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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/24 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    They do: https://www.truetempersports.com/en-us/hockey/hockey/about-us/hockey-technology.html
  2. 1 point
    True has their own production facilities in China, if I’m not mistaken, so they’re offshoring it not outsourcing it.
  3. 1 point
    I've been over here four years... granted I'm not in an ice hockey hotbed, but the only time I've seen Graf skates was the rental skate selection at an outdoor rink in the Duesseldorf Christmas Market. The vast majority of skates/gear I see in this area (BeNeLux) would be Bauer with CCM bringing up the rear. I see German kids with Warrior here and there (thanks Draisaitl?) but not very often. Even all the old beer league guys are wearing newer offerings from Bauer and a few CCM... I never see Graf. Pretty disappointing. We were even down in Zuerich a few summers ago at a camp (Ivanov... LOL) and none of the kids were wearing Graf. /anecdotal evidence
  4. 1 point
    That’s not really a fair statement. Those that work in the industry and are keeping up with the latest equipment and technologies are well aware of Skatescribe. They are not in all cities at the moment, especially small towns so many skaters don’t know about them, yet. Skatescribe machines are a CNC profiling and sharpening machine which uses a milling cutter to cut the blade. Since it is CNC based you can send any profile to contour any blade. I profile on a CNC machine sometimes and it’s great. I also use my Blackstone for a lot of profiles as well. I finish sharpening on my Blackstone. Both methods have many positives and both are in NHL rooms. As is Blademaster and Elite. And if anyone is interested, no one finish sharpens on a Sparx… lol. Those are for home convienence, and stores that don’t have the people with knowledge to train their own employees.
  5. 1 point
    Like has been pointed out, at this point it’s not really about tech, it’s about a company trying take over share in a relatively fixed size market. And when you look at the TAM/SAM/SOM, there’s probably not a lot of room there. The video said CCM came in and basically forced them out of some markets. It’s a huge uphill battle, probably more akin to scaling a cliff face under fire.
  6. 1 point
    Graf has carbon fibre skates, the Peakspeed line. https://grafhockey.com/skates/ice/player/peakspeed-pk7900/ The issue is that their overall technology is still lacking significantly compared to TRUE, Bauer, and CCM. In regards to how Bauer spends their capital and the overall profitability of that company, understand that none of the big brands are good generating significant revenue. CCM and Bauer are riddled with acquisitions and financial failure; look at their histories. The main reason is that there is not enough market penetration and not enough players. Hockey in the USA: <1M players Basketball in the USA: <23M players Baseball in the USA: <15M players Football: <7M players As someone who has owned multiple retail hockey stores of various sizes, a large hockey store would be any retail location that does more than $1M in gross sales annually. A friend who owns a similarly sized retail store (store square footage and addressable population density) makes about $5M. Its also significantly easier to sell baseball, football, soccer, and basketball equipment as compared to ice hockey.
  7. 1 point
    The NHL, AHL, and other high level associations have teams that send their steel to Tydan to be profiled by their Skatescribe... Not sure what you mean by nobody has heard of them.
  8. 1 point
    I'm just gonna say it, why? Sticks are just tools. If they stopped making your favorite hammer would scour the globe spending thousands of dollars trying to find another or would find something that's close enough... It's 100% the latter. Especially when it's just a hobby. Even if you managed to find someone who can do all those things for you. There's no guarantee it will feel and play like the original. I cannot say it enough, find something close and go play.
  9. 0 points

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