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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I'm leaning 65 anyway due to intermediate shaft dimensions. Thanks for the help, sir.
  2. Yes, I know the name. More looking for when I can get my hands on it...
  3. Any word on the new CCM stick Kadri is using? 2014 model? CCM has the current RBZ in 65 flex intermediate and 75 flex senior. I like my Warrior 70 flex intermediate. Which RBZ would I be better off with?
  4. What really? That was standard procedure at my old store. I thought everyone who wasn't cutting corners did it. Yep never, whether its my skates or I just happen to be in the store while somebody else is being fitted.
  5. I don't think I've EVER seen a shop pre-heat the skate oven.
  6. Tried them today. I think I would have liked them... but the price tag was just too high for me.
  7. I really hope that's not actually how you took that.
  8. Hah, I called it :) I just watched this hilarious video of a guy spraying his entire CAR with plastidip, so it was in my head as I saw those skates. Let us know how it holds up, superchad.
  9. I bet you could use automotive vinyl wrap or plastidip. Wouldnt be too durable, but might be worth a shot.
  10. I think he was referring to the all-black look instead of the fruity pebbles mako graphics :P EDIT: dammit he beat me to it.
  11. ^ At least I'm not a COMPLETE idiot
  12. upload to imgur.com and embed the picture in your post.
  13. I did at winterfest. I hated them. They somehow felt totally different. I got a PM from Bauer after I posted earlier about them, that apparently the ones at WF weren't he final versions. I promised to try on a pair next time I see some in a store, once they come out. Still haven't been to a store since then, though. Hopefully they did indeed fix them.
  14. I know. Apologies if I worded that poorly to make you believe I thought otherwise.
  15. I honestly thought ibeck was being sarcastic... heh.
  16. Well that puts customs out of the question then. Oh well. Ah maybe not... N1000 same price as Makos. Just the custom will be extra.
  17. Finally read through this entire thread, now that I'm seriously considering customs if the Makos don't work for me. What is the minimum model Nexus to get customs in? Will they do Nexus 800? Does anyone have any experience with the shops in SoCal? Specifically HockeyMonkey? As mentioned a few times in this thread, it's one thing to find a retailer that will do customs, but it's another to find one that really knows what they're doing :)
  18. So would that make them possibly another prototype that may go the same route as the MLX at some point?
  19. New items have been added. Help me fund my new skates!! Thinking of dropping all this on ebay also for a few bucks extra (would rather sell to MSH members). I'd just cancel the auctions if somebody buys here.
  20. I agree, I generally aim to find a hotel with a fridge and microwave. Or even better, a stovetop (Hyatt House is my preferred hotel). Then I hit a grocery store or at worst a target and get food for the week. Generally though my first night in a hotel is pizza just because I get in so late, but I try to make up for it the rest of the week.
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