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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I'm signing up for Laura Stamm but not sure what group to go in. They say adults should go in group B but most little kids skate better than me...
  2. Right, and I'm not sure I'm willing to buy a pair of gloves that I don't like the fit of just to see if baking them will help ;)
  3. I just meant I'm not sure if softening the materials would help them become comfortable, or whether it's just a fundamental design change that causes them to be uncomfortable to me. No way to know without trying it.
  4. Yea it does look like he's improved the stitching in some areas of high wear, among various other improvements. VH really seems like a work in progress to me (especially at first where some of the outer appearance changed completely). Personally I'm happy he's always making adjustments and improvements.
  5. I wonder if that would help the new Supreme glove fit at all. I was a big fan of the Supremes until the 2013 model came out. They felt really uncomfortable in the knuckle area. Gorgeous gloves though. I bought a pair of black and gold gloves for SummerJam last year that I didn't get to use :(
  6. I noticed a pretty significant nick on the side of my tendon guard after my game yesterday. Really makes you wonder....
  7. Holy moley! Tons of stuff added!
  8. A few reasons. I have two different sized feet and the Makos were kind of a last resort before going custom. I also have a bit of issue with my right big toe. If VH had been around when I got the Makos I'd have gotten them instead. I also had the mako bumps issue and while I think it's probably gone away, I still use the neoprene sleeve on my ankle just in case. I also still have some foot pain in them. Nowhere near as bad as in any other skate I've ever worn, but it still requires my lacing to be just right or else I'm skating in pain for most of the game (it seems to go away some time during the 2nd period). The mako has done me well, I'm quite happy with them overall... so that brings up my last reason: simply because I want them. :P
  9. First game of a best-of-3 championship finals. I gloved a high pass at our own blue line, dropped it down, and skated towards their end. 1-on-2, I managed to split the D-men, go right, and then cut in towards the net managing to get around the right side D-man who had come back. Cut in front of the net and backhanded the puck into the net, while falling. Oh my god. Would have been a highlight reel goal in the NHL, and coming from a guy who can barely skate it was huge. I wish I hadn't been so completely exhausted after it went in so I could enjoy it, I could barely skate back to the bench. That goal will never ever happen again for me. I'm still a bit in shock. That was the 3rd goal of our 7-1 win. Game 2 next weekend :)
  10. L, I believe. I'll check when I dig out all my extra gear tonight.
  11. Bauer Vapor core pads gone, and CCM CL shoulders have been gone for a while now. Will be updating with lots of new stuff. Would love to get rid of all the extra stuff I have.
  12. Agree completely, there so so much boot wrap that typing the laces tightly is unnecessary.
  13. Doesn't bother me any more than the guy wearing 69 or 00 who think they're clever.
  14. Well theres another rink about 40 mins away. Maybe I'll have to look there.
  15. I guess I'm done with hockey. For the 3rd straight season the team I was on is moving up a division and leaving me behind. This time, the league coordinator put me on another D6 team. Except they decided they don't want me and their roster suddenly filled up somehow. I have nowhere else to go, now. The other two teams in this division are already full (which is why I was placed on this one).
  16. Ask him anyway, if he has to make a new boot for you perhaps he could advance it to you? Worth asking, at least.
  17. Ordered "custom" Stevens ref pants. I truly don't have any idea what exactly makes them custom, since as far as I can tell for the extra $30 they're just an off-the-shelf size with the legs hemmed. They're like hammer pants, and now I'm stuck with them. I guess I could throw them on eBay and see if I can make ANY of my cash back. Blah.
  18. Haha well yea, the shagmate means you can't be at her beck and call when she needs something you would have previously done for her in an instant :) Oh, drama! haha (so happy to be married now...)
  19. Oh of course they love it, they have their own personal attendant who does anything and everything for them! I realized FAR too late in life that this was how it worked.
  20. Very good to know that's an option. I think I'll request that too. I wonder if Scott has a "hidden menu" of available custom options, or if its more just by request. Eg. I didn't know having your number embroidered was an option, either. mc88 those are FANTASTIC photos, and IMO you should send them to Scott to put on the VH website. They're seriously pro quality shots.
  21. Yup, exactly. As a dumb teen, I assumed "just friends" meant "try really hard and be super nice and go out of your way for them as much as you possibly can and maybe they will start to like you". Yea, dead wrong.
  22. God I wish I'd realized this when I was at that age. Would have wasted far less time in the friendzone.
  23. Yea that's basically my assumption. The liner feels wetter because it's not absorbing all the way in.
  24. You bring up some really good points, and I do agree with you and feel that these should be shown to Scott in the hopes that he will make a better effort going forward in his quality control. As a side note, as far as your stuff goes, I've ordered a good amount of stuff from you in the past and I can say it is above and beyond the quality expectations I could have possibly had going into the transactions. Truly could not be happier. Though at the same time, I do look at VH hockey skates as kind of a "beta" product, to use an analogy from MY world. Basically a hand made (but available to the masses) prototype (an alpha being a prototype not available to the masses). I don't know how accurate that is but to compare it to a product that I do own, I would have expected quality flaws like this in the MLX but definitely not in the Mako, if that makes sense. However, I could be TOTALLY wrong on that (the status of the VH skate in its product lifecycle). It's just the way I've viewed VH, personally, and I have lower standards and can accept more flaws in a beta product.
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