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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/15 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I'm coaching/managing/captaining 4 teams this spring. U14 girls and their parents are like herding cats. Previous manager sent an email every 4-5 weeks. Drove us nuts. I send an email a week with updates. Still impossible to get commitments from girls and their families. Never know if we'll show up with 4 girls or 15. Peewee manager counterpart sends an email and kids and parents just show up on time. Invited a bunch of friends to join me for a tournament. Tourney setup is such that every player registers individually, all they have to do is sign up with their CC and put my name in the team box. I don't know if I'll have 6 or 16 playing with me. If you're in, say you're in. If you're out, let your spot go and say you're out. Wafflers suck. On the flip side, I'm a first-time league captain. People love playing in this league. We have 11 skaters and 1 goalie. 3 of my skaters couldn't come to our opening game and were polite enough to let me know and I had 2 spots filled in under an hour. I'm also running an adult beginner program and I have 14-15 people on the ice EVERY week. It's pretty awesome. Not entirely a vent; looks like I'm batting .500!!
  2. 1 point
    Made in FINLAND! :)
  3. 1 point
    Here are the instructions we recommend. MOLDING SPEED PLATES ONLY: Pre-Heat BAUER Skate Oven for 2-3 Minutes Once Pre-Heated, place Speed Plates in skate oven. Wait for thermo-chromatic ink on arch to disappear. This should take approx. 1-1.5 minutes Once the Thermo-chromatic ink disappears, remove 1 speed plate from the skate oven, wait 5-10 seconds. Insert Speed Plate into the skate and slide the skate on the players foot. Once the skate with speed plate is on the foot, quickly lace skate up. Once the skate is laced up, stand up and apply pressure to the skate for approx. 30 Seconds. When completed the 1st foot, repeat the same protocol for the other foot. MOLDING SPEED PLATES AND SKATES TOGETHER: Pre-Heat BAUER Skate Oven for 2-3 Minutes Once Pre-Heated, place skates in the oven. Total skate heating time is approx. 2-3-minutes Skates should be the oven for approx. 1.5 minutes by themselves. After 1.5 minutes, place both Speed Plates in bottom of the oven (not inside of skates) Wait for thermo-chromatic ink on arch to disappear on Speed Plates. This should take approx. 1-1.5 minutes Once the Thermo-chromatic ink on the arch disappears, remove 1 speed plate and corresponding skate from the skate oven, wait 5-10 seconds. Insert Speed Plate into the skate and slide the skate on the player’s foot. Make sure to turn off the heat (timer) on the oven and close the door to keep the other skate warm and speed plate at its optimal temperature. Once the skate with speed plate is on the foot, quickly lace skate up. Once the skate is laced up, stand up and apply pressure to the skate for approx. 30 Seconds – Do not flex on the skate. When completed the 1st foot, repeat the same protocol for the other foot. Sit with knees 90-degrees bent until skates are cool. I try to have the player sit a minimum of 8 minutes but the longer the better IMO. Now, for whatever reason, if the Speed Plate doesn't quite feel "perfect", you can re-mold the speed plates. Simply put the speed plate back in the skate oven until the thermo chromatic ink disappears. The Speed Plate will return back to its original stock shape (identical to how it comes out of the package). Repeat the process until you get the desired fit. It might seem like a lot but in reality, it's pretty simple. A little practice and you will get the hang of it. One of the key benefits to remolding aspect, a good majority of players purchase skates in Aug/Sept timeframe – near the end of summer when generally players take time off and not skate, wearing sandals etc. The player’s foot can have a certain dimension in at that point. As the player starts wearing skates, gets into winter months and wears more supportive shoes, etc. during the season, the foot can actually change shape a little. For example, some NHL players start a season in E-Width skate but end the season in a D-Width as skates feel “looser” through the course of the season. This is not a luxury most retail consumers have. So remolding the Speed Plates at the ¼, ½ or ¾ portion of the season will help with make the skate feel “new” again. You can remold the Speed Plate numerous times and it doesn’t compromise the integrity of the Speed Plate. It also works in all models of skates, not just VAPOR. For those of you who are retailers and retail employees, we will be on an educational tour in the next month and half. I personally can't make every stop but we will have staff at each event to help train on the molding process.

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