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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Nice looking boat. I've got a Four Winns H210 that's prepped and ready for the summer. The forecast is showing mid 80's Thursday and Friday in the area, looking like a trip will happen before I haul it up to the lake this weekend for the summer. Been a bit since it took it out around here, thinking about cruising the Detroit river, depends on the weather and who goes with me. I've got a feeling there will be no shortage of people coming down with something later this week and not being able to make it to work.
  2. 2 points
    I wear a Supreme girdle and the spine protection is a bit... lacking. So, hopefully this extended piece will cover the gap in between the shoulder pads and girdle:
  3. 2 points
    Small CCM Crazy Light shoulder pads with medium U+ 08 shoulder caps and a removable extended spine protector!
  4. 1 point
    Have my trip to Lake Powell planned and set(end of the month). So excited to get down there for some great time with family and friends. Let the Summer begin!!!!
  5. 1 point
    It'll be at the $300 price point. Mako is gone after this year.
  6. 1 point
    i forgot to mention that couldnt have asked for a nicer team to sub for, at the end of the game they hand out a momento (like what many nhl and minor league teams do) to the most deserving player for that game and they gave it to me! theirs was a rad WWF championship belt, I was touched that they did that for me, they were also saying how they couldnt tell that I was playing my first game ever as a goalie! What a great very first game in goal it was!
  7. 1 point
    i popped my beer league cherry this afternoon! we lost 5-2, but i can honestly say that 3 werent entirely my fault. gave up one in the first on a 2 on 1, it was the fourth shot of the game. the second i gave up 4, yikes.the second goal i had under my glove, trapped on the ice and the forward shoved at it and poked it in...D was nowhere to be found. 3rd one was on me, a two on one that i read well but didnt get my blocker over in time, 4th goal was a bad 5-hole, my stick was on the ice but i must have slightly lifted it. 5th and final goal was a rebound that came ofd the end boards and no D was there to tie up the guy in the slot and he got his stick on it and chipped it over my shoulder. I held them scoreless in the 3rd though! Even stuffed a breakaway, below is a link to a video of the breakaway! All in all I had a blast, it was lower level but the other team had some sandbaggers. I was nervous all day but once I took warmups the jitters went away! Cant wait til my clinic on Monday and Wednesday night! https://instagram.com/p/2M6kiruoTw/ one more link in case the instagram one didn't work: https://www.facebook.com/bret.davidson/videos/vb.720394257/10153428724084258/?type=2&theater&notif_t=like
  8. 1 point
    Went down to Buffalo to grab a pair of the shells... ended up finding the Easton pants that I loved.
  9. 1 point
    I passed my road test! At last! And hey, for a guy who, five years ago, would have a panic attack leaving his own porch, this is a hell of an accomplishment. Now I can properly apply to ambulance companies, and I'm not beholden to rinks that are only located on or near the T! I mean I'm forbidden from using the family car but that's what zipcar is for.
  10. 1 point
    Well I might jump in a low-level "copper" division game this Saturday at my rink. Some guys have been very encouraging in this goalie sub group i'm in on FB.
  11. 1 point
    Hockey1 has some of the stallion stuff up for pre-order. Quick question for the pro shop folks, am I correct in assuming that most new stuff is already sitting in the back and gets put out on the available date?
  12. 1 point
    Just finished converting a pair of Reebok 18K's to Marsblades....love 'em!!
  13. 1 point
    KORs with Sprungs taken when they were first mounted almost 2 years ago: They're still stiff, but show wear now and I get some pinching near the baby toe when refereeing several games in them (they don't really bother me when playing less than 2 hours). They've now been relegated to my backup pair and for refereeing on smooth cement (so I don't have to constantly swap wheels on my main pair) Easton Mako's with Sprungs mounted a few weeks ago. I've played and refereed several games in them and they're extremely comfortable with no pain points (love the ergonomic toe cap). After buying some Makos on clearance to use for ice and finding them so comfortable, I decided to try to find another pair for a good price to convert for roller. I managed to hunt down another pair on Kijiji that someone had worn a few times before deciding they weren't for him (he provided the receipt and he'd only bought them about 3 weeks before selling them to me - they were baked and sharpened once before I got them) and grabbed them at a price I couldn't pass up. They were in Montreal and I'm in Toronto, but the seller happened to live around the corner from my sister and brother in-law and my brother in-law was kind enough to pick them up. I then saw them over the Easter weekend when he was in town for a tournament in Toronto.

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