Hi all, just wanted to throw my 2 cents in here for what its worth.
2 week turn around time from date of scan to skates in hand. Fitter at my local shop was quite thorough and asked a ton a questions before during and after along with the scan and pics of my feet that were submitted. I actually remember him pointing out that he wanted to re-calibrate the camera/app as when he first tried he wasnt quite happy with the results. When i got the skates I had them profiled and baked. During the bake, the skates felt great and didn't notice any hotspots, but the thought of the skates being too short did cross my mind as it felt like my toes were pressed against the end (not crammed in but also not the feather graze that Im a little more used to)
First skate with them was a bit of an adventure. Mainly though because i was trying out a different profile that was more aggressive than previous. Boot itself was just ok, but certainly not the sneaker like feel that you hear about. I probably also tied them a little looser that more normal tension, just because the wrap of the boot is quite good, resulting in some very minor slip within the boot. After this i went back to talk to my fitter at the shop who had some suggestions around tweaks that could be made, but as i was supposed to be on the ice the following day suggested i first try them out again to get a better idea for where the issues were in terms of profile vs boot fit.
Second skate was in improvement from the first as i tied a little tighter so there was no slip and i became more comfortable with the profile. However i noticed i was getting arch pain in one foot. Overall still wasnt thrilled with them at this point. Went back to the local shop where i rebaked and also had the profile adjusted. Following night skated again and can now start to say that Im starting to see the appeal for these skates. Fit feels far more dialed in, no arch pain and Im a lot more comfortable as well as noticing the improved edge control.
Overall I would give them an 8/10 at this point and Im only 3 skates in so for (can't really hold the profile issues against the skate as it was something i wanted to try). Ive found that the second bake has done a lot more for the fit concerns I initially had and my thoughts around length have largely disappeared as Im assuming Im now starting to sit further into the pocket. Im going to think that as I continue to wear them they will only get better, but i can already say at this point that they're the most comfortable skates Ive had. (30+ years playing now).
All this to say that while I understand that sometimes things go wrong, things also go right and I guess I was one for the orders that havent experienced the issues mentioned above.