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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. 7 weeks, 5 days since the break. Doc says ankle isn’t healing because I’m not walking on it enough. Told him that only became bearable a few days ago. He would have none of it. Seeing him in another 3 weeks. He said he wants me walking out of the boot (just the brace) in 2. I asked for a note for a temp handicap permit. He said “3 weeks ago, sure. Now? No.” Awesome. FML.
  2. Saw ortho again today. Doc says ankle isn’t healing because I’m not walking on it enough. Told him that only became bearable a few days ago. he would have none of it. Seeing him in another 3 weeks. He said he wants me walking out of the boot (just the brace) in 2. I asked for a note for a temp handicap permit. He said “3 weeks ago, sure. Now? No.” Awesome. FML.
  3. It's a bit much in my opinion. The best thing about the older Nexus skates was how traditional looking they were.
  4. I've started trying to walk. Sort of. Still have the stupid boot on, and certainly can't take anything close to a full stride. Bad foot 6 inches forward, bring good foot beside it, repeat. The biggest problem im having right now is that the foot and ankle of my good leg is starting to hurt now just from over use. So much for getting back to normal in 8 weeks... I'm already into week 8.
  5. Anderson is a bit better of a situation as it was a bit of a toss up between him and Gibson for who was the better goalie. Like the Elliot and Allen situation. Martin Jones was an exception to rule though. But realistically goalies are always going to be a crapshoot. Really depends on a lot of things including the squad in front of them. I don't think anyone would have suggested Schneider wasn't good enough to be a number one, but instead he's floundering and Luongo is the one playing really well. Goalie moves like this are always going to be a "wait and see" thing. Impossible to predict.
  6. Speaking of ortho... I can stand on both legs now. Can't walk yet, but it's a start.
  7. New job is great so far*. I like the people I work with, the benefits are amazing (seriously, how often do you see places that have pensions in 2016?) and it's a 15 minute commute. No more flying all over the goddamn place. * Except for the laptop they gave me, but that's more for another "more whining than actually venting" post that I'll just not bother making.
  8. Dude this is amazing. I'm going to take a better look at it when I get home. BTW your input is always welcome. Even if you're not a beginner we're all more than happy to get some advice and suggestions from guys like you who have been doing this a long time. You saw me play at Winterfest, so you know what level I'm at. To be honest I was expecting that experience to be much MUCH worse! haha
  9. It's pretty much the only thing I still use FB for. Immediate family and GGSU (my family is thousands of miles away so it's a good way to stay in touch). They're idiots there, but lots of cheap gear to be had and contacts to be made.
  10. Yea. She increased the dose to 4 pills (10mg) for a couple days. Got it to 2.4. Backed it down to 3 pills the last couple days and its now holding steady. Now I only need to have blood tests done every 3 days instead of every day, so that's good. The original prescription (of 5mg) was calculated based on age, height and weight so that shouldn't have been a problem. But man, this stuff is serious business. I have a bruise on my arm from the tape holding the gauze on being slightly too tight. My belly is absolutely disgusting with the bruising from the lovenox injections. Thank god im done with those. They actually told me Monday I can stop taking them, so I actually still have one needle left. I was SO glad to not have to use it.
  11. Join GGSU on Facebook if you want to find cheap used gear. Those guys are ridiculous. They buy pro pads and sell them 3 months later to get something else.
  12. I like it. Better than Bernier, safer than Reimer. A big goalie who is quiet in the crease but still can make the "athletic" saves.
  13. I just drove a couple laps around the block! Still can't walk, but I can drive!
  14. Figured I'd post an update. I'm nearly done with the Lovenox injections, which is fantastic because my belly is bruised to hell at this point. The insides of both elbows are also a nice blue-green color too from the daily blood tests. My INR is still only 1.6 as of Friday. They increased my warfarin dose to 10mg a day (4pills) hoping it would be above 2.0 by Sunday (tomorrow). Ive been sleeping without my brace or boot, which the doctor said is okay. I slept in the brace the first night honestly just because I was afraid of having my ankle unprotected, but it was no issue so now I don't wear anything on my feet. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning because it was the most normal I've felt in over a month! My calf pain is nearly gone, and what's left I'm pretty sure is just muscular. The blood clot isn't causing any pain, swelling, heat, etc. anymore. My calf was rock hard non-stop for a few days there. Ive been doing my basic exercises. Moving my foot forwards and back has been okay. Definitely a loss of range of motion but it's not painful. Doing circles, on the other hand, is definitely uncomfortable. It almost feels like a bone is blocking it or something (though I know it's not actually). I actually get a bit of discomfort just above my INSIDE ankle while I do those. I also tried standing on two legs without my crutches. I got probably 25% of my weight onto my injured ankle when standing straight up. As far as walking, I'm having a hard time with it. Maybe 5% weight on my ankle. The biggest problem seems to actually be the shape of the boot. It's MUCH larger of a footprint than most boots you see, and very flat. I ordered another one on Amazon that is much more streamlined. It should be here later this week. The biggest issue at this point is actually that I start a new job on Monday, but can't drive. Uber is going to really add up quickly so I'm hoping to at least get to the point where I can drive somewhat quickly. There's no way in hell that I can drive my car because I simply wouldn't be able to get into it because it's so low (Porsche Cayman). I figured I'd try driving our Volvo XC90 (my goalie bag car!) because the seats are so tall so it would be easy to get in and out of, but the pedals are pretty stiff and the brake pedal sticks way out compared to the gas pedal, so that's not ideal either. I think my best bet is actually to drive my wife's car (Mercedes C400) because it's pedals are really easy to push, are nice and close together, and it's easy to get in and out of. I just need to give it a try. Maybe tomorrow. I was REALLY hoping to be walking in the boot by the time I started this job but it looks like that won't be the case :( If only I could have taken a week off between my old job and my new one, things would have been so much simpler. Funny, most other people would have taken time off if they broke their ankle, or developed a blood clot, or had a family member die, but that's just not an option for me. Even a couple days would have been so helpful, but nope. Im really looking forward to a job where i can completely check out when my shift is over... More updates to come!
  15. Very weird sleeping without a cast, splint, or brace on my foot. It's been a long time. It was wonderful.
  16. Ohhhh it's just pickup. Now it makes sense.
  17. Sorry, I'd just never seen a system like this.
  18. I wish that always worked :(
  19. Whatever works, I guess. Definitely wouldn't work for me.
  20. The team doesn't have a choice in what goalie they use?
  21. I would definitely not do that, it would change how my skates fit way too much. I got one of these and cut the bottom out of it so its basically just a 3" tall cuff. Been wearing that with my original Makos for years.
  22. Yea they gave me a whole list of stuff to avoid. They just called me to up my dosage again. Went from 1.0 to 1.1 to 1.3 since Monday. They need it between 2 and 3.
  23. Well, I got my cast off today. Doctor said it was healing nicely. About time I got some good news. I was given a walking boot as well as an ankle brace (to wear so I can drive) and a set of exercises to start working on ankle mobility. She said I can start beating weight while in the walking boot but only about 10% at this point, and to gradually increase. She he said most people wear the brace all the time even under the boot so you don't have to switch between them and just wear the boot when I'm walking. Unfortunately the calf pain from the blood clot makes moving my ankle pretty painful so that may have to wait until the thinners really start working. Baby steps...
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