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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I back a lot of them. Some do well, some take forever with endless delays, and some never happen. Then there are the people who ask for refunds when there are delays. Those people don’t understand crowdfunding. Kickstarter is not a shopping site.
  2. Had some jackass hit my wife’s one week old car on my way to hockey last night. We won 7-2, so I have that going for me which is nice.
  3. Never owned Mako2. Only had the originals. From what I’ve read on here though there isn’t all that much of a difference.
  4. Good luck. I found some 8.5D M7 on SidelineSwap for almost retail. I gladly paid it though.
  5. Probably. They aren't that much heavier. They also feel "clunky" because they wrap the foot so well with no negative space at all, which may feel weird to people. I always describe them as a perfectly fitting pair of hiking boots. A nice even pressure all the way around the foot. Also, feeling slower and being slower are two different things. I imagine more effortless skating is certainly going to feel slower, too. I'd give him time to adapt before jumping ship.
  6. That’s interesting because I went from Mako to VH and it felt very natural. Like an evolution. Very similar feel.
  7. Another defenceman down for two months minimum. Looks like we're not going to stop losing any time soon.
  8. Here's a GIF. And I agree, it's tame by his standards. But that's not saying much. I'm not even going to compare it to what Wilson did - it's not even in the same realm.
  9. Not sure what you were watching, but he actually still had his gloves on and was not even remotely squared up.
  10. For once I don't see much happening with Marchand on this. It was dirty, as usual, but I could see a fine - at most.
  11. They don’t do it in tan anymore I don’t think. The black is the same thing, just colored.
  12. NHL Player Safety Video: https://www.nhl.com/video/wilson-suspended-20-games/t-277440360/c-61556003
  13. Is kydex sufficient for shotblockers? Is it the same material CSW is using, or similar?
  14. Check out their site, they actually still make old 1970s style custom pads! It’s crazy. Do they need to pay licensing for C/A since they’re covered up?
  15. Likely true. And these are definitely a smaller profile than most others. I’m a huge fan of the red regulations!
  16. Kenesky has been posting a bunch of photos of their chest protectors going out to NHL goalies for this season. Is this their first year in the NHL? I don't think I've ever seen an NHL goalie (at least in the last bunch of years) wearing one. They said they aren't available to the public yet but will be eventually. I think they actually look pretty good. They seem to have two different models based on the photos.
  17. First round of our playoffs. Ended up with a 5-2 win.
  18. For us, I think it’s great because they’re so damn nice. I wonder what Hurricanes fans think about it though.
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