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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Went out for appetizers and drinks last night, and talked a lot. At least we're on the same page about the girls hockey. She says she likes it once we're in the season, but dreads it when we're not there yet. Talked to my buddy, too. At least he and his wife are on the same page. Their daughter wants to do basketball, volleyball, AND hockey. They're hoping their daughter chooses to play girls hockey only...and vb/bb, instead of girls/coed/bb/vb. can't say I disagree...if she goes girls only, mine likely would, too. Our kid is still recovering from her bout with pneumonia. The 14U girls season isnt quite as rigorous as the Peewees (16 or so games vs 35ish) It would also put her on the same team as big sis. Mucho easier for us, plus less travel overall. She still needs a hobby, but we're on the same page about the kids. We had two guys like that a year ago, Hills. They really can ruin it for everybody. One quit, the other moved up to B. The B players keep him in check. Coed league, he used to board smaller people, usually women. Dick.
  2. 2 points
    My wife is anti-hockey. It consumes our winters, my girls and I love it. I love the way it makes me feel, I am in better shape at 40 than I was at 30. I love what it does for our girls, physically, mentally, athletically, socially. My wife doesn't have any hobbies (besides baking and watching reality TV). She says she misses adult interaction, having girl friends, and laments not being in shape. Duh, I wish she could see that hockey would be a great solution. For my wife, hockey is cold, boring, and a lot of work (volunteering for our girls hockey association)..for my adult games, I just show up, pay, and play. My wife doesn't play, despite my efforts to involve her. I ran the adult beginner program last year. She came twice, it was too late and too cold. There is a local novice womens league...they play slow, and for fun. She won't try it. One of her best college friends plays in a novice womens league about 2h away; I told her maybe she could get my wife into it. That put my wife over the top. (I shouldn't have done that) She and the mother of my younger daughter's best friend were talking about how they planned to talk the girls out of hockey. WTF? Time for a Come-To-Jesus meeting. I hate Come-To-Jesus meetings. I have to fix my own fuckups (both real and the ones she perceives) before I can ask her to straighten her own shit out. Been married 18 years. Seems like we do this on a 4-5 year cycle, and the last big donnybrook was about 4.5 years ago, so I guess we're due. :(
  3. 2 points
    Oldest daughter (01) texted me this morning, "Dad, I decided I want to play hockey again." I about did a backflip. She injured her shoulder midway through the 13-14 season, wrecked it in volleyball, spent that summer getting her rehabbed, wrecked it in volleyball again, took last season off from both hockey and club volleyball..chiropractor determined that she has bad posture (not pulling her shoulders back, muscles atrophied...leaving her shoulder in bad alignment when serving), so after a few adjustments and some posture fixes, she's feeling about 98% again. "I miss hockey and I miss my hockey friends". I love what hockey has done for my girls--athletically, mentally, physically, emotionally. All of it. Now I need to post a corresponding post in the Venting Spot about my wife. :(
  4. 1 point
    Hi guys, Hopefully this is the best place to ask about this sort of thing (please let me know if it isn't). But I was going through our attic, and found this red Cooper SK600 hockey helmet still in its packaging. We're selling our old stuff, so my first impulse was to see how much I could reasonably sell it for. I came across this eBay listing which listed a similar helmet for $145 USD. But as we all know, some eBay listing prices can be totally bogus. Here's a few more pictures of the helmet: So with that said- how much should I be selling this helmet for? Chump change, or more than that?
  5. 1 point
    Skated with the nerd hockey again after a long hiatus (while the rink was closed for maintenance). Two hours of ice, plenty of shots, good defense. One difference that I'm noticing more with them is that not only do they pass amongst each other more than most skates, but they're very good at moving without the puck as well. This makes it even more difficult for me, which is fantastic for awareness of myself in the crease and awareness of the puck in general. (It's also frustrating since I'm not very good and holy %@*(!! where did the puck go??) My teammate gave me a warm-up that was essentially a mini-drill while the other players were sorting themselves out (we were on the ice early and it takes about 5 or 10 minutes for everyone to get on the ice). He actually lines up pucks and very precisely shoots them at me - glove, legs, blocker, five-hole - while giving me pointers. He does this often. I am basically spoiled for every other pickup or game ever. YMMV, of course, but for me, I appreciate it. I wouldn't think it would hinder you. Batting gloves are pretty snug and thin anyway. Or, as BeeDee suggests, a golf glove.
  6. 1 point
    I don't see why not. If it fits and helps you feel more comfortable with it. Is it for padding? Look at some photos from goalies in the 80s/90s - half of them have some kind of gloves on under both their blocker and trapper.
  7. 1 point
    Smooth. Admire your willingness and deliberation.
  8. 1 point
    i actually tried that out for the first time last week in my game and loved it. i was able to keep a good grip inside the glove without the sweat that caused it to get slippery.(2 month old eflex 500) i may try to find a thinner glove to wear, like a golf glove that would give me a little better feel than the easton batting glove i wore.
  9. 1 point
    For us beginning goalies; is it OK to have a batting glove in the trapper, like with a baseball mitt?
  10. 1 point
    Today I got called a pussy because I told a guy to calm down after either being elbowed or cross checked to the chest in a very very low level (like a bunch of the players can't skate) and very uncompetitive league. The same player proceeded to slash my stick afterwards for no reason. Every single league it is the same thing over and over, the scouts are long gone guys it is time to calm down.
  11. 1 point
    Be careful with any super glue product- use just enough to do the job. It will make the liner hard and potentially uncomfortable if you use too much. I would use Barge cement (be sure it's the type with tolune). It's used in shoe and boot manufacturing and won't make the liner as hard.
  12. 1 point
    Good counterpoint to your vent Bruh.....
  13. 1 point
    Perron back in #57 for 2015-2016 season!
  14. 1 point
    I decided since I've been working hard as an EMT, I should reward myself with a goalie lesson. Because the appropriate reward for difficult, physically demanding, sweaty work is of course difficult, physically demanding, sweaty sport. As I'd been despairing over my play and feeling off-kilter it seemed like a good choice. I didn't get a great deal of feedback, per se, but it was a great opportunity for some controlled practice and movement work, which makes me feel overall a lot better. Lessons at my local rink are done on synthetic ice, which was a new experience. Increased friction, tricky to get the hang of at first - I felt like I couldn't move at all for the first five minutes. We did some lunges to warm up, then stretched out, and did body position and shuffling, and body position in the crease - first in the butterfly, then going from butterfly and driving to the post. Quite a workout. A lot of fun - basic stuff but it gave me a re-set button of sorts. I start a new pick-up session tomorrow and hopefully will not be a mess of knots in the morning. Slightly irksome: my gear is now covered in tiny plastic shavings from the synthetic ice.
  15. 1 point
    Bummer, I'll miss Woodhouse. " Sir, that stolen lemur bit one of your prostitutes right in the face. And she says she can't go to a hospital because she's, I quote, 'tripping balls' "

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