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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Allowing families though the first class security lines makes my blood boil.
  2. I have never in my life seen somebody so obsessed with one player :)
  3. So are these in stores now? Krev you pre-ordered didn't you?
  4. Interesting that you went a full size up between the MLX and the Mako.
  5. Oh, youre in ON? Which school did you go to? I was at Georgian for 3 years (this isnt the experience I mentioned above, I actually finished the Georgian program).
  6. Does anyone know if the new monkey store does FBV? OR anaheim ice?
  7. I'm sorry :) I was actually going for an EET degree. I worked at a university and got free tuition for 2 classes per semester. It just wasn't worth the time and effort for a "for fun" degree that had no real use for me. Sure let me come home everyday from my career job to do hours of homework for something that im only taking because its free. Hells. No. That didn't last long :)
  8. I had to take a sociology class once. It was terrible. I didn't mind psychology so much, but sociology was absolutely painful. Glad I didn't bother with school for long :)
  9. Glad you finally got yours :)
  10. X:60 Adjustable Core Pad added.
  11. There ya go! I already bought two extra pairs to ensure I'd be set for elbows for the forseeable future :)
  12. If you're looking for elbows, get a pair of Projekts before they become hard to find!!
  13. That's somewhat promising, since I'm currently in RBKs. Cant wait to try a pair!
  14. Oh no question. Bozak just stood there complaining as the goal was scored. Can't fault Montreal in any way for that play. Fraser made some good commentary on it. Overall though, the number of players being thrown out of faceoff circles this year is becoming a bit absurd. If they'd just drop the puck the moment both players are set, there would be no issue. It's almost like they're toying with the players to see who will move first.
  15. sharks25: that is beautiful. I'm not usually a big fan of sporty BMWs (black wheels, etc) but that one is sharp. I like the clear/blacked out front signals. greech: zomg that is sexy. Just a BIT of an upgrade ;) Congrats! Is that space gray?
  16. I actually love this idea. I think people would get a real kick out of it.
  17. Bauers top end skates are all about $800 also.
  18. I drove the non-turbo cooper as a rental once. Was gutless, as you'd expect. But you could really tell that the turbo version would be a whole hell of a lot of fun. They're also made by BMW (you can tell by some of the recycled interior parts). I'd drive one.
  19. Do you think somebody in a pair of Nexus might fit into these things? I'm not sure how the fit compares.
  20. DROP THE DAMN PUCK! My god linesmen are getting on my nerves this season.
  21. My hockey bag fits. That's all that matters, right? :)
  22. I guess I can see that. Though a whole hell of a lot better than they were prior to 2012.
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