a couple weeks ago and found out something odd.  I wondered why after my surgery to remove a bone chip from my inside ankle bone my left skate had issues.  I curently have the older CCM Vector Pros.  First it never went back to normal size and it was bigger up above.  I had a bit of lacebite here and there after and used foam to help.  Well it changed the way my skate fit and come to find out I now have more volume in the left.  It's also wider.  I am waiting to hear back from the shop as he has to talk to CCM about how we can go about accommodating my weird foot.  If my left foot would have felt like the right when I tried the AS1 out of the box, I would have purchased then.

The process was pretty cool though, but I figure this will be my last pair and why not go out with a nice new set of jets.

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