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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/17 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    These just came in for an MSH LTR. I'll be posting a review shortly.
  2. 2 points
    I understand the point you are making and it is valid. I wasn't clear about mine by referencing the coffee machine analogy. The market for coffee machines and then K-Cups is huge as well as your car sales point. My point, made not clear at all by me, was just the smaller size of the market for Sparx. That will be the challenge after the first wave of sell-through. Axxion89, sorry for the misunderstanding.
  3. 2 points
    Ok, not mine personally, but I designed and had these done for a friends son, and they turned out awesome.
  4. 1 point
    looks like you were getting square to a lot of the shots. (which is something I struggle with... see pic below) 90% of the job is done already when you're square to the shooter. Apart from the one goal that you've talked about the rest were off the back of breakdowns/mistakes or a terrible backcheck from one of your guys (I think he was coasting back at the blueline when his guy put it in). I find those really annoying as a majority of the time noone thinks they've messed up and just put it on you for not saving it. Sometimes I think they need this film played to them and you be like SEE THIS, DO NOT DO THIS, LOOKS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DO DUMB **** Good luck in the final! What's worse, my angle or the fact that he didn't score?
  5. 1 point
    Ok I know what you mean now. Yes it is an interesting model from that point because end users are for sure going to expect these machines to last quite a while & the only profit source are the rings. If I had to guess, I am assuming that Sparx is banking on users sharpening their skates often & users sharpening multiple pairs of skates with different hollows (families, friends, etc.) to burn through the most rings. I can for sure say that since I got my Blademaster, I've sharpened my skates much more than I used to but the main beneficiary of that will probably be the steel industry
  6. 1 point
    There's nothing wrong with comparing the business model of one company to another & scaling it up. There are plenty of industries out there where the initial investment is breakeven or small profit but the support / accessories make most of the profit. If Coffee machines don't suit you, car sales is a much bigger ticket item & work the same way for dealers. The Ford dealer doesn't make much selling you a Ford Focus but he makes a lot with the services & accessories that go with it (floor mats, oil changes, warranty work, etc.) The main reason I compared it to a Keurig is because it's basically the same premise, its an easier / more convenient way to do something. A Blademaster or Blackstone machine with a competent sharpener can do a better job than a Sparx with the flexibility of doing any hollow you want when you want but the Sparx will let any Joe Schoe sharpen their skates at home that's good enough for a majority of people & all they need to do is buy Rings (K-cups) after X amount of sharpeners & that's it
  7. 1 point
    sent my jet speeds off to JR and got Lightspeed holders put on them. They look great. Love the Jetspeed boot but felt off balance with the ccm holder. Skated many years in Bauer skates, which is probably the reason, but I just could not adjust. Hoping this helps Thanks JR
  8. 1 point
    You explained my point much better than I was able to. If you're going to keep the name that has a negative connotation to it, then you have to accept that you have an uphill climb ahead of you. Hopefully they change opinions quickly and manage to stick around.
  9. 1 point
    If anyone is looking to purchase a Sparx and needs a friend, PM me.
  10. 1 point
    No need to pull. Clamp it (wrap a towel around the steel) then slap the back of the skate forward.
  11. 1 point
    Yeah, I know there's people out there with way more. These were all acquired in the past 12 months since I came back from a 15 year hiatus. Lol.
  12. 1 point
    Picked up a pro stock CCM SuperTacks. 90 flex / P28 Curve
  13. 1 point
    So... the stable is starting to get a little out of hand... haha. Just picked up the QRL on the far right. 75 flex, W03 (same as the HD1, the HD Pro and QRL3 are W88s)
  14. 1 point
    Just early, WTF do you care what someone wears at S&P?
  15. 1 point
    Couple of the young pup in Salmon, Idaho.

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