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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best wood blade?

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i'm partial to my TPS pro stocks (the ones with XX on the back) they're light and they're stiff

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Although I havent used wood blades in a while (besides the Z-ABS) I like my old Mission Ethers. Which can be picked for insanely cheap. And I plan to pick up a wood Synthesis blade or two when they come out. Bummer about only having it in two patterns though.......................................

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by far the best wood blade ive ever used is this TPS pro pattern blade. i picked it up at my LHS for $9.99 and all i can say is WOW. most wood blade last me 1-2 week thne they crack and get soft. ive been using this blade for 2-3 weeks know and its not broken yet showing wear know thats it. i love it. ive used the tps Pro stock blade and they didnt last me long this it the best blade ive ever used.

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Is the synthesis wrap stronger? Theres no stitching in the wrap of the synthesis from what i see in pictures, while the 7500 has a blue/black/blue 3 stripe reinforment stitch thorughout the blade, the bauer 7500 chipped on the top of the blade quite easily though, im wondering how the new synthesis is, it doenst look to strong IMO

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'Pro Return' Bauers, Heatley/Linden/Joki curve are my all time favourite. I had a few from last year when I was using a Shaft/Blade and I love those. Unfortunately my stock of them ran out.

Retail I would have to say Bauer Supreme 4000, as well.

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does anyone know what the "yellow" and "red" wood ether patterns compare to or what kind of curves they are? they are like 4 bucks online so i might try some out...

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'Pro Return' Bauers, Heatley/Linden/Joki curve are my all time favourite. I had a few from last year when I was using a Shaft/Blade and I love those. Unfortunately my stock of them ran out.

Retail I would have to say Bauer Supreme 4000, as well.

same here bro, i love that curve, never tried the blades though

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easton blades tend to suck big time, since composite is thier main market, the wood curves are always inconsistent, and last like less than a month for me, which is bad considering i weight absolutly nothing and its not from other causes.

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i have to second the tps pro pattern blades. they are the stiffest wood blade ive used yet, much stiffer than sher wood, and they have great feel like most woods. cant comment yet on durability cuz ive only had mine a few days so far but they perform great and are also fairly light. tps has also done the best job ive seen so far making my pattern consistently on all 12 blades. definately try these if youre thinking about customs.

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