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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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crazyhick last won the day on July 26 2014

crazyhick had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

19 Good

About crazyhick

  • Birthday 08/16/1983


  • Skates
    Graf 301
  • Shin Pads
    Sherwood t90
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton EQ50
  • Shoulder Pads
    fit+ 09
  • Pants
    Totalone nxg girdle
  • Helmet
    Bauer 5500
  • Gloves
    Prostock Easton 4 rolls
  • Stick

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  • Interests
    hockey, fishing, hunting and video games
  • Location
    Sandown, NH
  • Gender

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  1. The sticks are very comfortable to hold......
  2. I would love to see the Sher-wood Bourque curve re-done. I'll have to digging tonite for the one blade that I've saved for all these years
  3. Sounds like an LMC kinda night there Chippa, and I completely agree, I love beating that team
  4. it's not as noticable as the dagger taper and intellisense is no longer with the vapor line like previous years. along the glove lines, the MX3 fits a little looser than the NXG because the poron is moved from inside the liner to the outside of the glove. still haven't seen the skates, but the speed plate is definatley interesting
  5. Absolutely awesome night as I jumped on the opportunity to sharpen skates for a major D1 school tonite and tomorrow on the road also. A super experience for sure. Can't wait for the bus ride tomorrow.
  6. Having a sub goalie and have him not even try after the first half of the first period
  7. after my first week at the new job, I'm loving it. helping people with the sport I love is pretty damn awesome
  8. Just finished my second interview for a new job and it looks promising. the new dilemma is the fact I have a potential deal at another job at a local shop. Probably the best problem I've had in the past ten years
  9. Sprained my ankle crashing into the boards last night. hopefully it isn't too severe as I haven't had anything like this happen before
  10. I've been looking at these skates thinking that they would be pretty sweet as an ice conversion. So for the guys that have done this, How've they stood up to the ice game? without actually holding the skate I have no clue
  11. I'm in the market for a new set of wheels, so I'm very interested on hearing how they fit/ perform
  12. those were AMAZING skates, pretty much wore mine out. Is that a coupon for "Oates to Neely to You"?
  13. those whalers 4-rolls are smexy
  14. is that newburyport? i think i've skated with you over in salem a few times during stick time
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