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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Santa bring you any sweet presents?

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Since I'm too old to get cool presents anymore, let me live vicariously through you all: anyone get any cool hockey-related stuff from St. Nick?

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My daughter got 7.5 x 9’ of hockey shot tiles & a SuperDeker.  

The tiles just give her a little more room to stick handle around in her shooting area.  The SuperDeker is kinda fun.

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9 hours ago, the iceman said:

For Boxing Day I bought the Warrior Alpha Pro helmet at 20% off, no tax and free shipping.

I hear about Boxing Day and see all the cats in boxes memes on social media but care to explain to this dumb American what the holiday actually is? 🙂  Nice score on the helmet, btw.

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On 12/26/2018 at 10:38 AM, GoalForFun said:

He visited last week and brought me a pair of these bad boys:


This is going to make your choice next event even harder 

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28 minutes ago, mojo122 said:

Nice looking at skate.  Aftermarket steel makes that holder so much better.


Agreed, but damn they are a bitch to swap. That front hole is so hard to get to the right position to get the bolt through, especially on a brand new holder.

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$305 for a pair of used-once Sz 7 CCM FT1 skates on ebay and got a pair of Massive Blades to go with the new skates... Hoping my friend visiting Canada can bring me a pair of Step Steel V-Steel and the new wheels are good to go!

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