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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


Principal Wizard
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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. The boot strap is specially designed to make your pads not rotate at all. That’s why anyone who has them wears them so loose they aren’t even doing anything. Prolaces are the best option for toe ties.
  2. Usually something too tight. Also if you’re using lace toe ties you should probably ditch them for some sort of elastic.
  3. When that information becomes public we will let you know.
  4. Oh baby everything about this setup screams sexy.
  5. Looks like it was just an unlucky play.
  6. Went on our longest hike yet. 10+ miles up a mountain (2300’ increase up to about 8900’). The top 1/3 or so was in snow and we had to wear spikes on our boots. Walking almost nonstop for 6.5 hours! Amazing views!
  7. Oh I would definitely not avoid buying them based on this thread, that’s for sure. It was just a coincidence I noticed. As for the tightness, definitely the opposite. I barely have to tighten my laces at all for the first 4-5 eyelets. They’re just barely taught in that area.
  8. Tron are fine for that purpose though I’d never give them my money. I ended up buying a CCM one when I got my new helmet. It has this nice little cover that just goes on the visor itself. Assuming you don’t mind buying from Tron, they’re fine.
  9. Playing the top seeded Predators, who have only lost a handful of games over the last three seasons and have given up less than a goal per game. They had two players who shouldn't be in our division. One of them was ejected during the third period for homophobic slurs. Huge credit to the referee, who was clearly a beginner, for having the guts to toss him. You hear it once in the video, but the tirade doesn't end there and he continues to say it on the way to the penalty box before being ultimately sent off.
  10. Does anyone else find it odd that with a 3D scan of your feet they seem to have so many issues, yet they were able to nail it back when you just sent them an outline and some photos?
  11. IPv6Freely

    Save the date

    Either way I'm in!
  12. I love playing with my team... when they show up. The room is definitely not an issue for me.
  13. Yep. Jumping a guy from behind and just throwing punches like that.
  14. Hopefully the league comes calling about Tom Wilson again
  15. IPv6Freely

    MSH Merchandise

    Large. I’d say fits as expected. Keep in mind I’m 60lbs lighter than the last time you saw me if you’re trying to make a comparison lol.
  16. IPv6Freely

    MSH Merchandise

    Just ordered a tshirt and a polo. Prices are actually really reasonable IMO!
  17. IPv6Freely

    MSH Merchandise

    Awesome. Definitely getting a couple things!
  18. IPv6Freely

    MSH Merchandise

    For anyone curious, he’s not kidding. They have everything you could imagine from shirts to sweats to golf bags and baseball cleats. You get awesome swag and help the site in the process!
  19. Indeed - since we moved to the new forum version there is little reason to have any sort of app (or use any sort of 3rd party service like we used to long ago). The mobile site is way WAY better than I had expected it to be, actually. I was one of the people that bitched when we dumped Tapatalk, too.
  20. What about a section where members can post reviews on LHS, vendors (jerseys, for example) etc?
  21. Interviews with mfgr reps would be cool too, especially if we could get exclusive scoops on new product! lol
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